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function x = pagerank1(U,G,p)
% PAGERANK Google's PageRank
% pagerank(U,G,p) uses the URLs and adjacency matrix produced by SURFER,
% together with a damping factory p, (default is .85), to compute and plot
% a bar graph of page rank, and print the dominant URLs in page rank order.
% x = pagerank(U,G,p) returns the page ranks instead of printing.
% See also SURFER, SPY.
if nargin < 3, p = .85; end
% Eliminate any self-referential links
%G = G - diag(diag(G));
% c = out-degree, r = in-degree
[~,n] = size(G);
c = sum(G,1);
r = sum(G,2);
% Scale column sums to be 1 (or 0 where there are no out links).
k = find(c~=0);
D = sparse(k,k,1./c(k),n,n);
e = ones(n,1);
% ----------------------------- POWER METHOD ------------------------------
disp('Using power method implementation\n');
x = ones(n, 1) * 1/n;
G = p * G * D;
z = ((1 - p) * (c ~= 0) + (c == 0))/n;
it = 0;
new_x = x;
old_norm = -1;
no = +Inf;
2020-09-27 13:55:37 +00:00
while (old_norm == -1 || old_norm > no) && no > 1e-8
x = new_x;
old_norm = no;
new_x = G * x + e * (z * x);
new_x = new_x/sum(new_x);
it = it + 1;
no = norm(new_x - x, 2);
2020-09-27 13:55:37 +00:00
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Normalize so that sum(x) == 1.
x = x/sum(x);
% Bar graph of page rank.
title('Page Rank')
% Print URLs in page rank order.
if nargout < 1
[~,q] = sort(-x);
disp(' page-rank in out url')
k = 1;
maxN = length(U);
while (k <= maxN) && (x(q(k)) >= .005)
j = q(k);
temp1 = r(j);
temp2 = c(j);
disp(fprintf(' %3.0f %8.4f %4.0f %4.0f %s', j,x(j),full(temp1),full(temp2),U{j}))
k = k+1;