close all; clear; clc; %% Load Default Img Data load('blur_data/B.mat'); B=double(B); load('blur_data/A.mat'); A=double(A); ciao = A; % Show Image figure im_l=min(min(B)); im_u=max(max(B)); imshow(B,[im_l,im_u]) title('Blured Image') % Vectorize the image (row by row) b=B'; b=b(:); %IL = ichol(A, struct('type', 'nofill', 'diagcomp', 0)); y = IL \ b; x0 = IL' \ y; [x, rvec] = myCG(A, b, diag(IL), 200, 1e-6); semilogy(rvec); [X2,flag,~,~,rvec2] = pcg(A, b, 1e-6, 200); %% Validate Test values load('test_data/A_test.mat'); load('test_data/x_test_exact.mat'); load('test_data/b_test.mat'); %res=||x^*-A^{-1}b|| res=x_test_exact-inv(A_test)*b_test; norm(res); %(Now do it with your CG and Matlab's PCG routine!!!)