\documentclass[unicode,11pt,a4paper,oneside,numbers=endperiod,openany]{scrartcl} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{subcaption} \usepackage{amsmath} \input{assignment.sty} \hyphenation{PageRank} \hyphenation{PageRanks} \begin{document} \setassignment \setduedate{Wednesday, 14 October 2020, 11:55 PM} \serieheader{Numerical Computing}{2020}{Student: Claudio Maggioni}{Discussed with: FULL NAME}{Solution for Project 2}{} \newline \assignmentpolicy The purpose of this assignment\footnote{This document is originally based on a blog from Cleve Moler, who wrote a fantastic blog post about the Lake Arrowhead graph, and John Gilbert, who initially created the coauthor graph from the 1993 Householder Meeting. You can find more information at \url{http://blogs.mathworks.com/cleve/2013/06/10/lake-arrowhead-coauthor-graph/}. Most of this assignment is derived from this archived work.} is to learn the importance of sparse linear algebra algorithms to solve fundamental questions in social network analyses. We will use the coauthor graph from the Householder Meeting and the social network of friendships from Zachary's karate club~\cite{karate}. These two graphs are one of the first examples where matrix methods were used in computational social network analyses. \section{The Reverse Cuthill McKee Ordering [10 points]} The Reverse Cuthill McKee Ordering of matrix \texttt{A\_SymPosDef} is computed with MATLAB's \texttt{sysrcm(\ldots)} and the matrix is rearranged accordingly. Here are the spy plot of these matrices: \begin{figure}[h] \centering \begin{subfigure}{0.49\textwidth} \centering \includegraphics[width = \textwidth]{1_spy_a} \caption{Spy plot of \texttt{A\_SymPosDef}} \end{subfigure} \begin{subfigure}{0.49\textwidth} \centering \includegraphics[width = \textwidth]{1_spy_rcm} \caption{Spy plot of \texttt{sysrcm(\ldots)} rearranged version of \texttt{A\_SymPosDef}} \end{subfigure} \caption{Spy plots of the two matrices} \label{fig:1} \end{figure} And the spy plots of the corresponding Cholesky factor are listed in figure~\ref{fig:1chol}. \begin{figure}[h] \centering \begin{subfigure}{0.49\textwidth} \centering \includegraphics[width = \textwidth]{1_spy_chol_a} \caption{Spy plot of \texttt{chol(A\_SymPosDef)}} \end{subfigure} \begin{subfigure}{0.49\textwidth} \centering \includegraphics[width = \textwidth]{1_spy_chol_rcm} \caption{Spy plot of \texttt{chol(A\_SymPosDef(sysrcm(A\_SymPosDef), sysrcm(A\_SymPosDef)))}} \end{subfigure} \caption{Spy plots of the two Cholesky factors} \label{fig:1chol} \end{figure} The number of nonzero elements in the Cholesky factor of the RCM optimized matrix are significantly lower (circa 0.1x) of the ones in the vanilla process. The respective nonzero counts can be found in figure~\ref{fig:1chol}. \section{Sparse Matrix Factorization [10 points]} \subsection{Show that $A \in R^{n x n}$ has exactly $5n - 6$ nonzero elements.} The given description of $A$ says that all the element at the edges of the matrix (rows and columns 1 and $n$) plus all the elements on the main diagonal are the only nonzero elements of $A$. Therefore, this cells can be counted as the 4 vertex cells in the matrix square plus 5 $n-2$-long segments, corresponding to all edges and the main diagonal. Therefore: \[4 + 5 \dot (n - 2) = 5n - 6\] \subsection{Construct this matrix and visualize its non-zero structure.} The matrix $A \in R^{n x n}$ looks like this (zero entries are represented as blanks): \[ A := \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 1 & 1 & \hdots & 1 \\ 1 & 1 & && 1 \\ 1 & & 1 && 1 \\ \vdots & & & \ddots & \vdots \\ 1 & 1 & 1 & \hdots & 1 \\ \end{bmatrix} \] \subsection{Explain why for n = $100000$ using Matlab’s \texttt{chol(\ldots)} to solve $Ax = b$ for a given righthand-side vector would be problematic.} \textbf{A IS NOT POSITIVE DEFINITE: CHECK WITH EDOARDO} \section{Degree Centrality [10 points]} Assuming that the degree of the Householder graph is the number of co-authors of each author and that an author is not co-author of himself, the degree centralities of all authors sorted in descending order are below. This output has been obtained by running \texttt{ex2.m}. \begin{verbatim} Author Centrality: Coauthors... Golub 31: Wilkinson TChan Varah Overton Ernst VanLoan Saunders Bojanczyk Dubrulle George Nachtigal Kahan Varga Kagstrom Widlund OLeary Bjorck Eisenstat Zha VanDooren Tang Reichel Luk Fischer Gutknecht Heath Plemmons Berry Sameh Meyer Gill Demmel 15: Edelman VanLoan Bai Schreiber Kahan Kagstrom Barlow NHigham Arioli Duff Hammarling Bunch Heath Greenbaum Gragg Plemmons 13: Golub Nagy Harrod Pan Funderlic Bojanczyk George Barlow Heath Berry Sameh Meyer Nichols Heath 12: Golub TChan Funderlic George Gilbert Eisenstat Ng Liu Laub Plemmons Paige Demmel Schreiber 12: TChan VanLoan Moler Gilbert Pothen NTrefethen Bjorstad NHigham Eisenstat Tang Elden Demmel Hammarling 10: Wilkinson Kaufman Bai Bjorck VanHuffel VanDooren Duff Greenbaum Gill Demmel VanDooren 10: Golub Boley Bojanczyk Kagstrom VanHuffel Luk Hammarling Laub Nichols Paige TChan 10: Golub Saied Ong Kuo Tong Schreiber Arioli Duff Heath Hansen Gragg 9: Borges Kaufman Harrod Reichel Stewart BunseGerstner Ammar Warner Demmel Moler 8: Wilkinson VanLoan Gilbert Schreiber Henrici Stewart Bunch Laub VanLoan 8: Golub Moler Schreiber Kagstrom Luk Bunch Paige Demmel Paige 7: Anjos VanLoan Saunders Bjorck VanDooren Laub Heath Gutknecht 7: Golub Ashby Boley NTrefethen Nachtigal Varga Hochbruck Luk 7: Golub Overton Boley VanLoan Bojanczyk Park VanDooren Eisenstat 7: Golub Gu George Schreiber Liu Heath Ipsen George 7: Golub Eisenstat Ng Liu Tang Heath Plemmons Meyer 6: Golub Benzi Funderlic Stewart Ipsen Plemmons Bunch 6: LeBorne Fierro VanLoan Moler Stewart Demmel Stewart 6: Moler Bunch Gragg Meyer Gill Mathias Reichel 6: Golub NTrefethen Nachtigal Fischer Gragg Ammar Bjorck 6: Golub Park Duff Hammarling Elden Paige NTrefethen 6: Schreiber Nachtigal Reichel Gutknecht Greenbaum ATrefethen Nichols 5: Byers Barlow VanDooren Plemmons BunseGerstner Greenbaum 5: Cullum Strakos NTrefethen Hammarling Demmel Ipsen 5: Chandrasekaran Barlow Eisenstat Meyer Jessup Laub 5: Kenney Moler VanDooren Heath Paige Duff 5: TChan Bjorck Arioli Hammarling Demmel Liu 5: George Gilbert Eisenstat Ng Heath Park 5: Boley Bjorck VanHuffel Luk Elden Zha 5: Golub Bai Barlow VanHuffel Hansen Widlund 5: Golub Bjorstad OLeary Smith Szyld Barlow 5: Zha Ipsen Plemmons Nichols Demmel Kagstrom 5: Golub VanLoan VanDooren Ruhe Demmel Varga 5: Golub Marek Young Gutknecht Starke Gilbert 5: Moler Schreiber Ng Liu Heath Gill 4: Golub Saunders Hammarling Stewart Sameh 4: Golub Harrod Plemmons Berry Berry 4: Golub Harrod Plemmons Sameh BunseGerstner 4: He Byers Gragg Nichols Hansen 4: TChan Fierro OLeary Zha Ng 4: George Gilbert Liu Heath Arioli 4: TChan MuntheKaas Duff Demmel VanHuffel 4: Zha Park VanDooren Hammarling Nachtigal 4: Golub NTrefethen Reichel Gutknecht Bojanczyk 4: Golub VanDooren Luk Plemmons Harrod 4: Plemmons Gragg Berry Sameh Boley 4: Park VanDooren Luk Gutknecht Wilkinson 4: Golub Dubrulle Moler Hammarling Ammar 3: He Reichel Gragg Elden 3: Schreiber Bjorck Park Fischer 3: Golub Modersitzki Reichel Tang 3: Golub George Schreiber NHigham 3: Schreiber Pothen Demmel OLeary 3: Golub Widlund Hansen Bjorstad 3: Schreiber Widlund Boman Kahan 3: Golub Davis Demmel Bai 3: Zha Hammarling Demmel Saunders 3: Golub Paige Gill Funderlic 3: Heath Plemmons Meyer Kaufman 3: Hammarling Gragg Warner Starke 2: Varga Hochbruck Hochbruck 2: Gutknecht Starke Jessup 2: Crevelli Ipsen Warner 2: Kaufman Gragg Ruhe 2: Wold Kagstrom Szyld 2: Marek Widlund Young 2: Kincaid Varga Pothen 2: Schreiber NHigham Tong 2: TChan Kuo Kuo 2: TChan Tong Marek 2: Varga Szyld Dubrulle 2: Golub Wilkinson Fierro 2: Bunch Hansen Byers 2: BunseGerstner Nichols Overton 2: Golub Luk He 2: BunseGerstner Ammar Mathias 1: Stewart Davis 1: Kahan ATrefethen 1: NTrefethen Henrici 1: Moler Smith 1: Widlund MuntheKaas 1: Arioli Boman 1: Bjorstad Chandrasekaran 1: Ipsen Wold 1: Ruhe Ong 1: TChan Saied 1: TChan Strakos 1: Greenbaum Cullum 1: Greenbaum Edelman 1: Demmel Pan 1: Plemmons Nagy 1: Plemmons Gu 1: Eisenstat Benzi 1: Meyer Anjos 1: Paige Crevelli 1: Jessup Kincaid 1: Young Borges 1: Gragg Ernst 1: Golub Modersitzki 1: Fischer LeBorne 1: Bunch Ashby 1: Gutknecht Kenney 1: Laub Varah 1: Golub \end{verbatim} \section{The Connectivity of the Coauthors [10 points]} \section{PageRank of the Coauthor Graph [10 points]} \section{Zachary's karate club: social network of friendships between 34 members [50 points]} \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{karate} The social network of a karate club at a US university, M.~E.~J. Newman and M. Girvan, Phys. Rev. E 69,026113 (2004) pp. 219-229. \end{thebibliography} \end{document}