set terminal postscript color set output "" set style data linespoints set style line 1 linetype 2 set style line 2 linetype 3 set style line 3 linetype 1 set logscale x 2 set nokey set xtics (4,16,64,256,"1K" 1024,"4K" 4096,"16K" 16384,"64K" 65536,"256K" 262144,"1M" 1048576) set title "10-Core Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1585L v5 @ 3.00GHz Read+Write (ns) Versus Stride" set xlabel "Stride (bytes)" set ylabel "Time Read+Write (nanoseconds)" set key on plot '' index 0 using 2:3 title "0.5 KB" with linespoints, \ '' index 1 using 2:3 title "1 KB" with linespoints, \ '' index 2 using 2:3 title "2 KB" with linespoints, \ '' index 3 using 2:3 title "4 KB" with linespoints, \ '' index 4 using 2:3 title "8 KB" with linespoints, \ '' index 5 using 2:3 title "16 KB" with linespoints, \ '' index 6 using 2:3 title "32 KB" with linespoints, \ '' index 7 using 2:3 title "64 KB" with linespoints, \ '' index 8 using 2:3 title "128 KB" with linespoints, \ '' index 9 using 2:3 title "256 KB" with linespoints, \ '' index 10 using 2:3 title "512 KB" with linespoints, \ '' index 11 using 2:3 title "1 MB" with linespoints, \ '' index 12 using 2:3 title "2 MB" with linespoints, \ '' index 13 using 2:3 title "4 MB" with linespoints, \ '' index 14 using 2:3 title "8 MB" with linespoints, \ '' index 15 using 2:3 title "16 MB" with linespoints, \ '' index 16 using 2:3 title "32 MB" with linespoints, \ '' index 17 using 2:3 title "64 MB" with linespoints