% vim: set ts=2 sw=2 tw=80 et: \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage[margin=3cm]{geometry} \usepackage{xcolor} \usepackage{lmodern} \usepackage{listings} \title{Graded Assignment 3 -- DSA} \author{Claudio Maggioni} \setlength{\parindent}{0cm} % listings configuration \lstset{ basicstyle=\small\ttfamily, frame=shadowbox, rulesepcolor=\color{black}, columns=fullflexible, commentstyle=\color{gray}, keywordstyle=\bfseries, keywords={,while,if,elif,else,FUNCTION,return,for,from,to,TRUE,FALSE}, mathescape=true, aboveskip=2em, captionpos=b, abovecaptionskip=1em, belowcaptionskip=1em } \begin{document} \maketitle \tableofcontents \lstlistoflistings \newpage \section{Exercise 1} {\small\ttfamily \begin{verbatim} 12 Insert 6: 12 / 6 Insert 1: 12 / 6 / 1 Insert 7: 12 /// 6 / \ 1 7 Insert 4: 12 /// 6 /// \ 1 7 \ 4 Insert 11: 12 ////// 6 /// \ 1 7 \ \ 4 11 Insert 15: 12 ////// \ 6 15 /// \ 1 7 \ \ 4 11 Insert 9: 12 //////// \ 6 15 /// \ 1 7 \ \\\ 4 11 / 9 Insert 5: 12 //////// \ 6 15 ///// \ 1 7 \ \\\ 4 11 \ / 5 9 Insert 13: 12 //////// \\\\ 6 15 ///// \ / 1 7 13 \ \\\ 4 11 \ / 5 9 Insert 8: 12 ////////// \\\\ 6 15 ///// \ / 1 7 13 \ \\\\\ 4 11 \ / 5 9 / 8 Insert 14: 12 ////////// \\\\\\\ 6 15 ///// \ //// 1 7 13 \ \\\\\ \ 4 11 14 \ / 5 9 / 8 Insert 3: 12 ////////// \\\\\\\ 6 15 /////// \ //// 1 7 13 \\\ \\\\\ \ 4 11 14 / \ / 3 5 9 / 8 Insert 10: 12 ///////////// \\\\\\\ 6 15 /////// \ //// 1 7 13 \\\ \\\\\\\\ \ 4 11 14 / \ //// 3 5 9 / \ 8 10 Insert 2: 12 ///////////// \\\\\\\ 6 15 ///////// \ //// 1 7 13 \\\\\ \\\\\\\\ \ 4 11 14 / \ //// 3 5 9 / / \ 2 8 10 Delete 6: 12 /////////// \\\\\\\ 7 15 ///////// \\\\\\\\ //// 1 11 13 \\\\\ //// \ 4 9 14 / \ / \ 3 5 8 10 / 2 Delete 2: 12 /////////// \\\\\\\ 7 15 /////// \\\\\\\\ //// 1 11 13 \\\ //// \ 4 9 14 / \ / \ 3 5 8 10 Delete 12: 15 //// 13 /////////// \ 7 14 /////// \\\\\\\\ 1 11 \\\ //// 4 9 / \ / \ 3 5 8 10 \end{verbatim} } The following printout was obtained by running the following BST implementation.with the following command: \begin{verbatim} ./tree.py 12 6 1 7 4 11 15 9 5 13 8 14 3 10 2 \| 6 2 12 \end{verbatim} \begin{lstlisting}[caption=BST implementation, language=python] #!/usr/bin/env python3 # $\textbf{\color{red}vim}$: set ts=2 sw=2 et tw=80: import sys class Node: def __init__(self, k): self.key = k self.left = None self.right = None self.parent = None def set_left(self, kNode): kNode.parent = self self.left = kNode def set_right(self, kNode): kNode.parent = self self.right = kNode def search(tree, k): if tree is None: return None elif tree.key == k: return tree elif k < tree.key: return search(tree.left, k) else: return search(tree.right, k) def insert(t, k): insert_node(t, Node(k)) def insert_node(t, node): if node.key < t.key: if t.left is None: t.set_left(node) else: insert_node(t.left, node) else: if t.right is None: t.set_right(node) else: insert_node(t.right, node) def root_insert(t, k): if t is None: return k if k.key > t.key: t.set_right(root_insert(t.right, k)) return left_rotate(t) else: t.set_left(root_insert(t.left, k)) return right_rotate(t) def unlink_me(node, to_link): if node.parent == None: tr = node node.key = to_link.key node.left = to_link.left node.right = to_link.right return node elif node.parent.left == node: node.parent.left = to_link return to_link else: node.parent.right = to_link return to_link def delete(t, k): to_delete = search(t, k) if to_delete is None: return elif to_delete.left is None: unlink_me(to_delete, to_delete.right) elif to_delete.right is None: unlink_me(to_delete, to_delete.left) else: if abs(to_delete.left.key - to_delete.key) < abs(to_delete.right.key - to_delete.key): ins = to_delete.right new_branch = unlink_me(to_delete, to_delete.left) insert_node(new_branch, ins) else: ins = to_delete.left new_branch = unlink_me(to_delete, to_delete.right) insert_node(new_branch, ins) if __name__ == "__main__": args = [x for x in sys.argv[1:]] T = Node(int(args[0])) for i in range(1, len(args)): if args[i] == '|': break print_tree(T) print("\nInsert " + str(args[i]) + ":") insert(T, int(args[i])) for i in range(i+1, len(args)): print_tree(T) print("\nDelete " + str(args[i]) + ":") delete(T, int(args[i])) print_tree(T) \end{lstlisting} \section{Exercise 2} \subsection{Point A} {\small\ttfamily \begin{verbatim} 12B Insert 6: 12B / 6R Insert 1: 6B / \ 1R 12R Insert 7: 6B / \\\\ 1B 12B / 7R Insert 4: 6B //// \\\\ 1B 12B \ / 4R 7R Insert 11: 6B //// \\\\ 1B 11B \ / \ 4R 7R 12R Insert 15: 6B //// \\\\ 1B 11R \ / \ 4R 7B 12B \ 15R Insert 9: 6B //// \\\\\\\ 1B 11R \ //// \ 4R 7B 12B \ \ 9R 15R Insert 5: 6B //// \\\\\\\ 4B 11R / \ //// \ 1R 5R 7B 12B \ \ 9R 15R Insert 13: 6B //// \\\\\\\ 4B 11R / \ //// \\\\\ 1R 5R 7B 13B \ / \ 9R 12R 15R Insert 8: 6B //// \\\\\\\\\\ 4B 11R / \ //// \\\\\ 1R 5R 8B 13B / \ / \ 7R 9R 12R 15R Insert 14: 11B ////////// \\\\\ 6R 13R //// \\\\ / \\\\\ 4B 8B 12B 15B / \ / \ / 1R 5R 7R 9R 14R Insert 3: 11B ////////// \\\\\ 6B 13B //// \\\\ / \\\\\ 4R 8B 12B 15B //// \ / \ / 1B 5B 7R 9R 14R \ 3R Insert 10: 11B ////////////// \\\\\ 6B 13B //// \\\\ / \\\\\ 4R 8R 12B 15B //// \ / \ / 1B 5B 7B 9B 14R \ \ 3R 10R Insert 2: 11B ////////////// \\\\\ 6B 13B //// \\\\ / \\\\\ 4R 8R 12B 15B //// \ / \ / 2B 5B 7B 9B 14R / \ \ 1R 3R 10R \end{verbatim}% }% % Assume every empty branch has as a child a black leaf node. The following printout was generated by this red-black tree implementation in python with the following command: \begin{verbatim} python3 redblack.py 12 6 1 7 4 11 15 9 5 13 8 14 3 10 2 \end{verbatim} \begin{lstlisting}[caption=Red-black tree implementation, language=python] #!/usr/bin/env python3 # $\textbf{\color{red}vim}$: set ts=2 sw=2 et tw=80: import sys class Tree: def __init__(self, root): self.root = root root.parent = self def set_root(self, root): self.root = root root.parent = self class Node: def __init__(self, k): self.key = k self.isBlack = True self.left = None self.right = None self.parent = None def set_left(self, kNode): if kNode is not None: kNode.parent = self self.left = kNode def set_right(self, kNode): if kNode is not None: kNode.parent = self self.right = kNode def is_black(node): return node is None or node.isBlack def insert(tree, node): y = None x = tree # Imperatively find place to insert node while x is not None: y = x if node.key < x.key: x = x.left else: x = x.right node.parent = y if y is None: tree = node elif node.key < y.key: y.left = node else: y.right = node node.isBlack = False insert_fixup(tree, node) def sibling(node): if node.parent.left is node: return node.parent.right else: return node.parent.left def uncle(node): return sibling(node.parent) def right_rotate(x): p = x.parent t = x.left x.set_left(t.right) t.set_right(x) if isinstance(p, Tree): p.set_root(t) elif p.left is x: p.set_left(t) else: p.set_right(t) def left_rotate(x): p = x.parent t = x.right x.set_right(t.left) t.set_left(x) if isinstance(p, Tree): p.set_root(t) elif p.left is x: p.set_left(t) else: p.set_right(t) def insert_fixup(tree, node): if isinstance(node.parent, Tree): # if root node.isBlack = True elif is_black(node.parent): # no fixup needed pass elif not isinstance(node.parent.parent, Tree) and not is_black(uncle(node)): node.parent.parent.isBlack = False node.parent.isBlack = True if sibling(node.parent) is not None: sibling(node.parent).isBlack = True insert_fixup(tree, node.parent.parent) else: if node.parent.parent.left is node.parent: if node.parent.right is node: left_rotate(node.parent) node = node.left right_rotate(node.parent.parent) else: if node.parent.left is node: right_rotate(node.parent) node = node.right left_rotate(node.parent.parent) node.parent.isBlack = True if sibling(node) is not None: sibling(node).isBlack = False if __name__ == "__main__": args = [x for x in sys.argv[1:]] T = Tree(Node(int(args[0]))) for i in range(1, len(args)): print_tree(T.root) print("\nInsert " + str(args[i]) + ":") insert(T.root, Node(int(args[i]))) print_tree(T.root) \end{lstlisting} \subsection{Point B} A red-black tree of n distinct elements has an height between $\log(n)$ and $2\log(n)$ (as professor Carzaniga said in class) thanks to the red-black tree invariant. The worst-case insertion complexity is $\log(n)$ since finding the right place to insert is as complex as a regular tree (i.e. logarithmic) and the ``fixup'' operation is logarithmic as well (the tree traversal is logarithmic while operations in each iteration are constant). In asymptotic terms, the uneven height of leaves in the tree does not make a difference since it is a constant factor (since the maximum height is $2\log(n)$ and the minimum one is $\log(n)$. \section{Exercise 3} \begin{lstlisting}[caption=Solution for exercise 3, label={lst:ex3}] FUNCTION JOIN-INTERVALS(X) if X.length == 0: return for i from 1 to X.length: if i % 2 == 1: X[i] $\gets$ (X[i], 1) else: X[i] $\gets$ (X[i], -1) $\textit{sort X in place by 1st tuple element in O(n log(n))}$ c $\gets$ 1 n $\gets$ 0 start $\gets$ X[i][1] for i from 2 to X.length: c $\gets$ c + X[i][2] if c == 0: X[2 * n + 1] $\gets$ start X[2 * n + 2] $\gets$ X[i][1] if i < X.length: start $\gets$ X[i+1][1] n $\gets$ n + 1 X.length $\gets$ 2 * n \end{lstlisting} % The complexity of this algorithm is $O(n\log(n))$ since the sorting is in $\Theta(n\log(n))$ and the union operation afterwards is $\Theta(n)$. \end{document}