2019-04-04 in class

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Claudio Maggioni 2019-04-04 13:38:48 +02:00
parent 4a2d768b07
commit b3ce28dceb
1 changed files with 52 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -173,7 +173,58 @@ Queue has always 1 cell free to avoid confusion with full/empty
Data structure for fast search
A way to implement a dictionary is a *Direct-access table*
## API of dictionary
- `Insert(D, k)` insert a ket `k` to dictionary `D`
- `Delete(D, k)` removes key `k`
- `Search(D, k)` tells whether `D` contains a key `k`
Many different implementations
## Direct-access table
Implementation of dictionary
- universe of keys = {1,2,...,M}
- array `T` of size M
- each key has its own position in T
def Insert(D, x):
D[x] == True
def Delete(D, x):
D[x] == False
def Search(D, k):
return D[x]
Everything is O(1), but memory complexity is awful.
Solve this by mapping keys to smaller keys using an hash function.
Table T is a table many times smaller than the universe and different by a small
constant factor from the set of keys stored S.
Instead of using keys directly, the index returned by the hash function is used.
**Pigeon hole problem:** More keys (pigeons) in the universe than holes (indexes
for table t)
### Solution
For every cell in table T don't store True/False but a linked list of keys for
each index in the table. This is called *Chained hash table*.
def Chained_hash_insert(T, k):
return List_insert(T[hash(k)], k)
def Chained_hash_search(T, k):
return List_search(T[hash(k)], k)