\documentclass[12pt]{article} \author{Claudio Maggioni \and Tommaso Rodolfo Masera} \title{\textbf{Computer Architecture:} \linebreak \LARGE Assignment 9} \date{} \begin{document} \maketitle \section{Question 1} \large Please refer to the attached \texttt{maggioni\ rodolfo\ masera-9-1.jas} file for the solution to the first question.\footnote{Feel free to refer to the \texttt{ex1.py} file for a higher level interpretation of the same code.} \section{Question 2} \large Please refer to the attached \texttt{maggioni\ rodolfo\ masera-9-2.mal} and \texttt{ijvm.conf} files for solution to the second question. \section{Question 3} \large Please refer to the attached \texttt{maggioni\ rodolfo\ masera-9-3.jas} file for the solution to the third question. \end{document}