It is a necessary condition for a minimizer $x^*$ of $J$ that:
\[\nabla J (x^*)=0\Leftrightarrow Ax^*= b\]
\subsection{Second order necessary condition}
It is a necessary condition for a minimizer $x^*$ of $J$ that:
\[\nabla^2 J(x^*)\geq0\Leftrightarrow A \text{ is positive semi-definite}\]
\subsection{Sufficient conditions}
It is a sufficient condition for $x^*$ to be a minimizer of $J$ that the first necessary condition is true and that:
\[\nabla^2 J(x^*) > 0\Leftrightarrow A \text{ is positive definite}\]
\subsection{Does $\min_{x \in R^n} J(x)$ have a unique solution?}
Not in general. If for example we consider A and b to be only zeros, then $J(x)=0$ for all $x \in\!R^n$ and thus $J$ would have an infinite number of minimizers.
However, for if $A$ would be guaranteed to have full rank, the minimizer would be unique because the first order necessary condition would hold only for one value $x^*$. This is because the linear system $Ax^*= b$ would have one and only one solution (due to $A$ being full rank).