added line numbers to gui + a bunch of refactoring

This commit is contained in:
Claudio Maggioni 2018-12-02 18:05:50 +01:00
parent 0c80119f47
commit 21aee3f090
4 changed files with 516 additions and 187 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#lang racket/gui
(require "main.rkt")
(require "interpreter.rkt"
; The editor width in pixels
(define EDITOR-WIDTH 600)
@ -12,39 +13,60 @@
[height EDITOR-HEIGHT]))
; execute-content: -> World
; execute-content: -> ProgState
; Returns the last state of execution of the program loaded in the editor
(define (execute-content)
(send t get-flattened-text)))))
(send editor get-flattened-text)))))
; The run button
(define button (new button% [parent f]
[label "Run"]
; Callback procedure for a button click:
[callback (lambda (button event)
output set-label
(world-output (execute-content))))]))
(define run-btn (new button% [parent f]
[label "Run"]
; Callback procedure for a button click:
(lambda (button event)
; empty output text and set color to running
(send run-output set-value "")
(send run-output set-field-background run-col)
; run the program
(define out (prog-state-output (execute-content)))
; set output and change color to ended
(send run-output set-value out)
(send run-output set-field-background end-col))]))
(define c (new editor-canvas% [parent f]))
; The editor text object
(define t (new text%))
(define text-ln% (text:line-numbers-mixin
(editor:standard-style-list-mixin text%)))
(define editor (new text-ln%))
; Show line numbers in editor
(send editor show-line-numbers! #t)
; Change font to monospace 16
(send editor change-style (make-object style-delta% 'change-size 16))
(send editor change-style (make-object style-delta% 'change-family 'modern))
; Running output color
(define run-col (make-object color% 250 250 200))
; Output completed color
(define end-col (make-object color% 200 250 200))
; Change font to monospace
(define style-delta (make-object style-delta% 'change-family 'modern))
(send t change-style style-delta)
(define mb (new menu-bar% [parent f]))
(define m-file (new menu% [label "File"] [parent mb]))
(define m-edit (new menu% [label "Edit"] [parent mb]))
; Make a static text message in the frame
(define output (new message% [parent f]
[label "Click run to get output"]))
; The run output text object
(define run-output (new text-field%
[style (list 'multiple 'vertical-label)]
[label "Execution output:"]
[parent f]))
(define mi-open
(new menu-item%
@ -54,7 +76,7 @@
(lambda (i e)
(define path (get-file #f f))
(when path
(send t load-file path 'text)))]
(send editor load-file path 'text)))]
[shortcut #\o]
[shortcut-prefix '(ctl)]))
@ -64,11 +86,11 @@
[parent m-file]
(lambda (i e)
(send t save-file #f 'text))]
(send editor save-file #f 'text))]
[shortcut #\s]
[shortcut-prefix '(ctl)]))
(append-editor-operation-menu-items m-edit #f)
(send t set-max-undo-history 100)
(send c set-editor t)
(send editor set-max-undo-history 100)
(send c set-editor editor)
(send f show #t)

interpreter.rkt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
#lang racket
; 2018-11-21 - Made by Claudio Maggioni - Tommaso Rodolfo Masera
; easybf
(require racket/base
(provide prog-state
; A Byte is an Int between 0 and 255
; Interpretation: a byte in decimal notation.
; A Tape is a NEList<Byte>
; Interpretation: a tape in brainf*ck's Turing machine.
; A DataPointer (DP) is a NonNegInt
; Interpretation: a data pointer in the brainf*ck language in a tape.
; A Program is a String of:
; - ">" (tape-right)
; - "<" (tape-left)
; - "+" (add1)
; - "-" (sub1)
; - "." (out)
; - ","
; - "[" (loop-start)
; - "]" (loop-end)
; Interpretation: the brainf*ck program.
; A InstructionPointer (IP) is a NonNegInt
; Interpretation: a pointer to the instruction to execute.
; A ProgState is a (prog-state tape dp output program ip) where:
; - tape: Tape
; - dp: DataPointer
; - tape-len: Nat
; - output: String
; - program: Program
; - ip: InstructionPointer
; Interpretation: the current state of execution of a brainf*ck program.
(struct prog-state (tape dp tape-len output program ip)
#:methods gen:custom-write
[(define write-proc
(lambda (w) 'ProgState)
(lambda (w) (list (prog-state-tape w)
(prog-state-dp w)
(prog-state-tape-len w)
(prog-state-output w)
(prog-state-program w)
(prog-state-ip w)))))])
; Template function for ProgState
#;(define (fn-for-prog-state w)
#; (... (prog-state-tape w)
#; (prog-state-dp w)
#; (prog-state-tape-len w)
#; (prog-state-output w)
#; (prog-state-program w)
#; (prog-state-ip w)))
; string->program: String -> Program
; Given a string, returns a bf program without any invalid character
(define (string->program s)
(local [; valid-char: Char -> Boolean
; Given a valid-char, returns #t if the character is a valid bf
; instruction.
(define (valid-char? s)
(ormap (lambda (x) (char=? s x))
'(#\> #\< #\+ #\- #\, #\. #\[ #\])))]
(list->string (filter valid-char? (string->list s)))))
; Tests for string->program
(check-expect (string->program "hello") "")
(check-expect (string->program "+ProgState50-[]") "+-[]")
(check-expect (string->program "") "")
; add1-byte: Byte -> Byte
; Given a byte, returns the byte+1 simulating overflows
(define (add1-byte b)
(modulo (add1 b) 256))
; Tests for add1-byte
(check-expect (add1-byte 255) 0)
(check-expect (add1-byte 254) 255)
; sub1-byte: Byte -> Byte
; Given a byte, returns the byte-1 simulating underflows
(define (sub1-byte b)
(cond [(zero? b) 255]
[else (sub1 b)]))
; Tests for sub1-byte
(check-expect (sub1-byte 0) 255)
(check-expect (sub1-byte 1) 0)
; program->prog-state: Program -> ProgState
; Given a program, returns the corresponding initial ProgState state.
(define (program->prog-state p)
(prog-state (cons 0 '()) 0 1 "" p 0))
; Tests for program->prog-state
(check-expect (program->prog-state "[->+<]") (prog-state (list 0) 0 1 "" "[->+<]" 0))
; tape-help: Tape DP (Byte -> Byte) -> Tape
; Given a tape and a data pointer, returns the same tape with the data in the
; location of the data pointer altered by the function `alter`.
(define (tape-help tape dp alter)
(cond [(zero? dp) (cons (alter (first tape)) (rest tape))]
[else (cons (first tape) (tape-help (rest tape) (sub1 dp) alter))]))
; Tests for tape-help
(check-expect (tape-help (list 0) 0 add1-byte) (list 1))
(check-expect (tape-help (list 0 1 2 3) 2 sub1-byte) (list 0 1 1 3))
; exec-add1: ProgState -> ProgState
; Given a ProgState, returns a new ProgState with the + instruction executed
(define (exec-add1 w)
(prog-state (tape-help (prog-state-tape w) (prog-state-dp w) add1-byte)
(prog-state-dp w)
(prog-state-tape-len w)
(prog-state-output w)
(prog-state-program w)
(add1 (prog-state-ip w))))
; Tests for exec-add1
(check-expect (exec-add1 (prog-state
(list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7) 3 7 "" "+" 0))
(prog-state (list 1 2 3 5 5 6 7) 3 7 "" "+" 1))
(check-expect (exec-add1 (prog-state
(list 255 1 2 3) 0 4 "" "+" 0))
(prog-state (list 0 1 2 3) 0 4 "" "+" 1))
; exec-sub1: ProgState -> ProgState
; Given a ProgState, returns a new ProgState with the - instruction executed
(define (exec-sub1 w)
(prog-state (tape-help (prog-state-tape w) (prog-state-dp w) sub1-byte)
(prog-state-dp w)
(prog-state-tape-len w)
(prog-state-output w)
(prog-state-program w)
(add1 (prog-state-ip w))))
; Tests for exec-sub1
(check-expect (exec-sub1 (prog-state
(list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7) 3 7 "" "-" 0))
(prog-state (list 1 2 3 3 5 6 7) 3 7 "" "-" 1))
(check-expect (exec-sub1 (prog-state
(list 0 1 2 3) 0 4 "" "-" 0))
(prog-state (list 255 1 2 3) 0 4 "" "-" 1))
; exec-tape-left: ProgState -> ProgState
; Given a ProgState, returns a new ProgState with the < instruction executed
(define (exec-tape-left w)
(if (zero? (prog-state-dp w))
(error "Can't access negative tape positions")
(prog-state (prog-state-tape w)
(sub1 (prog-state-dp w))
(prog-state-tape-len w)
(prog-state-output w)
(prog-state-program w)
(add1 (prog-state-ip w)))))
; Tests for exec-tape-left
(check-error (exec-tape-left (prog-state (list 1 2 3) 0 3 "" "<" 0)))
(check-expect (exec-tape-left (prog-state (list 1 2 3) 2 3 "" "<" 0))
(prog-state (list 1 2 3) 1 3 "" "<" 1))
; exec-tape-right: ProgState -> ProgState
; Given a ProgState, returns a new ProgState with the > instruction executed
(define (exec-tape-right w)
(local [(define end-of-tape (= (prog-state-dp w) (sub1 (prog-state-tape-len w))))]
(if end-of-tape
(append (prog-state-tape w) (list 0))
(prog-state-tape w))
(add1 (prog-state-dp w))
(if end-of-tape
(add1 (prog-state-tape-len w))
(prog-state-tape-len w))
(prog-state-output w)
(prog-state-program w)
(add1 (prog-state-ip w)))))
; Tests for exec-tape-right
(check-expect (exec-tape-right (prog-state (list 1 2 3) 0 3 "" ">" 0))
(prog-state (list 1 2 3) 1 3 "" ">" 1))
(check-expect (exec-tape-right (prog-state (list 0 1 2) 2 3 "" ">" 0))
(prog-state (list 0 1 2 0) 3 4 "" ">" 1))
; exec-out: ProgState -> ProgState
; Given a ProgState, returns a new ProgState with the . instruction executed
(define (exec-out w)
(prog-state-tape w)
(prog-state-dp w)
(prog-state-tape-len w)
(prog-state-output w)
(list (integer->char (list-ref (prog-state-tape w) (prog-state-dp w))))))
(prog-state-program w)
(add1 (prog-state-ip w))))
; Tests for exec-out
(check-expect (exec-out (prog-state (list 50) 0 1 "" ".[->+<]" 0))
(prog-state (list 50) 0 1 "2" ".[->+<]" 1))
(check-expect (exec-out (prog-state (list 65) 0 1 "" ".[->+<]" 0))
(prog-state (list 65) 0 1 "A" ".[->+<]" 1))
; char-at: String Nat -> 1String
; Given a string and an index, returns the 1String at the position pointed by
; index
(define (char-at s i)
(substring s i (add1 i)))
; Tests for char-at
(check-expect (char-at "malusa" 2) "l")
(check-error (char-at "another string" 300))
; find-first: 1String String Nat (Nat -> Nat) -> Nat
; Given a 1String `char`, a String `string` and a start index, returns
; the position of the first occurrence of `char` in `string` starting from the
; index walking the string changing the index using the `walk` function.
(define (find-first char string start walk)
(cond [(string=? (substring string start (add1 start))
char) start]
[else (find-first char string (walk start) walk)]))
; Tests for find-first
(check-expect (find-first "]" "[++++++---->><-]++++]+--" 0 add1)
(check-expect (find-first "]" "[+++++][+---->><-]++++]+--" 7 add1)
(check-expect (find-first "[" "[+++++][+---->><-]++++]+--" 17 sub1)
; exec-loop-start: ProgState -> ProgState
; Given a ProgState, returns a new ProgState with the [ instruction executed
(define (exec-loop-start w)
(local [(define jump (zero? (list-ref (prog-state-tape w) (prog-state-dp w))))]
(prog-state-tape w)
(prog-state-dp w)
(prog-state-tape-len w)
(prog-state-output w)
(prog-state-program w)
(add1 (if jump
(find-first "]" (prog-state-program w) (prog-state-ip w) add1)
(prog-state-ip w))))))
; Tests for exec-loop-start
(check-expect (exec-loop-start
(prog-state '(0) 0 1 "" "[++--]++--+-[]" 0))
(prog-state '(0) 0 1 "" "[++--]++--+-[]" 6))
(check-expect (exec-loop-start
(prog-state '(1) 0 1 "" "[++--]++--+-[]" 0))
(prog-state '(1) 0 1 "" "[++--]++--+-[]" 1))
; exec-loop-end: ProgState -> ProgState
; Given a ProgState, returns a new ProgState with the ] instruction executed
(define (exec-loop-end w)
(local [(define jump (not (zero? (list-ref (prog-state-tape w) (prog-state-dp w)))))]
(prog-state-tape w)
(prog-state-dp w)
(prog-state-tape-len w)
(prog-state-output w)
(prog-state-program w)
(add1 (if jump
(find-first "[" (prog-state-program w) (prog-state-ip w) sub1)
(prog-state-ip w))))))
; Tests for exec-loop-end
(check-expect (exec-loop-end
(prog-state '(0) 0 1 "" "[++--]++--+-[]" 5))
(prog-state '(0) 0 1 "" "[++--]++--+-[]" 6))
(check-expect (exec-loop-end
(prog-state '(1) 0 1 "" "[++--]++--+-[]" 5))
(prog-state '(1) 0 1 "" "[++--]++--+-[]" 1))
; execute: ProgState -> ProgState
; Given an initial ProgState state, returns the final ProgState state executing the
; program.
(define (execute w)
(local [(define program-len (string-length (prog-state-program w)))]
(cond [(>= (prog-state-ip w) program-len) w]
(local [(define inst
(char-at (prog-state-program w) (prog-state-ip w)))]
(execute (cond [(string=? inst "+") (exec-add1 w)]
[(string=? inst "-") (exec-sub1 w)]
[(string=? inst "<") (exec-tape-left w)]
[(string=? inst ">") (exec-tape-right w)]
[(string=? inst "[") (exec-loop-start w)]
[(string=? inst "]") (exec-loop-end w)]
[(string=? inst ".") (exec-out w)]
[(string=? inst ",") #f])))])))
; Tests for execute
(check-expect (execute (prog-state (list 0) 0 3 "" "" 0))
(prog-state (list 0) 0 3 "" "" 0))
; assert that 5+2 to ASCII = "7" (WTF)
(check-expect (execute (prog-state (list 0) 0 1 ""
"++>+++++[<+>-]++++++++[<++++++>-]<." 0))
(prog-state (list 55 0) 0 2 "7"
"++>+++++[<+>-]++++++++[<++++++>-]<." 35))
; Run tests
; TODO: fix matching bracket bug

View File

@ -3,24 +3,20 @@
; 2018-11-21 - Made by Claudio Maggioni - Tommaso Rodolfo Masera
; easybf
(require racket/base)
(require racket/struct)
(require test-engine/racket-tests)
(require 2htdp/batch-io)
(require 2htdp/image)
(require 2htdp/universe)
(require racket/base
(provide main)
(provide world)
(provide world?)
(provide world-tape)
(provide world-dp)
(provide world-output)
(provide world-program)
(provide world-ip)
(provide execute)
(provide string->program)
(provide program->world)
(provide prog-state
; A Byte is an Int between 0 and 255
; Interpretation: a byte in decimal notation.
@ -45,7 +41,7 @@
; A InstructionPointer (IP) is a NonNegInt
; Interpretation: a pointer to the instruction to execute.
; A World is a (world tape dp output program ip) where:
; A ProgState is a (prog-state tape dp output program ip) where:
; - tape: Tape
; - dp: DataPointer
; - tape-len: Nat
@ -53,31 +49,30 @@
; - program: Program
; - ip: InstructionPointer
; Interpretation: the current state of execution of a brainf*ck program.
(struct world (tape dp tape-len output program ip)
(struct prog-state (tape dp tape-len output program ip)
#:methods gen:custom-write
[(define write-proc
(lambda (w) 'world)
(lambda (w) (list (world-tape w)
(world-dp w)
(world-tape-len w)
(world-output w)
(world-program w)
(world-ip w)))))])
(lambda (w) 'ProgState)
(lambda (w) (list (prog-state-tape w)
(prog-state-dp w)
(prog-state-tape-len w)
(prog-state-output w)
(prog-state-program w)
(prog-state-ip w)))))])
; Template function for World
#;(define (fn-for-world w)
#; (... (world-tape w)
#; (world-dp w)
#; (world-tape-len w)
#; (world-output w)
#; (world-program w)
#; (world-ip w)))
; Template function for ProgState
#;(define (fn-for-prog-state w)
#; (... (prog-state-tape w)
#; (prog-state-dp w)
#; (prog-state-tape-len w)
#; (prog-state-output w)
#; (prog-state-program w)
#; (prog-state-ip w)))
; string->program: String -> Program
; Given a string, returns a b(world-dp-len w)f program without
; any invalid character
; Given a string, returns a bf program without any invalid character
(define (string->program s)
(local [; valid-char: Char -> Boolean
; Given a valid-char, returns #t if the character is a valid bf
@ -89,7 +84,7 @@
; Tests for string->program
(check-expect (string->program "hello") "")
(check-expect (string->program "+world50-[]") "+-[]")
(check-expect (string->program "+ProgState50-[]") "+-[]")
(check-expect (string->program "") "")
; add1-byte: Byte -> Byte
@ -111,13 +106,13 @@
(check-expect (sub1-byte 0) 255)
(check-expect (sub1-byte 1) 0)
; program->world: Program -> World
; Given a program, returns the corresponding initial world state.
(define (program->world p)
(world (cons 0 '()) 0 1 "" p 0))
; program->prog-state: Program -> ProgState
; Given a program, returns the corresponding initial ProgState state.
(define (program->prog-state p)
(prog-state (cons 0 '()) 0 1 "" p 0))
; Tests for program->world
(check-expect (program->world "[->+<]") (world (list 0) 0 1 "" "[->+<]" 0))
; Tests for program->prog-state
(check-expect (program->prog-state "[->+<]") (prog-state (list 0) 0 1 "" "[->+<]" 0))
; tape-help: Tape DP (Byte -> Byte) -> Tape
; Given a tape and a data pointer, returns the same tape with the data in the
@ -130,100 +125,100 @@
(check-expect (tape-help (list 0) 0 add1-byte) (list 1))
(check-expect (tape-help (list 0 1 2 3) 2 sub1-byte) (list 0 1 1 3))
; exec-add1: World -> World
; Given a world, returns a new world with the + instruction executed
; exec-add1: ProgState -> ProgState
; Given a ProgState, returns a new ProgState with the + instruction executed
(define (exec-add1 w)
(world (tape-help (world-tape w) (world-dp w) add1-byte)
(world-dp w)
(world-tape-len w)
(world-output w)
(world-program w)
(add1 (world-ip w))))
(prog-state (tape-help (prog-state-tape w) (prog-state-dp w) add1-byte)
(prog-state-dp w)
(prog-state-tape-len w)
(prog-state-output w)
(prog-state-program w)
(add1 (prog-state-ip w))))
; Tests for exec-add1
(check-expect (exec-add1 (world
(check-expect (exec-add1 (prog-state
(list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7) 3 7 "" "+" 0))
(world (list 1 2 3 5 5 6 7) 3 7 "" "+" 1))
(check-expect (exec-add1 (world
(prog-state (list 1 2 3 5 5 6 7) 3 7 "" "+" 1))
(check-expect (exec-add1 (prog-state
(list 255 1 2 3) 0 4 "" "+" 0))
(world (list 0 1 2 3) 0 4 "" "+" 1))
(prog-state (list 0 1 2 3) 0 4 "" "+" 1))
; exec-sub1: World -> World
; Given a world, returns a new world with the - instruction executed
; exec-sub1: ProgState -> ProgState
; Given a ProgState, returns a new ProgState with the - instruction executed
(define (exec-sub1 w)
(world (tape-help (world-tape w) (world-dp w) sub1-byte)
(world-dp w)
(world-tape-len w)
(world-output w)
(world-program w)
(add1 (world-ip w))))
(prog-state (tape-help (prog-state-tape w) (prog-state-dp w) sub1-byte)
(prog-state-dp w)
(prog-state-tape-len w)
(prog-state-output w)
(prog-state-program w)
(add1 (prog-state-ip w))))
; Tests for exec-sub1
(check-expect (exec-sub1 (world
(check-expect (exec-sub1 (prog-state
(list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7) 3 7 "" "-" 0))
(world (list 1 2 3 3 5 6 7) 3 7 "" "-" 1))
(check-expect (exec-sub1 (world
(prog-state (list 1 2 3 3 5 6 7) 3 7 "" "-" 1))
(check-expect (exec-sub1 (prog-state
(list 0 1 2 3) 0 4 "" "-" 0))
(world (list 255 1 2 3) 0 4 "" "-" 1))
(prog-state (list 255 1 2 3) 0 4 "" "-" 1))
; exec-tape-left: World -> World
; Given a world, returns a new world with the < instruction executed
; exec-tape-left: ProgState -> ProgState
; Given a ProgState, returns a new ProgState with the < instruction executed
(define (exec-tape-left w)
(if (zero? (world-dp w))
(if (zero? (prog-state-dp w))
(error "Can't access negative tape positions")
(world (world-tape w)
(sub1 (world-dp w))
(world-tape-len w)
(world-output w)
(world-program w)
(add1 (world-ip w)))))
(prog-state (prog-state-tape w)
(sub1 (prog-state-dp w))
(prog-state-tape-len w)
(prog-state-output w)
(prog-state-program w)
(add1 (prog-state-ip w)))))
; Tests for exec-tape-left
(check-error (exec-tape-left (world (list 1 2 3) 0 3 "" "<" 0)))
(check-expect (exec-tape-left (world (list 1 2 3) 2 3 "" "<" 0))
(world (list 1 2 3) 1 3 "" "<" 1))
(check-error (exec-tape-left (prog-state (list 1 2 3) 0 3 "" "<" 0)))
(check-expect (exec-tape-left (prog-state (list 1 2 3) 2 3 "" "<" 0))
(prog-state (list 1 2 3) 1 3 "" "<" 1))
; exec-tape-right: World -> World
; Given a world, returns a new world with the > instruction executed
; exec-tape-right: ProgState -> ProgState
; Given a ProgState, returns a new ProgState with the > instruction executed
(define (exec-tape-right w)
(local [(define end-of-tape (= (world-dp w) (sub1 (world-tape-len w))))]
(local [(define end-of-tape (= (prog-state-dp w) (sub1 (prog-state-tape-len w))))]
(if end-of-tape
(append (world-tape w) (list 0))
(world-tape w))
(add1 (world-dp w))
(append (prog-state-tape w) (list 0))
(prog-state-tape w))
(add1 (prog-state-dp w))
(if end-of-tape
(add1 (world-tape-len w))
(world-tape-len w))
(world-output w)
(world-program w)
(add1 (world-ip w)))))
(add1 (prog-state-tape-len w))
(prog-state-tape-len w))
(prog-state-output w)
(prog-state-program w)
(add1 (prog-state-ip w)))))
; Tests for exec-tape-right
(check-expect (exec-tape-right (world (list 1 2 3) 0 3 "" ">" 0))
(world (list 1 2 3) 1 3 "" ">" 1))
(check-expect (exec-tape-right (world (list 0 1 2) 2 3 "" ">" 0))
(world (list 0 1 2 0) 3 4 "" ">" 1))
(check-expect (exec-tape-right (prog-state (list 1 2 3) 0 3 "" ">" 0))
(prog-state (list 1 2 3) 1 3 "" ">" 1))
(check-expect (exec-tape-right (prog-state (list 0 1 2) 2 3 "" ">" 0))
(prog-state (list 0 1 2 0) 3 4 "" ">" 1))
; exec-out: World -> World
; Given a world, returns a new world with the . instruction executed
; exec-out: ProgState -> ProgState
; Given a ProgState, returns a new ProgState with the . instruction executed
(define (exec-out w)
(world-tape w)
(world-dp w)
(world-tape-len w)
(prog-state-tape w)
(prog-state-dp w)
(prog-state-tape-len w)
(world-output w)
(prog-state-output w)
(list (integer->char (list-ref (world-tape w) (world-dp w))))))
(world-program w)
(add1 (world-ip w))))
(list (integer->char (list-ref (prog-state-tape w) (prog-state-dp w))))))
(prog-state-program w)
(add1 (prog-state-ip w))))
; Tests for exec-out
(check-expect (exec-out (world (list 50) 0 1 "" ".[->+<]" 0))
(world (list 50) 0 1 "2" ".[->+<]" 1))
(check-expect (exec-out (world (list 65) 0 1 "" ".[->+<]" 0))
(world (list 65) 0 1 "A" ".[->+<]" 1))
(check-expect (exec-out (prog-state (list 50) 0 1 "" ".[->+<]" 0))
(prog-state (list 50) 0 1 "2" ".[->+<]" 1))
(check-expect (exec-out (prog-state (list 65) 0 1 "" ".[->+<]" 0))
(prog-state (list 65) 0 1 "A" ".[->+<]" 1))
; char-at: String Nat -> 1String
; Given a string and an index, returns the 1String at the position pointed by
@ -253,59 +248,59 @@
; exec-loop-start: World -> World
; Given a world, returns a new world with the [ instruction executed
; exec-loop-start: ProgState -> ProgState
; Given a ProgState, returns a new ProgState with the [ instruction executed
(define (exec-loop-start w)
(local [(define jump (zero? (list-ref (world-tape w) (world-dp w))))]
(world-tape w)
(world-dp w)
(world-tape-len w)
(world-output w)
(world-program w)
(local [(define jump (zero? (list-ref (prog-state-tape w) (prog-state-dp w))))]
(prog-state-tape w)
(prog-state-dp w)
(prog-state-tape-len w)
(prog-state-output w)
(prog-state-program w)
(add1 (if jump
(find-first "]" (world-program w) (world-ip w) add1)
(world-ip w))))))
(find-first "]" (prog-state-program w) (prog-state-ip w) add1)
(prog-state-ip w))))))
; Tests for exec-loop-start
(check-expect (exec-loop-start
(world '(0) 0 1 "" "[++--]++--+-[]" 0))
(world '(0) 0 1 "" "[++--]++--+-[]" 6))
(prog-state '(0) 0 1 "" "[++--]++--+-[]" 0))
(prog-state '(0) 0 1 "" "[++--]++--+-[]" 6))
(check-expect (exec-loop-start
(world '(1) 0 1 "" "[++--]++--+-[]" 0))
(world '(1) 0 1 "" "[++--]++--+-[]" 1))
(prog-state '(1) 0 1 "" "[++--]++--+-[]" 0))
(prog-state '(1) 0 1 "" "[++--]++--+-[]" 1))
; exec-loop-end: World -> World
; Given a world, returns a new world with the ] instruction executed
; exec-loop-end: ProgState -> ProgState
; Given a ProgState, returns a new ProgState with the ] instruction executed
(define (exec-loop-end w)
(local [(define jump (not (zero? (list-ref (world-tape w) (world-dp w)))))]
(world-tape w)
(world-dp w)
(world-tape-len w)
(world-output w)
(world-program w)
(local [(define jump (not (zero? (list-ref (prog-state-tape w) (prog-state-dp w)))))]
(prog-state-tape w)
(prog-state-dp w)
(prog-state-tape-len w)
(prog-state-output w)
(prog-state-program w)
(add1 (if jump
(find-first "[" (world-program w) (world-ip w) sub1)
(world-ip w))))))
(find-first "[" (prog-state-program w) (prog-state-ip w) sub1)
(prog-state-ip w))))))
; Tests for exec-loop-end
(check-expect (exec-loop-end
(world '(0) 0 1 "" "[++--]++--+-[]" 5))
(world '(0) 0 1 "" "[++--]++--+-[]" 6))
(prog-state '(0) 0 1 "" "[++--]++--+-[]" 5))
(prog-state '(0) 0 1 "" "[++--]++--+-[]" 6))
(check-expect (exec-loop-end
(world '(1) 0 1 "" "[++--]++--+-[]" 5))
(world '(1) 0 1 "" "[++--]++--+-[]" 1))
(prog-state '(1) 0 1 "" "[++--]++--+-[]" 5))
(prog-state '(1) 0 1 "" "[++--]++--+-[]" 1))
; execute: World -> World
; Given an initial World state, returns the final World state executing the
; execute: ProgState -> ProgState
; Given an initial ProgState state, returns the final ProgState state executing the
; program.
(define (execute w)
(local [(define program-len (string-length (world-program w)))]
(cond [(>= (world-ip w) program-len) w]
(local [(define program-len (string-length (prog-state-program w)))]
(cond [(>= (prog-state-ip w) program-len) w]
(local [(define inst
(char-at (world-program w) (world-ip w)))]
(char-at (prog-state-program w) (prog-state-ip w)))]
(execute (cond [(string=? inst "+") (exec-add1 w)]
[(string=? inst "-") (exec-sub1 w)]
[(string=? inst "<") (exec-tape-left w)]
@ -316,27 +311,14 @@
[(string=? inst ",") #f])))])))
; Tests for execute
(check-expect (execute (world (list 0) 0 3 "" "" 0))
(world (list 0) 0 3 "" "" 0))
(check-expect (execute (prog-state (list 0) 0 3 "" "" 0))
(prog-state (list 0) 0 3 "" "" 0))
; assert that 5+2 to ASCII = "7" (WTF)
(check-expect (execute (world (list 0) 0 1 ""
(check-expect (execute (prog-state (list 0) 0 1 ""
"++>+++++[<+>-]++++++++[<++++++>-]<." 0))
(world (list 55 0) 0 2 "7"
(prog-state (list 55 0) 0 2 "7"
"++>+++++[<+>-]++++++++[<++++++>-]<." 35))
; main: Filename -> World
; Given a Filename, return the last world state of execution of the
; corresponding bf program in the file
(define (main file)
(execute (program->world (string->program (read-file file)))))
; Run tests
; fix matching bracket bug
; - big-bang:
; - - - - - - inital state (world (list 0) 0 "" <program> 0)
; - - - - - - on-tick fetch, decode, execute
; - - - - - - on-key for ","
; - - - - - - (on-mouse for stepper)
; - - - - - - (draw-scene for output and tape)
; TODO: fix matching bracket bug