hw1: done

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Claudio Maggioni 2022-09-21 18:10:58 +02:00
commit a912d72179
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% vim: set ts=2 sw=2 et tw=80:
\title{Howework 1 -- Advanced Java Programming}
\author{Claudio Maggioni}
\section{Exercise A}
1: True
2: False (Required only if the class implements Comparable)
3: True
4: False (== for objects checks for reference equality)
5: False (it is indeed implemented by default - i.e.~in Object, but
the default implementation checks reference equality only)
6: False (a child class of Tiger may include additional fields that
are mutable. However, all properties and behaviour accessible via a
reference of Tiger type is immutable)
7: False (the class is not public)
8: False (classes in the same package can read the name field)
9: True (the constructor to implement must explicitly call Tiger's
constructor with super)
10: False (the declared type is Number, the runtime type is Integer)
\section{Exercise B}
1: False (the only `collection' data structure based over an unboxed
primitive type is the array)
2: True (if the hashCode() return value changes after the mutation then the
implementation of hashMap is unable to recognize it was inserted previously)
3: True
4: True
5: False (finally blocks are always evaluated)
\section{Exercise C}
\item 1: True
\item 2: False
\item 3: True
\item 4: True (more precisely, double dispatch or 'virtual table' invocations
are used only for invoking the method in the class matching the object's
dynamic type)
\item 5: True (as the method called depends on the runtime or dynamic type of
the caller object)