Added run input box to gui with 'consuming' input

This commit is contained in:
Claudio Maggioni 2018-12-05 16:25:29 +01:00
parent 6edbb8bf76
commit 41ff0577d7
1 changed files with 82 additions and 28 deletions

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@ -2,52 +2,80 @@
(require "interpreter.rkt"
; The editor width in pixels
(define EDITOR-WIDTH 600)
(define EDITOR-HEIGHT 600)
; The frame racket/gui base object for the editor
(define f (new frame%
(define F (new frame%
[label "DrBrainf*ck"]
[height EDITOR-HEIGHT]))
; execute-content: ((ProgState) -> Any) -> ProgState
; execute-content: ((ProgState) -> _) -> _
; Given a callback, calls the callback with the last state of execution of the
; program loaded in the editor
(define (execute-content done)
(send editor get-flattened-text)))
done (lambda (callback) (callback 50))))
(send EDITOR get-flattened-text)))
done on-input))
; on-input: (Byte -> _) -> _
; Given a a callback to resume execution, sets up the run input area (callback
; included).
(define (on-input callback)
(send RUN-INPUT set-field-background run-col)
(if (non-empty-string? (send RUN-INPUT get-value))
(on-input-done callback)
(set! input-done-cb (lambda (_ __) (on-input-done callback)))))
; on-input-done: (Byte -> _) -> _
; Given a callback to resume execution, fetches the first character from
; `RUN-INPUT` "consuming" it and resumes execution.
(define (on-input-done callback)
(define old-str (send RUN-INPUT get-value))
; Continue only if there is input
(if (non-empty-string? old-str)
; Disable input callback
(set! input-done-cb (lambda (_ __) (void)))
; Pick first char from run input "consuming" it
(define in (string-ref old-str 0))
(define new-str (substring old-str 1))
(send RUN-INPUT set-value new-str)
; Remove waiting color from run-input
(send RUN-INPUT set-field-background in-done-col)
; Resume execution
(callback (char->integer in)))
; run-program: Button ControlEvent -> Nothing
; Given a button and an event, runs the program currently loaded in the editor.
(define (run-program button event)
; empty output text and set color to running
(send run-output set-value "")
(send run-output set-field-background run-col)
(send RUN-OUTPUT set-value "")
(send RUN-OUTPUT set-field-background run-col)
; run the program
(lambda (ps)
(define out (prog-state-output ps))
; set output and change color to ended
(send run-output set-value out)
(send run-output set-field-background end-col))))
(send RUN-OUTPUT set-value out)
(send RUN-OUTPUT set-field-background end-col))))
; Definition of the run button widget
(define run-btn (new button% [parent f]
(define RUN-BTN (new button% [parent F]
[label "Run"]
; Callback procedure for a button click:
[callback run-program]))
; Definition of the editor canves
(define c (new editor-canvas% [parent f]))
(define C (new editor-canvas% [parent F]))
; Definition of editor text object.
(define text-pro% (text:line-numbers-mixin
@ -55,10 +83,10 @@
(editor:basic-mixin text%))))))
(define editor (new text-pro%))
(define EDITOR (new text-pro%))
; Show line numbers in editor
(send editor show-line-numbers! #t)
(send EDITOR show-line-numbers! #t)
; A BFToken is one of:
; - 'comment
@ -99,7 +127,7 @@
(values 1str bf-token #f (+ pos) (+ pos 1))]))
; Syntax highlighting for brainf*ck
(send editor start-colorer bf-token->bf-style bf-lexer '())
(send EDITOR start-colorer bf-token->bf-style bf-lexer '())
; Define basic style for instructions (+ - , .)
(define delta (make-object style-delta%))
@ -118,31 +146,57 @@
(send delta set-delta-foreground "orange")
(editor:set-standard-style-list-delta "Comment" delta)
; Input done color
(define in-done-col (make-object color% 255 255 255))
; Running output color
(define run-col (make-object color% 250 250 200))
; Output completed color
(define end-col (make-object color% 200 250 200))
(define mb (new menu-bar% [parent f]))
(define m-file (new menu% [label "File"] [parent mb]))
(define m-edit (new menu% [label "Edit"] [parent mb]))
; Populate menu bar
(define MB (new menu-bar% [parent F]))
(define m-file (new menu% [label "File"] [parent MB]))
(define m-edit (new menu% [label "Edit"] [parent MB]))
; The input horizontal panel
(define input-panel
(new horizontal-panel%
[parent F]
[min-height 50]
[stretchable-height #f]))
; Input needed in program execution
(define RUN-INPUT (new text-field%
[label "Execution input:"]
[parent input-panel]))
; The input done callback (defaults to nothing)
; Type: (Button Event) -> _
(define input-done-cb (lambda (ev) (void)))
; Definition of the run button widget
(define INPUT-DONE-BTN (new button%
[parent input-panel]
[label "Confirm"]
[callback (lambda (btn ev) (input-done-cb btn ev))]))
; The run output text object
(define run-output (new text-field%
(define RUN-OUTPUT (new text-field%
[style (list 'multiple 'vertical-label)]
[label "Execution output:"]
[parent f]))
[parent F]))
(define mi-open
(new menu-item%
[label "Open"]
[parent m-file]
(lambda (i e)
(define path (get-file #f f))
(define path (get-file #f F))
(when path
(send editor load-file path 'text)))]
(send EDITOR load-file path 'text)))]
[shortcut #\o]
[shortcut-prefix '(ctl)]))
@ -152,11 +206,11 @@
[parent m-file]
(lambda (i e)
(send editor save-file #f 'text))]
(send EDITOR save-file #f 'text))]
[shortcut #\s]
[shortcut-prefix '(ctl)]))
(append-editor-operation-menu-items m-edit #f)
(send editor set-max-undo-history 100)
(send c set-editor editor)
(send f show #t)
(send EDITOR set-max-undo-history 100)
(send C set-editor EDITOR)
(send F show #t)