/* Child process for syn-rw. Reads from a file created by our parent process, which is growing it. We loop until we've read the whole file successfully. Many iterations through the loop will return 0 bytes, because the file has not grown in the meantime. That is, we are "busy waiting" for the file to grow. (This test could be improved by adding a "yield" system call and calling yield whenever we receive a 0-byte read.) */ #include #include #include #include "tests/filesys/extended/syn-rw.h" #include "tests/lib.h" const char *test_name = "child-syn-rw"; static char buf1[BUF_SIZE]; static char buf2[BUF_SIZE]; int main (int argc, const char *argv[]) { int child_idx; int fd; size_t ofs; quiet = true; CHECK (argc == 2, "argc must be 2, actually %d", argc); child_idx = atoi (argv[1]); random_init (0); random_bytes (buf1, sizeof buf1); CHECK ((fd = open (file_name)) > 1, "open \"%s\"", file_name); ofs = 0; while (ofs < sizeof buf2) { int bytes_read = read (fd, buf2 + ofs, sizeof buf2 - ofs); CHECK (bytes_read >= -1 && bytes_read <= (int) (sizeof buf2 - ofs), "%zu-byte read on \"%s\" returned invalid value of %d", sizeof buf2 - ofs, file_name, bytes_read); if (bytes_read > 0) { compare_bytes (buf2 + ofs, buf1 + ofs, bytes_read, ofs, file_name); ofs += bytes_read; } } close (fd); return child_idx; }