hw1 done. Added .gitignore

This commit is contained in:
Claudio Maggioni 2020-03-04 09:09:11 +01:00
parent 817b757a11
commit 59dbdd99ee
5 changed files with 140 additions and 190 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -1 +0,0 @@

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@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ $$ f(100_f) = \frac{1}{1.00 * 10^2} - \frac{1}{(1.00 * 10^2) + 1} =
$$\approx (1.00 * 10^{-2}) - (0.99 * 10^{-2}) = 1.00 * 10^{-4} = 0.0001 $$ $$\approx (1.00 * 10^{-2}) - (0.99 * 10^{-2}) = 1.00 * 10^{-4} = 0.0001 $$
$$ g(100_f) = \frac{1}{(1.00 * 10^2) ((1.00 * 10^2) + 1)} = \frac{1}{1.00 * 10^2 * 1.01 * 10^2} \approx $$ g(100_f) = \frac{1}{(1.00 * 10^2) ((1.00 * 10^2) + 1)} = \frac{1}{1.00 * 10^2 * 1.01 * 10^2} \approx
(0.99 * 10^{-4}) = 0.000099$$ (0.99 * 10^{-4}) = 0.000099$$
$$ f(1000_f) = \frac{1}{1.00 * 10^3} - \frac{1}{(1.00 * 10^3) + 1} \approx $$ f(1000_f) = \frac{1}{1.00 * 10^3} - \frac{1}{(1.00 * 10^3) + 1} \approx
(1.00 * 10^{-3}) - \frac{1}{1.00 * 10^3} =$$ (1.00 * 10^{-3}) - \frac{1}{1.00 * 10^3} =$$
$$= (1.00 * 10^{-3}) - (1.00 * 10^{-3}) = 0 $$ $$= (1.00 * 10^{-3}) - (1.00 * 10^{-3}) = 0 $$
@ -54,6 +55,11 @@ $$ g(1000_f) = \frac{1}{(1.00 * 10^3) ((1.00 * 10^3) + 1)} \approx \frac{1}{1.00
f(100_f) & 9.\overline{9009} * 10^{-5} & 9.901 * 10^{-7} & 10^{-2} \\ f(100_f) & 9.\overline{9009} * 10^{-5} & 9.901 * 10^{-7} & 10^{-2} \\
g(100_f) & 9.\overline{9009} * 10^{-5} & 9.9 * 10^{-9} & 10^{-4} \\ g(100_f) & 9.\overline{9009} * 10^{-5} & 9.9 * 10^{-9} & 10^{-4} \\
f(1000_f) & 9.99 * 10^{-7} & 9.99 * 10^{-7} & 1 \\ f(1000_f) & 9.99 * 10^{-7} & 9.99 * 10^{-7} & 1 \\
f(1000_f) & 9.99 * 10^{-7} & 10^{-9} & 10^{-3} \\ g(1000_f) & 9.99 * 10^{-7} & 10^{-9} & 10^{-3} \\
\end{tabular} \end{tabular}
\subsection*{Point d)}
$f(x)$ is clearly less accuratee than $g(x)$ when dealing with floating point numbers. This is largely due to the final
subtraction, since that amplifies approximation errors already introduced in the division $\frac{1}{x + 1}$. Also, the multiplication
in $\frac{1}{x (x + 1)}$ does not cause any approximation errors with the numbers tested, since the mantissa is always 1 and
the multiplication of the exponent part is always exact.
\end{document} \end{document}