#lang racket ; 2018-11-21 - Made by Claudio Maggioni - Tommaso Rodolfo Masera ; easybf (require racket/base racket/struct test-engine/racket-tests) (provide prog-state prog-state? prog-state-tape prog-state-dp prog-state-output prog-state-program prog-state-ip execute string->program program->prog-state) ; A Byte is an Int between 0 and 255 ; Interpretation: a byte in decimal notation. ; A Tape is a NEList ; Interpretation: a tape in brainf*ck's Turing machine. ; A DataPointer (DP) is a NonNegInt ; Interpretation: a data pointer in the brainf*ck language in a tape. ; A Program is a String of: ; - ">" (tape-right) ; - "<" (tape-left) ; - "+" (add1) ; - "-" (sub1) ; - "." (out) ; - "," ; - "[" (loop-start) ; - "]" (loop-end) ; Interpretation: the brainf*ck program. ; A InstructionPointer (IP) is a NonNegInt ; Interpretation: a pointer to the instruction to execute. ; A ProgState is a (prog-state tape dp output program ip) where: ; - tape: Tape ; - dp: DataPointer ; - tape-len: Nat ; - output: String ; - program: Program ; - ip: InstructionPointer ; Interpretation: the current state of execution of a brainf*ck program. (struct prog-state (tape dp tape-len output program ip) #:transparent #:methods gen:custom-write [(define write-proc (make-constructor-style-printer (lambda (w) 'ProgState) (lambda (w) (list (prog-state-tape w) (prog-state-dp w) (prog-state-tape-len w) (prog-state-output w) (prog-state-program w) (prog-state-ip w)))))]) ; Template function for ProgState #;(define (fn-for-prog-state w) #; (... (prog-state-tape w) #; (prog-state-dp w) #; (prog-state-tape-len w) #; (prog-state-output w) #; (prog-state-program w) #; (prog-state-ip w))) ; string->program: String -> Program ; Given a string, returns a bf program without any invalid character (define (string->program s) (local [; valid-char: Char -> Boolean ; Given a valid-char, returns #t if the character is a valid bf ; instruction. (define (valid-char? s) (ormap (lambda (x) (char=? s x)) '(#\> #\< #\+ #\- #\, #\. #\[ #\])))] (list->string (filter valid-char? (string->list s))))) ; Tests for string->program (check-expect (string->program "hello") "") (check-expect (string->program "+ProgState50-[]") "+-[]") (check-expect (string->program "") "") ; add1-byte: Byte -> Byte ; Given a byte, returns the byte+1 simulating overflows (define (add1-byte b) (modulo (add1 b) 256)) ; Tests for add1-byte (check-expect (add1-byte 255) 0) (check-expect (add1-byte 254) 255) ; sub1-byte: Byte -> Byte ; Given a byte, returns the byte-1 simulating underflows (define (sub1-byte b) (cond [(zero? b) 255] [else (sub1 b)])) ; Tests for sub1-byte (check-expect (sub1-byte 0) 255) (check-expect (sub1-byte 1) 0) ; program->prog-state: Program -> ProgState ; Given a program, returns the corresponding initial ProgState state. (define (program->prog-state p) (prog-state (cons 0 '()) 0 1 "" p 0)) ; Tests for program->prog-state (check-expect (program->prog-state "[->+<]") (prog-state (list 0) 0 1 "" "[->+<]" 0)) ; tape-help: Tape DP (Byte -> Byte) -> Tape ; Given a tape and a data pointer, returns the same tape with the data in the ; location of the data pointer altered by the function `alter`. (define (tape-help tape dp alter) (cond [(zero? dp) (cons (alter (first tape)) (rest tape))] [else (cons (first tape) (tape-help (rest tape) (sub1 dp) alter))])) ; Tests for tape-help (check-expect (tape-help (list 0) 0 add1-byte) (list 1)) (check-expect (tape-help (list 0 1 2 3) 2 sub1-byte) (list 0 1 1 3)) ; exec-add1: ProgState -> ProgState ; Given a ProgState, returns a new ProgState with the + instruction executed (define (exec-add1 w) (prog-state (tape-help (prog-state-tape w) (prog-state-dp w) add1-byte) (prog-state-dp w) (prog-state-tape-len w) (prog-state-output w) (prog-state-program w) (add1 (prog-state-ip w)))) ; Tests for exec-add1 (check-expect (exec-add1 (prog-state (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7) 3 7 "" "+" 0)) (prog-state (list 1 2 3 5 5 6 7) 3 7 "" "+" 1)) (check-expect (exec-add1 (prog-state (list 255 1 2 3) 0 4 "" "+" 0)) (prog-state (list 0 1 2 3) 0 4 "" "+" 1)) ; exec-sub1: ProgState -> ProgState ; Given a ProgState, returns a new ProgState with the - instruction executed (define (exec-sub1 w) (prog-state (tape-help (prog-state-tape w) (prog-state-dp w) sub1-byte) (prog-state-dp w) (prog-state-tape-len w) (prog-state-output w) (prog-state-program w) (add1 (prog-state-ip w)))) ; Tests for exec-sub1 (check-expect (exec-sub1 (prog-state (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7) 3 7 "" "-" 0)) (prog-state (list 1 2 3 3 5 6 7) 3 7 "" "-" 1)) (check-expect (exec-sub1 (prog-state (list 0 1 2 3) 0 4 "" "-" 0)) (prog-state (list 255 1 2 3) 0 4 "" "-" 1)) ; exec-tape-left: ProgState -> ProgState ; Given a ProgState, returns a new ProgState with the < instruction executed (define (exec-tape-left w) (if (zero? (prog-state-dp w)) (error "Can't access negative tape positions") (prog-state (prog-state-tape w) (sub1 (prog-state-dp w)) (prog-state-tape-len w) (prog-state-output w) (prog-state-program w) (add1 (prog-state-ip w))))) ; Tests for exec-tape-left (check-error (exec-tape-left (prog-state (list 1 2 3) 0 3 "" "<" 0))) (check-expect (exec-tape-left (prog-state (list 1 2 3) 2 3 "" "<" 0)) (prog-state (list 1 2 3) 1 3 "" "<" 1)) ; exec-tape-right: ProgState -> ProgState ; Given a ProgState, returns a new ProgState with the > instruction executed (define (exec-tape-right w) (local [(define end-of-tape (= (prog-state-dp w) (sub1 (prog-state-tape-len w))))] (prog-state (if end-of-tape (append (prog-state-tape w) (list 0)) (prog-state-tape w)) (add1 (prog-state-dp w)) (if end-of-tape (add1 (prog-state-tape-len w)) (prog-state-tape-len w)) (prog-state-output w) (prog-state-program w) (add1 (prog-state-ip w))))) ; Tests for exec-tape-right (check-expect (exec-tape-right (prog-state (list 1 2 3) 0 3 "" ">" 0)) (prog-state (list 1 2 3) 1 3 "" ">" 1)) (check-expect (exec-tape-right (prog-state (list 0 1 2) 2 3 "" ">" 0)) (prog-state (list 0 1 2 0) 3 4 "" ">" 1)) ; exec-out: ProgState -> ProgState ; Given a ProgState, returns a new ProgState with the . instruction executed (define (exec-out w) (prog-state (prog-state-tape w) (prog-state-dp w) (prog-state-tape-len w) (string-append (prog-state-output w) (list->string (list (integer->char (list-ref (prog-state-tape w) (prog-state-dp w)))))) (prog-state-program w) (add1 (prog-state-ip w)))) ; Tests for exec-out (check-expect (exec-out (prog-state (list 50) 0 1 "" ".[->+<]" 0)) (prog-state (list 50) 0 1 "2" ".[->+<]" 1)) (check-expect (exec-out (prog-state (list 65) 0 1 "" ".[->+<]" 0)) (prog-state (list 65) 0 1 "A" ".[->+<]" 1)) ; char-at: String Nat -> 1String ; Given a string and an index, returns the 1String at the position pointed by ; index (define (char-at s i) (substring s i (add1 i))) ; Tests for char-at (check-expect (char-at "malusa" 2) "l") (check-error (char-at "another string" 300)) ; WalkingDirection can be one of: ; - 'forward ; - 'backward ; Interpretation: the direction to walk the Brainf*ck Program with. ; find-matching: Program Nat WalkingDirection -> Nat ; Given a program, a starting position in the progam and a walking direction ; returns the position of the matching bracket waking in the direction provided. (define (find-matching prg start wd) (define brkt (if (symbol=? wd 'forward) #\] #\[)) (define oppos-brkt (if (symbol=? wd 'forward) #\[ #\])) (define upd-start (if (symbol=? wd 'forward) add1 sub1)) ; fm-helper Nat Nat -> Nat ; Given a starting position and a nest accumulator, returns the position of ; the matching bracket waking in the direction provided by updating the ; accumulator recursively with the current level of nesting. (define (fm-helper s nest) (cond [(and (zero? nest) (char=? (string-ref prg s) brkt)) s] [(char=? (string-ref prg s) oppos-brkt) (fm-helper (upd-start s) (add1 nest))] [(char=? (string-ref prg s) brkt) (fm-helper (upd-start s) (sub1 nest))] [else (fm-helper (upd-start s) nest)])) (fm-helper (upd-start start) 0)) ; Tests for find-first (check-expect (find-matching "[++++++---->><-]++++]+--" 0 'forward) 15) (check-expect (find-matching "[+++++][+---->><-]++++]+--" 7 'forward) 17) (check-expect (find-matching "[+++++[]+---->><-]++++]+--" 17 'backward) 0) ; exec-loop-start: ProgState -> ProgState ; Given a ProgState, returns a new ProgState with the [ instruction executed (define (exec-loop-start w) (local [(define jump (zero? (list-ref (prog-state-tape w) (prog-state-dp w))))] (prog-state (prog-state-tape w) (prog-state-dp w) (prog-state-tape-len w) (prog-state-output w) (prog-state-program w) (add1 (if jump (find-matching (prog-state-program w) (prog-state-ip w) 'forward) (prog-state-ip w)))))) ; Tests for exec-loop-start (check-expect (exec-loop-start (prog-state '(0) 0 1 "" "[++--]++--+-[]" 0)) (prog-state '(0) 0 1 "" "[++--]++--+-[]" 6)) (check-expect (exec-loop-start (prog-state '(1) 0 1 "" "[++--]++--+-[]" 0)) (prog-state '(1) 0 1 "" "[++--]++--+-[]" 1)) ; exec-loop-end: ProgState -> ProgState ; Given a ProgState, returns a new ProgState with the ] instruction executed (define (exec-loop-end w) (local [(define jump (not (zero? (list-ref (prog-state-tape w) (prog-state-dp w)))))] (prog-state (prog-state-tape w) (prog-state-dp w) (prog-state-tape-len w) (prog-state-output w) (prog-state-program w) (add1 (if jump (find-matching (prog-state-program w) (prog-state-ip w) 'backward) (prog-state-ip w)))))) ; Tests for exec-loop-end (check-expect (exec-loop-end (prog-state '(0) 0 1 "" "[++--]++--+-[]" 5)) (prog-state '(0) 0 1 "" "[++--]++--+-[]" 6)) (check-expect (exec-loop-end (prog-state '(1) 0 1 "" "[++--]++--+-[]" 5)) (prog-state '(1) 0 1 "" "[++--]++--+-[]" 1)) ; execute: ProgState ((ProgState) -> Any) -> ProgState ; Given an initial ProgState state, calls done when the final ProgState is ready ; to execute the program. (define (execute w done) (local [(define program-len (string-length (prog-state-program w)))] (cond [(>= (prog-state-ip w) program-len) (done w)] [else (define inst (char-at (prog-state-program w) (prog-state-ip w))) (cond [(string=? inst ",") (exec-in w (lambd] [else (execute (cond [(string=? inst "+") (exec-add1 w)] [(string=? inst "-") (exec-sub1 w)] [(string=? inst "<") (exec-tape-left w)] [(string=? inst ">") (exec-tape-right w)] [(string=? inst "[") (exec-loop-start w)] [(string=? inst "]") (exec-loop-end w)] [(string=? inst ".") (exec-out w)]) done)])]))) ; Tests for execute (check-expect (execute (prog-state (list 0) 0 3 "" "" 0)) (prog-state (list 0) 0 3 "" "" 0)) ; assert that 5+2 to ASCII = "7" (WTF) (check-expect (execute (prog-state (list 0) 0 1 "" "++>+++++[<+>-]++++++++[<++++++>-]<." 0)) (prog-state (list 55 0) 0 2 "7" "++>+++++[<+>-]++++++++[<++++++>-]<." 35)) ; Run tests (test)