2020-12-18 14:43:56 +00:00
function [B,D,c_B,c_D,x_B,x_D,index_B,index_D] = auxiliary (A_aug,c_aug,h,m,n)
% The auxiliary problem is always a minimization problem
% The output will be: B and D (basic and nonbasic matrices), c_B and c_D
% (subdivision of the coefficient vector in basic and nonbasic parts), x_B
% and x_D (basic and nonbasic variables) and index_B and index_D (to keep
% track of the variables indices)
% Redefine the problem by introducing the artificial variables required by
% the auxiliary problem (the objective function has to reach value 0)
A_aug = [A_aug, eye(m)];
c_aug = [c_aug, zeros(1,m)]; % original objective function coefficients
c_aux = [zeros(1,n+m), ones(1,m)]; % auxiliary c of minimization problem
index = 1:n+2*m; % index to keep track of the different variables
% Defining the basic elements and the nonbasic elements
B = A_aug(:,(n+m+1):(n+2*m)); % basic variables
D = A_aug(:,1:(n+m)); % nonbasic variables
c_Baux = c_aux(1,(n+m+1):(n+2*m));
c_Daux = c_aux(1,1:(n+m));
c_B = c_aug(1,(n+m+1):(n+2*m));
c_D = c_aug(1,1:(n+m));
x_B = h;
x_D = zeros((n+m),1);
index_B = index(1,(n+m+1):(n+2*m));
index_D = index(1,1:(n+m));
nIter = 0;
z = c_Baux*x_B;
itMax = factorial(2*m+n)/(factorial(n+m)*factorial(m));
% Compute B^{-1}*D and B^{-1}*h
BiD = B\D;
Bih = B\h;
% Compute reduced cost coefficients
r_D = c_Daux - c_Baux*BiD;
% Find nonnegative index
idxIN = find(r_D == min(r_D));
% Using Bland's rule to avoid cycling
idxIN = min(idxIN);
in = D(:,idxIN);
c_inaux = c_Daux(1,idxIN);
c_in = c_D(1,idxIN);
index_in = index_D(1,idxIN);
% Evaluating the coefficients ratio
inRatio = BiD(:,idxIN);
ratio = Bih./inRatio;
% Find the smallest ratio
for i = 1:size(ratio,1) % Eliminating negative ratios
ratio(i,1) = Inf;
idxOUT = find(ratio==min(ratio));
% Using Bland's rule to avoid cycling
idxOUT = min(idxOUT);
out = B(:,idxOUT);
c_outaux = c_Baux(1,idxOUT);
c_out = c_B(1,idxOUT);
index_out = index_B(1,idxOUT);
% Update the matrices by exchanging the columns
B(:,idxOUT) = in;
D(:,idxIN) = out;
c_Baux(1,idxOUT) = c_inaux;
c_Daux(1,idxIN) = c_outaux;
c_B(1,idxOUT) = c_in;
c_D(1,idxIN) = c_out;
index_B(1,idxOUT) = index_in;
index_D(1,idxIN) = index_out;
% Compute B^{-1}*D and B^{-1}*h
BiD = B\D;
Bih = B\h;
% Compute reduced cost coefficients
r_D = c_Daux - (c_Baux * BiD);
2020-12-19 22:27:43 +00:00
% Exercise 4: Uncomment this to experience "oscillation"
%fprintf("iteration %d: in %d out %d z %d\n", nIter+1, idxIN, idxOUT, z);
2020-12-18 14:43:56 +00:00
% Detect inefficient loop if nIter > total number of basic solutions
nIter = nIter + 1;
if nIter > itMax
error('The original LP problem does not admit a feasible solution.');
x_B = Bih - BiD * x_D;
z = c_Baux * x_B;
check = index_D<(n+m+1);
D = D(:,check);
index_D = index_D(1,check);
c_D = c_D(1,check);
x_D = x_D(check,1);