
261 lines
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package ch.usi.inf.ajp22;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.BinaryOperator;
import java.util.function.IntFunction;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
public class Main {
* 3 Points
* TODO: create a public static Album method called "longestTitle".
* If the maximum is not found throw a RuntimeException.
* input: a list of Album
* output: the Album with the longest title.
* 4 Points
* TODO: create a public static int method called "sumOfRatingReduce".
* input: an Album instance.
* output: int that is the sum of all the tracks ratings in the album.
* Use the method getTracks from the Album class to get the List of tracks.
* You MUST use the reduce method, in the variant which takes as input an identity, an accumulator and a combiner.
* If possible use method references.
* 4 Points
* TODO: create a public static int method called "sumOfRatingCollection".
* input: an Album instance.
* output: int that is the sum of all the tracks ratings in the album
* Use the method getTracks from the Album class to get the List of tracks.
* You MUST use one variant of the collect method. If possible use method references.
* 4 Points
* TODO: create a public static int method called "sumOfRatingMap"
* input: an ch.usi.inf.ajp22.Album instance.
* output: int that is the sum of all the tracks ratings in the album.
* Use the method getTracks from the Album class to get the List of tracks.
* You MUST use the mapToInt method. If possible use method references.
* 4 Points
* TODO: create a public static Map<String, Long> method called "countTrackOccurrence"
* input: a list of Track
* output: a Map<String, Long> where the key is the track title and the value is, how many times
* the same song occurs in the list.
* Two songs can be considered the same if they have the same title.
* 4 Points
* TODO: create a public static Map<Artist, List<Album>> method called "groupAlbumByArtist".
* input: a list of Album
* output: a Map<Artist, List<Album>> where the key is an Artist and the value is a List of Album which
* this artist had produced.
* 4 Points
* TODO: create a public static List<Track> method called "trackFilteredWithPredicate".
* input: a stream of tracks and a predicate to apply to the track stream.
* output: a List of Track that has been filtered according to the predicate taken as input.
* 5 Points
* TODO: create a public static Stream<Album> method called getAlbumWithAtLeastNTracks
* input: a list of Album AND an int called "n"
* output: a List<Album> where every album in this stream has at least "n" tracks.
* 5 Points
* TODO: create a public static void method called "printTrackStatistics".
* input: an Album instance
* Print Track Statistics based on the length of the tracks of an album taken as input in the following format:
* ===
* "Stat for: %s\n", album.getTitle())
* "Max: %d\nMin: %d\nAve: %f\n"
* ===
* Use the method getTracks from the Album class to get the List of tracks.
* Input: an Album
* 5 Points
* TODO: create a public static String method called "getArtistNameAndNickNameFromAlbum".
* Each author should appear only once.
* input: a list of Album
* output: a String in the following format:
* [artist1.name - artist1.nickname, artist2.name - artist2.nickname, ...]
* 5 Points
* TODO: create a public Track method called "combineAllTrackInAlbum"
* input: a stream of track
* output: return a new ch.usi.inf.ajp22.Track with the following values:
* title -> "fake title"
* releaseDate -> LocaleDate.now()
* genre -> DISCO
* length -> the sum of all the lengths in the input track stream.
* The pipeline processing must be done in parallel.
* You MUST use the collect method, in the variant which takes as input a supplier, an accumulator and a
* combiner.
* 5 Points
* TODO: create a public static Map<Artist, List<Track>> method called "groupTrackByArtist".
* input: a list of Album
* output: a Map<Artist, List<Track>> where the key is an Artist and the value is a List of Track which
* this artist had produced.
* 5 Bonus Points
* TODO: create a public static <T> T[] method called "createArray".
* This method must create a generic array where the elements are in the same order as in the
* input Collection.
* In this function you need neither streams nor lambda.
* input: a Collection<T> and an IntFunction<T[]>
* output: an array of generic type
private static void writeToFile(String s) throws IOException {
BufferedWriter fw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("artist.txt", true));
public static void main(String[] args) {
Random random = new Random();
* Initializing some SampleData
.getTracks().forEach(track ->
.getTracks().forEach(track ->
* 2 Points
* TODO: Replace the Anonymous class below with a lambda expression.
BinaryOperator<Track> mixTrack = new BinaryOperator<>() {
public Track apply(Track t1, Track t2) {
return new Track(t1.getTitle(),
* 3 Points
* TODO: Create a stream pipeline that:
* 1) filter all the tracks that have at least 4 as rating
* 2) sort the filtered tracks using the title field
* 3) print the tracks
* 4 Points
* TODO: Print on file the artist's name, obtained with the method SampleData.getArtistList(),
* using the writeToFile method. Use a lambda expression and handle
* the throw exception from the writeToFile method. If there is an IOException you must throw a
* RuntimeException with the same event.
System.out.printf("Longest track in %s is %s\n",
SampleData.appetiteForDestruction.searchLongestSong().isPresent() ?
SampleData.appetiteForDestruction.searchLongestSong().get().getTitle() :
"Not found");
System.out.printf("Ordered song in %s\n",
System.out.print("Tot rating for:\n" + SampleData.appetiteForDestruction.getTitle());
System.out.printf("\ttot rating (Reduce): %d\n", sumOfRatingReduce(SampleData.appetiteForDestruction));
System.out.printf("\ttot rating (Collection): %d\n", sumOfRatingCollection(SampleData.appetiteForDestruction));
System.out.printf("\ttot rating (mapToInt): %d\n", sumOfRatingMap(SampleData.appetiteForDestruction));
System.out.println("Tot occurrence in the following list are\n");
Map<String, Long> titleOccurrence = countTrackOccurrence(SampleData.getRepeatedTrack());
for (Map.Entry<String, Long> entry : titleOccurrence.entrySet()) {
System.out.printf("Title: %s occurrence: %d\n",
entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
Map<Artist, List<Album>> artistListMap = groupAlbumByArtist(SampleData.getAlbumList());
for (Map.Entry<Artist, List<Album>> entry : artistListMap.entrySet()) {
System.out.println("ch.usi.inf.ajp22.Artist: " + entry.getKey().getName());
for (Album album : entry.getValue()) {
System.out.println("\t" + album.getTitle());
Map<Artist, List<Track>> artistListMap1 = groupTrackByArtist(SampleData.getAlbumList());
for (Map.Entry<Artist, List<Track>> entry : artistListMap1.entrySet()) {
System.out.println("ch.usi.inf.ajp22.Artist: " + entry.getKey().getName());
for (Track track: entry.getValue()) {
System.out.println("\t" + track.toString());
List<Track> trackPOPinGuns = trackFilteredWithPredicate(SampleData.appetiteForDestruction.getTracks().stream()
,(t -> !t.getGenre().equals(Track.Genre.HIP_HOP)));
getAlbumWithAtLeastNTracks(SampleData.getAlbumList(), 3)
System.out.println("Getting artist name " + getArtistNameAndNickNameFromAlbum(SampleData.getAlbumList()));
System.out.println("ch.usi.inf.ajp22.Album with the longest name is " + longestTitle(SampleData.getAlbumList()));
Album[] albumsArray = createArray(SampleData.getAlbumList(), Album[]::new);
System.out.println("ch.usi.inf.ajp22.Album array");
for (int i = 0; i < albumsArray.length; i++) {
Track combinedTrack = combineAllTrackInAlbum(SampleData.appetiteForDestruction.getTracks().stream());