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Therefore, the total cost is $\theta(n log(n))$. + +\begin{lstlisting}[caption=Sum of two in pseudocode, label={lst:sum2}] +FUNCTION SUM-OF-TWO(A, s): + A $\gets$ mergesort(A) + i $\gets$ 1 + j $\gets$ A.length + + while i < j: + sum $\gets$ $A_i$ + $A_j$ + if sum = s: + return TRUE + elif sum > s: + j $\gets$ j - 1 + else: + i $\gets$ i + 1 + + return FALSE +\end{lstlisting} + +\subsection{Exercise b} +The pseudocode for \textit{Sum of three} can be found in listing \ref{lst:sum3}. +\textsc{search-two} has a time cost of $O(n)$ in the worst case (if no elements +are found), and the loop of \textsc{search} has an added cost of $O(n)$. The +total cost in the worst case then, including mergesort, is $n^2 + n log(n) += \theta(n^2)$. + +\begin{lstlisting}[caption=Sum of three in pseudocode, label={lst:sum3}] +FUNCTION SEARCH-TWO(A, sum2, i_skip): + i $\gets$ 1 + j $\gets$ A.length + + while i < j: + if i = i_skip: + i $\gets$ i + 1 + elif j = i_skip: + j $\gets$ j - 1 + else: + sum $\gets$ $A_i$ + $A_j$ + if sum = sum2: + return TRUE + elif sum > sum2: + j $\gets$ j - 1 + else: + i $\gets$ i + 1 + + return FALSE + +FUNCTION SUM-OF-THREE(A, s): + A $\gets$ mergesort(A) + l $\gets$ A.length + + for i from 1 to l: + if SEARCH-TWO(A, s - $A_i$, i): + return TRUE + + return FALSE +\end{lstlisting} + +\subsection{Exercise c} +The \textit{Python} code used to implement \textit{Sum of three} can be found in +the listing \ref{lst:sum3py}. + +\begin{lstlisting}[caption=Sum of three in Python, label={lst:sum3py},% +language=python] +#!/usr/bin/env python3 + +import sys + +def search_two(A, sum2, i_skip): + i = 0 + j = len(A) - 1 + + while i < j: + if i == i_skip: + i = i + 1 + elif j == i_skip: + j = j - 1 + else: + cs = A[i] + A[j] + if cs == sum2: + return True + elif cs > sum2: + j = j - 1 + else: + i = i + 1 + + return False + +def sum_of_three(A, sum3): + A.sort() # assume using mergesort for worst case of O(n*log(n)) + l = len(A) + + for i in range(l): + if search_two(A, sum3 - A[i], i): + return True + + return False + +if __name__ == "__main__": + args = [int(x) for x in sys.argv[1:]] + print(sum_of_three(args[1:], args[0])) +\end{lstlisting} +\end{document}