%% Assignment 4 % Name: Claudio Maggioni % % Date: 19/3/2019 % % This is a template file for the first assignment to get started with running % and publishing code in Matlab. Each problem has its own section (delineated % by |%%|) and can be run in isolation by clicking into the particular section % and pressing |Ctrl| + |Enter| (evaluate current section). % % To generate a pdf for submission in your current directory, use the following % three lines of code at the command window: % % >> options.format = 'pdf'; options.outputDir = pwd; publish('assignment3.m', options) % %% Problem 3 clear; n=10; f = @(x) (exp(-(x^2)/2)/sqrt(2*pi)); x_5 = computeEquidistantXs(5); x_10 = computeEquidistantXs(10); x_5c = computeChebyshevXs(5); x_10c = computeChebyshevXs(10); xe = (-1:0.01:1)'; y = zeros(size(xe)); for i = 1:size(xe, 1) y(i) = f(xe(i)); end p_5 = computePolypoints(f, xe, x_5, 5); p_10 = computePolypoints(f, xe, x_10, 10); p_5c = computePolypoints(f, xe, x_5c, 5); p_10c = computePolypoints(f, xe, x_10c, 10); figure; subplot(1,2,1); plot(xe, p_5, xe, p_10, xe, y); subplot(1,2,2); plot(xe, p_5c, xe, p_10c, xe, y); function x = computeEquidistantXs(n) x = zeros(2*n+1,1); for i = 1:2*n+1 x(i) = (i-n-1)/n; end end function x = computeChebyshevXs(n) x = zeros(2*n+1,1); for i = 1:2*n+1 x(i) = cos((2*i - 1) *pi / (4*n + 2)); end end function p = computePolypoints(f, xe, x, n) p = zeros(size(xe)); for i = 1:(2*n+1) e_i = zeros(2*n+1, 1); e_i(i) = 1; N = NewtonInterpolation(x, e_i); p = p + f(x(i)) * HornerNewton(N, x, xe); end end % Assuming x and y are column vectors with the same length function N = NewtonInterpolation (x,y) n = size(x, 1); N = y; for i = 1:n N(n:-1:i+1) = (N(n:-1:i+1) - N(n-1:-1:i)) ./ (x(n:-1:i+1) - x(n-i:-1:1)); end end % N is the array of coefficients % % xi evaluation points function p = HornerNewton(N, x, xe) n = size(x, 1); p = ones(size(xe, 1), 1) * N(n); for i = n-1:-1:1 p = p .* (xe - x(i)) + N(i); end end