from src import * from concorde.tsp import TSPSolver def run(show_plots=False): # names = [name_ for name_ in os.listdir("./problems") if "tsp" in name_] names = ["ch130.tsp"] for name in names: print("\n\n#############################") filename = f"problems/{name}" instance = Instance(filename) instance.print_info() if show_plots: instance.plot_data() solver = TSPSolver.from_data( instance.points[:, 1]*100, instance.points[:, 2]*100, norm="EUC_2D" ) solution = solver.solve(verbose=False) tour_opt = np.copy(solution.tour) for method in ["random", "nearest_neighbors", "best_nn"]: solver = Solver_TSP(method) solver(instance, return_value=False) print(f"the total length for the solution found is {solver.found_length}", f"while the optimal length is {instance.best_sol}", f"the gap is {} %", sep="\n") if show_plots: solver.plot_solution() solver.method = "optimal" solver.solution = np.concatenate([tour_opt, [tour_opt[0]]]) solver.solved = True solver.plot_solution() print(solver.evaluate_solution(return_value=True)) if __name__ == '__main__': run(show_plots=True)