# Insidious Proxy ### Author: Claudio Maggioni ## Sources and references used to write this program: - [UniversalPizzoccheri](https://git.maggioni.xyz/maggicl/UniversalPizzoccheri) (own work from high-school), used for code snippets on sockets - cppreference.com and man 3, for documentation (as usual) - [micro_proxy](http://acme.com/software/micro_proxy/), for general inspiration for the high level implementation and code snippets for DNS queries. ## Dependemcies: - [GraphicsMagick++](http://www.graphicsmagick.org/project.html) for imagemagick bindings in order to rotate the image. On macos, install with `brew install graphicsmagick`. ## Building: On MacOS, run `make macos`. Otherwise use simply `make`.