function H = hatchfill(A,varargin) % HATCHFILL2 Hatching and speckling of patch objects % HATCHFILL2(A) fills the patch(es) with handle(s) A. A can be a vector % of handles or a single handle. If A is a vector, then all objects of A % should be part of the same group for predictable results. The hatch % consists of black lines angled at 45 degrees at 40 hatching lines over % the axis span with no color filling between the lines. % % A can be handles of patch or hggroup containing patch objects for % Pre-R2014b release. For HG2 releases, 'bar' and 'contour' objects are % also supported. % % Hatching line object is actively formatted. If A, axes, or figure size % is modified, the hatching line object will be updated accordingly to % maintain the specified style. % % HATCHFILL2(A,STYL) applies STYL pattern with default paramters. STYL % options are: % 'single' single lines (the default) % 'cross' double-crossed hatch % 'speckle' speckling inside the patch boundary % 'outspeckle' speckling outside the boundary % 'fill' no hatching % % HATCHFILL2(A,STYL,Option1Name,Option1Value,...) to customize the % hatching pattern % % Name Description % -------------------------------------------------------------------- % HatchStyle Hatching pattern (same effect as STYL argument) % HatchAngle Angle of hatch lines in degrees (45) % HatchDensity Number of hatch lines between axis limits % HatchOffset Offset hatch lines in pixels (0) % HatchColor Color of the hatch lines, 'auto' sets it to the % EdgeColor of A % HatchLineStyle Hatch line style % HatchLineWidth Hatch line width % SpeckleWidth Width of speckling region in pixels (7) % SpeckleDensity Density of speckle points (1) % SpeckleMarkerStyle Speckle marker style % SpeckleFillColor Speckle fill color % HatchVisible [{'auto'}|'on'|'off'] sets visibility of the hatch % lines. If 'auto', Visibile option is synced to % underlying patch object % HatchSpacing (Deprecated) Spacing of hatch lines (5) % % In addition, name/value pairs of any properties of A can be specified % % H = HATCHFILL2(...) returns handles to the line objects comprising the % hatch/speckle. % % Examples: % Gray region with hatching: % hh = hatchfill2(a,'cross','HatchAngle',45,'HatchSpacing',5,'FaceColor',[0.5 0.5 0.5]); % % Speckled region: % hatchfill2(a,'speckle','HatchAngle',7,'HatchSpacing',1); % Copyright 2015-2018 Takeshi Ikuma % History: % rev. 7 : (01-10-2018) % * Added support for 3D faces % * Removed HatchSpacing option % * Added HatchDensity option % * Hatching is no longer defined w.r.t. pixels. HatchDensity is defined % as the number of hatch lines across an axis limit. As a result, % HatchAngle no longer is the actual hatch angle though it should be % close. % * [known bug] Speckle hatching style is not working % rev. 6 : (07-17-2016) % * Fixed contours object hatching behavior, introduced in rev.5 % * Added ContourStyle option to enable fast drawing if contour is convex % rev. 5 : (05-12-2016) % * Fixed Contour with NaN data point disappearnace issue % * Improved contours object support % rev. 4 : (11-18-2015) % * Worked around the issue with HG2 contours with Fill='off'. % * Removed nagging warning "UseHG2 will be removed..." in R2015b % rev. 3 : (10-29-2015) % * Added support for HG2 AREA % * Fixed for HatchColor 'auto' error when HG2 EdgeColor is 'flat' % * Fixed listener creation error % rev. 2 : (10-24-2015) % * Added New option: HatchVisible, SpeckleDensity, SpeckleWidth % (SpeckleDensity and SpeckleWidtha are separated from HatchSpacing and % HatchAngle, respectively) % rev. 1 : (10-20-2015) % * Fixed HG2 contour data extraction bug (was using wrong hidden data) % * Fixed HG2 contour color extraction bug % * A few cosmetic changes here and there % rev. - : (10-19-2015) original release % * This work is based on Neil Tandon's hatchfill submission % ( % and borrowed code therein from R. Pawlowicz, K. Pankratov, and % Iram Weinstein. narginchk(1,inf); [A,opts,props] = parse_input(A,varargin); drawnow % make sure the base objects are already drawn if verLessThan('matlab','8.4') H = cell(1,numel(A)); else H = repmat({},1,numel(A)); end for n = 1:numel(A) H{n} = newhatch(A(n),opts,props); % if legend of A(n) is shown, add hatching to it as well % leg = handle(legend(ancestor(A,'axes'))); % hsrc = [leg.EntryContainer.Children.Object]; % hlc = leg.EntryContainer.Children(find(hsrc==A(n),1)); % if ~isempty(hlc) % hlc = hlc.Children(1); % LegendIcon object % get(hlc.Children(1)) % end end if nargout==0 clear H else H = [H{:}]; if numel(H)==numel(A) H = reshape(H,size(A)); else H = H(:); end end end function H = newhatch(A,opts,props) % 0. retrieve pixel-data conversion parameters % 1. retrieve face & vertex matrices from A % 2. convert vertex matrix from data to pixels units % 3. get xdata & ydata of hatching lines for each face % 4. concatenate lines sandwitching nan's in between % 5. convert xdata & ydata back to data units % 6. plot the hatching line % traverse if hggroup/hgtransform if ishghandle(A,'hggroup') if verLessThan('matlab','8.4') H = cell(1,numel(A)); else H = repmat({},1,numel(A)); end for n = 1:numel(A.Children) try H{n} = newhatch(A.Children(n),opts,props); catch end end H = [H{:}]; return; end % Modify the base object property if given if ~isempty(props) pvalold = sethgprops(A,props); end try vislisena = strcmp(opts.HatchVisible,'auto'); if vislisena vis = A.Visible; else vis = opts.HatchVisible; end redraw = strcmp(A.Visible,'off') && ~vislisena; if redraw A.Visible = 'on'; % momentarily make the patch visible drawnow; end % get the base object's vertices & faces [V,F,FillFcns] = gethgdata(A); % object does not have its patch data ready if redraw A.Visible = 'off'; % momentarily make the patch visible end if ~isempty(FillFcns) FillFcns{1}(); drawnow; [V,F] = gethgdata(A); % object does not have its patch data ready FillFcns{2}(); drawnow; end % recompute hatch line data [X,Y,Z] = computeHatchData(handle(ancestor(A,'axes')),V,F,opts); % 6. plot the hatching line commonprops = {'Parent',A.Parent,'DisplayName',A.DisplayName,'Visible',vis}; if ~strcmp(opts.HatchColor,'auto') commonprops = [commonprops {'Color',opts.HatchColor,'MarkerFaceColor',opts.HatchColor}]; end if isempty(regexp(opts.HatchStyle,'speckle$','once')) H = line(X,Y,Z,commonprops{:},'LineStyle',opts.HatchLineStyle','LineWidth',opts.HatchLineWidth); else H = line(X,Y,Z,commonprops{:},'LineStyle','none','Marker',opts.SpeckleMarkerStyle,... 'MarkerSize',opts.SpeckleSize,'Parent',A.Parent,'DisplayName',A.DisplayName); end if strcmp(opts.HatchColor,'auto') syncColor(H,A); end if isempty(H) error('Unable to obtain hatching data from the specified object A.'); end % 7. Move H so that it is place right above A in parent's uistack p = handle(A.Parent); Hcs = handle(p.Children); [~,idx] = ismember(A,Hcs); % always idx(1)>idx(2) as H was just created p.Children = p.Children([2:idx-1 1 idx:end]); % if HG1, all done | no dynamic adjustment support if verLessThan('matlab','8.4') return; end % save the config data & set up the object listeners setappdata(A,'HatchFill2Opts',opts); % hatching options setappdata(A,'HatchFill2Obj',H); % hatching line object setappdata(A,'HatchFill2LastData',{V,F}); % last patch data setappdata(A,'HatchFill2LastVisible',A.Visible); % last sensitive properties setappdata(A,'HatchFill2PostMarkedClean',{}); % run this function at the end of the MarkClean callback and set NoAction flag setappdata(A,'HatchFill2NoAction',false); % no action during next MarkClean callback, callback only clears this flag setappdata(H,'HatchFill2MatchVisible',vislisena); setappdata(H,'HatchFill2MatchColor',strcmp(opts.HatchColor,'auto')); setappdata(H,'HatchFill2Patch',A); % base object %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Create listeners for active formatting addlistener(H,'ObjectBeingDestroyed',@hatchBeingDeleted); lis = [ addlistener(A,'Reparent',@objReparent) addlistener(A,'ObjectBeingDestroyed',@objBeingDeleted); addlistener(A,'MarkedClean',@objMarkedClean) addlistener(A,'LegendEntryDirty',@(h,evt)[])]; % <- study this later syncprops = {'Clipping','HitTest','Interruptible','BusyAction','UIContextMenu'}; syncprops(~cellfun(@(p)isprop(A,p),syncprops)) = []; for n = 1:numel(syncprops) lis(n+2) = addlistener(A,syncprops{n},'PostSet',@syncProperty); end catch ME % something went wrong, restore the base object properties if ~isempty(props) for pname = fieldnames(pvalold)' name = pname{1}; val = pvalold.(name); if iscell(val) pvalold.(name){1}.(name) = pvalold.(name){2}; else A.(name) = pvalold.(name); end end end ME.rethrow(); end end %%%%%%%%%% EVENT CALLBACK FUNCTIONS %%%%%%%%%%%% % Base Object's listeners % objReparent - also move the hatch object % ObjectingBeingDestroyed - also destroy the hatch object % MarkedClean - match color if HatchColor = 'auto' % - check if vertex & face changed; if so redraw hatch % - check if hatch redraw triggered the event due to object's % face not shown; if so clear the flag function objMarkedClean(hp,~) % CALLBACK for base object's MarkedClean event % check: visibility change, hatching area change, & color change if getappdata(hp,'HatchFill2NoAction') setappdata(A,'HatchFill2NoAction',false); return; end % get the main patch object (loops if hggroup or HG2 objects) H = getappdata(hp,'HatchFill2Obj'); rehatch = ~strcmp(hp.Visible,getappdata(hp,'HatchFill2LastVisible')); if rehatch % if visibility changed setappdata(hp,'HatchFill2LastVisible',hp.Visible); if strcmp(hp.Visible,'off') % if made hidden, hide hatching as well if getappdata(H,'HatchFill2MatchVisible') H.Visible = 'off'; return; % nothing else to do end end end % get the patch data [V,F,FillFcns] = gethgdata(hp); if ~isempty(FillFcns) % patch does not exist, must momentarily generate it FillFcns{1}(); setappdata(A,'HatchFill2PostMarkedClean',FillFcns{2}); return; end if ~rehatch % if visible already 'on', check for the change in object data VFlast = getappdata(hp,'HatchFill2LastData'); rehatch = ~isequaln(F,VFlast{2}) || ~isequaln(V,VFlast{1}); end % rehatch if patch data/visibility changed if rehatch % recompute hatch line data [X,Y,Z] = computeHatchData(ancestor(H,'axes'),V,F,getappdata(hp,'HatchFill2Opts')); % update the hatching line data set(H,'XData',X,'YData',Y,'ZData',Z); % save patch data setappdata(hp,'HatchFill2LastData',{V,F}); end % sync the color syncColor(H,hp); % run post callback if specified (expect it to trigger another MarkedClean % event immediately) fcn = getappdata(hp,'HatchFill2PostMarkedClean'); if ~isempty(fcn) setappdata(hp,'HatchFill2PostMarkedClean',function_handle.empty); setappdata(hp,'HatchFill2NoAction',true); fcn(); return; end end function syncProperty(~,evt) % sync Visible property to the patch object hp = handle(evt.AffectedObject); % patch object hh = getappdata(hp,'HatchFill2Obj'); hh.(evt.Source.Name) = hp.(evt.Source.Name); end function objReparent(hp,evt) %objReparent event listener callback pnew = evt.NewValue; if isempty(pnew) return; % no change? end % move the hatch line object over as well H = getappdata(hp,'HatchFill2Obj'); H.Parent = pnew; % make sure to move the hatch line object right above the patch object Hcs = handle(pnew.Children); [~,idx] = ismember(hp,Hcs); % always idx(1)>idx(2) as H was just moved pnew.Children = pnew.Children([2:idx-1 1 idx:end]); end function objBeingDeleted(hp,~) %when base object is deleted if isappdata(hp,'HatchFill2Obj') H = getappdata(hp,'HatchFill2Obj'); try % in case H is already deleted delete(H); catch end end end function hatchBeingDeleted(hh,~) %when hatch line object (hh) is deleted if isappdata(hh,'HatchFill2Patch') % remove listeners listening to the patch object hp = getappdata(hh,'HatchFill2Patch'); if isappdata(hp,'HatchFill2Listeners') delete(getappdata(hp,'HatchFill2Listeners')); rmappdata(hp,'HatchFill2Listeners'); end end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function varargout = computeHatchData(ax,V,F,opts) varargout = cell(1,nargout); if isempty(V) % if patch shown return; end N = size(F,1); XYZc = cell(2,N); for n = 1:N % for each face % 2. get xdata & ydata of the vertices of the face in transformed bases f = F(n,:); % get indices to the vertices of the face f(isnan(f)) = []; [v,T,islog] = transform_data(ax,V(f,:),[]); % transform the face if isempty(v) % face is not hatchable continue; end % 2. get xdata & ydata of hatching lines for each face if any(strcmp(opts.HatchStyle,{'speckle','outsidespeckle'})) xy = hatch_xy(v.',opts.HatchStyle,opts.SpeckleWidth,opts.SpeckleDensity,opts.HatchOffset); else xy = hatch_xy(v.',opts.HatchStyle,opts.HatchAngle,opts.HatchDensity,opts.HatchOffset); end % 3. revert the bases back to 3D Eucledian space XYZc{1,n} = revert_data(xy',T,islog).'; end % 4. concatenate hatch lines across faces sandwitching nan's in between [XYZc{2,:}] = deal(nan(3,1)); XYZ = cat(2,XYZc{:}); % 5. convert xdata & ydata back to data units [varargout{1:3}] = deal(XYZ(1,:),XYZ(2,:),XYZ(3,:)); end function tf = issupported(hbase) % check if all of the given base objects are supported supported_objtypes = {'patch','hggroup','bar','contour','area','surface','histogram'}; if isempty(hbase) tf = false; else tf = ishghandle(hbase,supported_objtypes{1}); for n = 2:numel(supported_objtypes) tf(:) = tf | ishghandle(hbase,supported_objtypes{n}); end tf = all(tf); end end % synchronize hatching line color to the patch's edge color if HatchColor = % 'auto' function syncColor(H,A) if ~getappdata(H,'HatchFill2MatchColor') % do not sync return; end if ishghandle(A,'patch') || ishghandle(A,'Bar') || ishghandle(A,'area') ... || ishghandle(A,'surface') || ishghandle(A,'Histogram') %HG2 pname = 'EdgeColor'; elseif ishghandle(A,'contour') % HG2 pname = 'LineColor'; end color = A.(pname); if strcmp(color,'flat') try color = double(A.Edge(1).ColorData(1:3)')/255; catch warning('Does not support CData based edge color.'); color = 'k'; end end H.Color = color; H.MarkerFaceColor = color; end function [V,F,FillFcns] = gethgdata(A) % Get vertices & face data from the object along with the critical % properties to observe change in the hatching area % initialize the output variable F = []; V = []; FillFcns = {}; if ~isvalid(A) || strcmp(A.Visible,'off') return; end if ishghandle(A,'patch') V = A.Vertices; F = A.Faces; elseif ishghandle(A,'bar') [V,F] = getQuadrilateralData(A.Face); elseif ishghandle(A,'area') [V,F] = getTriangleStripData(A.Face); set(A,'FaceColor','none'); elseif ishghandle(A,'surface') % HG2 if strcmp(A.FaceColor,'none') FillFcns = {@()set(A,'FaceColor','w'),@()set(A,'FaceColor','none')}; return; end [V,F] = getQuadrilateralData(A.Face); elseif ishghandle(A,'contour') % HG2 % Retrieve data from hidden FacePrims property (a TriangleStrip object) if strcmp(A.Fill,'off') FillFcns = {@()set(A,'Fill','on'),@()set(A,'Fill','off')}; return; end [V,F] = getTriangleStripData(A.FacePrims); elseif ishghandle(A,'histogram') %HG2: Quadrateral underlying data object [V,F] = getQuadrilateralData(A.NodeChildren(4)); end end function [V,F] = getQuadrilateralData(A) % surface, bar, histogram, if isempty(A) warning('Cannot hatch the face: Graphics object''s face is not defined.'); V = []; F = []; return; end V = A.VertexData'; % If any of the axes is in log scale, V is normalized to wrt the axes % limits, V(:) = norm2data(V,A); if ~isempty(A.VertexIndices) % vertices likely reused on multiple quadrilaterals I = A.VertexIndices; Nf = numel(I)/4; % has to be divisible by 4 else %every 4 consecutive vertices defines a quadrilateral Nv = size(V,1); Nf = Nv/4; I = 1:Nv; end F = reshape(I,4,Nf)'; if ~isempty(A.StripData) % hack workaround F(:) = F(:,[1 2 4 3]); end try if ~any(all(V==V(1,:))) % not on any Euclidian plane % convert quadrilateral to triangle strips F = [F(:,1:3);F(:,[1 3 4])]; end catch % if implicit array expansion is not supported (0, .1 dense 1 OK, 5 sparse) % 'outspeckle',7,1 - speckled (outside) boundary of width 7 points, density 1 % (density >0, .1 dense 1 OK, 5 sparse) % % % H=M_HATCH(...) returns handles to hatches/speckles. % % [XI,YI,X,Y]=MHATCH(...) does not draw lines - instead it returns % vectors XI,YI of the hatch/speckle info, and X,Y of the original % outline modified so the first point==last point (if necessary). % % Note that inside and outside speckling are done quite differently % and 'outside' speckling on large coastlines can be very slow. % % Hatch Algorithm originally by K. Pankratov, with a bit stolen from % Iram Weinsteins 'fancification'. Speckle modifications by R. Pawlowicz. % % R Pawlowicz 15/Dec/2005 I = zeros(1,size(xydata,2)); % face vertices are not always closed if any(xydata(:,1)~=xydata(:,end)) xydata(:,end+1) = xydata(:,1); I(end+1) = I(1); end if any(strcmp(styl,{'speckle','outspeckle'})) angle = angle*(1-I); end switch styl case 'single' xydatai = drawhatch(xydata,angle,1/step,0,offset); case 'cross' xydatai = [... drawhatch(xydata,angle,1/step,0,offset) ... drawhatch(xydata,angle+90,1/step,0,offset)]; case 'speckle' xydatai = [... drawhatch(xydata,45, 1/step,angle,offset) ... drawhatch(xydata,45+90,1/step,angle,offset)]; case 'outspeckle' xydatai = [... drawhatch(xydata,45, 1/step,-angle,offset) ... drawhatch(xydata,45+90,1/step,-angle,offset)]; inside = logical(inpolygon(xydatai(1,:),xydatai(2,:),x,y)); % logical needed for v6! xydatai(:,inside) = []; otherwise xydatai = zeros(2,0); end end %%% function xydatai = drawhatch(xydata,angle,step,speckle,offset) % xydata is given as 2xN matrix, x on the first row, y on the second % Idea here appears to be to rotate everthing so lines will be % horizontal, and scaled so we go in integer steps in 'y' with % 'points' being the units in x. % Center it for "good behavior". % rotate first about (0,0) ca = cosd(angle); sa = sind(angle); u = [ca sa]*xydata; % Rotation v = [-sa ca]*xydata; % translate to the grid point nearest to the centroid u0 = round(mean(u)/step)*step; v0 = round(mean(v)/step)*step; x = (u-u0); y = (v-v0)/step+offset; % plus scaling and offsetting % Compute the coordinates of the hatch line ............... yi = ceil(y); yd = [diff(yi) 0]; % when diff~=0 we are crossing an integer fnd = find(yd); % indices of crossings dm = max(abs(yd)); % max possible #of integers between points % This is going to be pretty space-inefficient if the line segments % going in have very different lengths. We have one column per line % interval and one row per hatch line within that interval. % A = cumsum( repmat(sign(yd(fnd)),dm,1), 1); % Here we interpolate points along all the line segments at the % correct intervals. fnd1 = find(abs(A)<=abs( repmat(yd(fnd),dm,1) )); A = A+repmat(yi(fnd),dm,1)-(A>0); xy = (x(fnd+1)-x(fnd))./(y(fnd+1)-y(fnd)); xi = repmat(x(fnd),dm,1)+(A-repmat(y(fnd),dm,1) ).*repmat(xy,dm,1); yi = A(fnd1); xi = xi(fnd1); % Sorting points of the hatch line ........................ %%yi0 = min(yi); yi1 = max(yi); % Sort them in raster order (i.e. by x, then by y) % Add '2' to make sure we don't have problems going from a max(xi) % to a min(xi) on the next line (yi incremented by one) xi0 = min(xi); xi1 = max(xi); ci = 2*yi*(xi1-xi0)+xi; [~,num] = sort(ci); xi = xi(num); yi = yi(num); % if this happens an error has occurred somewhere (we have an odd % # of points), and the "fix" is not correct, but for speckling anyway % it really doesn't make a difference. if rem(length(xi),2)==1 xi = [xi; xi(end)]; yi = [yi; yi(end)]; end % Organize to pairs and separate by NaN's ................ li = length(xi); xi = reshape(xi,2,li/2); yi = reshape(yi,2,li/2); % The speckly part - instead of taking the line we make a point some % random distance in. if length(speckle)>1 || speckle(1)~=0 if length(speckle)>1 % Now we get the speckle parameter for each line. % First, carry over the speckle parameter for the segment % yd=[0 speckle(1:end-1)]; yd = speckle(1:end); A=repmat(yd(fnd),dm,1); speckle=A(fnd1); % Now give it the same preconditioning as for xi/yi speckle=speckle(num); if rem(length(speckle),2)==1 speckle = [speckle; speckle(end)]; end speckle=reshape(speckle,2,li/2); else speckle=[speckle;speckle]; end % Thin out the points in narrow parts. % This keeps everything when abs(dxi)>2*speckle, and then makes % it increasingly sparse for smaller intervals. dxi=diff(xi); nottoosmall=sum(speckle,1)~=0 & rand(1,li/2)1, speckle=speckle(:,nottoosmall); end % Now randomly scatter points (if there any left) li=length(dxi); if any(li) xi(1,:)=xi(1,:)+sign(dxi).*(1-rand(1,li).^0.5).*min(speckle(1,:),abs(dxi) ); xi(2,:)=xi(2,:)-sign(dxi).*(1-rand(1,li).^0.5).*min(speckle(2,:),abs(dxi) ); % Remove the 'zero' speckles if size(speckle,2)>1 xi=xi(speckle~=0); yi=yi(speckle~=0); end end else xi = [xi; ones(1,li/2)*nan]; % Separate the line segments yi = [yi; ones(1,li/2)*nan]; end % Transform back to the original coordinate system xydatai = [ca -sa;sa ca]*[xi(:)'+u0;(yi(:)'-offset)*step+v0]; end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function [h,opts,props] = parse_input(h,argin) % parse & validate input arguments patchtypes = {'single','cross','speckle','outspeckle','fill','none'}; % get base object handle if ~issupported(h) error('Unsupported graphics handle type.'); end h = handle(h); % get common property names pnames = getcommonprops(h); % if style argument is given, convert it to HatchStyle option pair stylearg = {}; if ~isempty(argin) && ischar(argin{1}) try ptypes = validatestring(argin{1},patchtypes); stylearg = {'HatchStyle' ptypes}; argin(1) = []; catch % STYL not given, continue on end end % create inputParser for options p = inputParser; p.addParameter('HatchStyle','single'); p.addParameter('HatchAngle',45,@(v)validateattributes(v,{'numeric'},{'scalar','finite','real'})); p.addParameter('HatchDensity',40,@(v)validateattributes(v,{'numeric'},{'scalar','positive','finite','real'})); p.addParameter('HatchSpacing',[],@(v)validateattributes(v,{'numeric'},{'scalar','positive','finite','real'})); p.addParameter('HatchOffset',0,@(v)validateattributes(v,{'numeric'},{'scalar','nonnegative','<',1,'real'})); p.addParameter('HatchColor','auto',@validatecolor); p.addParameter('HatchLineStyle','-'); p.addParameter('HatchLineWidth',0.5,@(v)validateattributes(v,{'numeric'},{'scalar','positive','finite','real'})); p.addParameter('SpeckleWidth',7,@(v)validateattributes(v,{'numeric'},{'scalar','finite','real'})); p.addParameter('SpeckleDensity',100,@(v)validateattributes(v,{'numeric'},{'scalar','positive','finite','real'})); p.addParameter('SpeckleMarkerStyle','.'); p.addParameter('SpeckleSize',2,@(v)validateattributes(v,{'numeric'},{'scalar','positive','finite'})); p.addParameter('SpeckleFillColor','auto',@validatecolor); p.addParameter('HatchVisible','auto'); for n = 1:numel(pnames) p.addParameter(pnames{n},[]); end p.parse(stylearg{:},argin{:}); rnames = fieldnames(p.Results); isopt = ~cellfun(@isempty,regexp(rnames,'^(Hatch|Speckle)','once')) | strcmp(rnames,'ContourStyle'); props = struct([]); for n = 1:numel(rnames) if isopt(n) opts.(rnames{n}) = p.Results.(rnames{n}); elseif ~isempty(p.Results.(rnames{n})) props(1).(rnames{n}) = p.Results.(rnames{n}); end end opts.HatchStyle = validatestring(opts.HatchStyle,patchtypes); if any(strcmp(opts.HatchStyle,{'speckle','outspeckle'})) warning('hatchfill2:PartialSupport','Speckle/outspeckle HatchStyle may not work in the current release of hatchfill2') end if strcmpi(opts.HatchStyle,'none') % For backwards compatability: opts.HatchStyle = 'fill'; end opts.HatchLineStyle = validatestring(opts.HatchLineStyle,{'-','--',':','-.'},mfilename,'HatchLineStyle'); if ~isempty(opts.HatchSpacing) warning('HatchSpacing option has been deprecated. Use ''HatchDensity'' option instead.'); end opts = rmfield(opts,'HatchSpacing'); opts.SpeckleMarkerStyle = validatestring(opts.SpeckleMarkerStyle,{'+','o','*','.','x','square','diamond','v','^','>','<','pentagram','hexagram'},'hatchfill2','SpeckleMarkerStyle'); opts.HatchVisible = validatestring(opts.HatchVisible,{'auto','on','off'},mfilename,'HatchVisible'); end function pnames = getcommonprops(h) % grab the common property names of the base objects V = set(h(1)); pnames = fieldnames(V); if ishghandle(h(1),'hggroup') pnames = union(pnames,getcommonprops(get(h(1),'Children'))); end for n = 2:numel(h) V = set(h(n)); pnames1 = fieldnames(V); if ishghandle(h(n),'hggroup') pnames1 = union(pnames1,getcommonprops(get(h(n),'Children'))); end pnames = intersect(pnames,pnames1); end end function validatecolor(val) try validateattributes(val,{'double','single'},{'numel',3,'>=',0,'<=',1}); catch validatestring(val,{'auto','y','yellow','m','magenta','c','cyan','r','red',... 'g','green','b','blue','w','white','k','black'}); end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % axes unit conversion functions function [V,T,islog] = transform_data(ax,V,ref) % convert vertices data to hatch-ready form % - if axis is log-scaled, data is converted to their log10 values % - if 3D (non-zero z), spatially transform data onto the xy-plane. If % reference point is given, ref is mapped to the origin. Otherwise, ref % is chosen to be the axes midpoint projected onto the patch plane. Along % with the data, the axes corner coordinates are also projected onto the % patch plane to obtain the projected axes limits. % - transformed xy-data are then normalized by the projected axes spans. noZ = size(V,2)==2; xl = ax.XLim; yl = ax.YLim; zl = ax.ZLim; % log to linear space islog = strcmp({ax.XScale ax.YScale ax.ZScale},'log'); if islog(1) V(:,1) = log10(V(:,1)); xl = log10(xl); if ~isempty(ref) ref(1) = log10(ref(1)); end end if islog(2) V(:,2) = log10(V(:,2)); yl = log10(yl); if ~isempty(ref) ref(2) = log10(ref(2)); end end if islog(3) && ~noZ V(:,3) = log10(V(:,3)); zl = log10(zl); if ~isempty(ref) ref(3) = log10(ref(3)); end end if noZ V(:,3) = 0; end % if not given, pick the reference point to be the mid-point of the current % axes if isempty(ref) ref = [mean(xl) mean(yl) mean(zl)]; end % normalize the axes so that they span = 1; Tscale = makehgtform('scale', [1/diff(xl) 1/diff(yl) 1/diff(zl)]); V(:) = V*Tscale(1:3,1:3); ref(:) = ref*Tscale(1:3,1:3); % obtain unique vertices Vq = double(unique(V,'rows')); % find unique points (sorted order) Nq = size(Vq,1); if Nq<3 || any(isinf(Vq(:))) || any(isnan(Vq(:))) % not hatchable V = []; T = []; return; end try % erros if 2D object zq = unique(Vq(:,3)); catch V(:,3) = 0; zq = 0; end T = eye(4); if isscalar(zq) % patch is on a xy-plane if zq~=0 % not on the xy-plane T = makehgtform('translate',[0 0 -zq]); end else % if patch is not on a same xy-plane % use 3 points likely well separated idx = round((0:2)/2*(Nq-1))+1; % find unit normal vector of the patch plane norm = cross(Vq(idx(1),:)-Vq(idx(3),:),Vq(idx(2),:)-Vq(idx(3),:)); % normal vector norm(:) = norm/sqrt(sum(norm.^2)); % define the spatial rotation theta = acos(norm(3)); if theta>pi/2, theta = theta-pi; end u = [norm(2) -norm(1) 0]; Trot = makehgtform('axisrotate',u,theta); % project the reference point onto the plane P = norm.'*norm; ref_proj = ref*(eye(3) - P) + Vq(1,:)*P; if norm(3) T = makehgtform('translate', -ref_proj); % user specified reference point or -d/norm(3) for z-crossing end % apply the rotation now T(:) = Trot*T; % find the axes limits on the transformed space % [Xlims,Ylims,Zlims] = ndgrid(xl,yl,zl); % Vlims = [Xlims(:) Ylims(:) Zlims(:)]; % Vlims_proj = [Vlims ones(8,1)]*T'; % lims_proj = [min(Vlims_proj(:,[1 2]),[],1);max(Vlims_proj(:,[1 2]),[],1)]; % xl = lims_proj(:,1)'; % yl = lims_proj(:,2)'; end % perform the transformation V(:,4) = 1; V = V*T'; V(:,[3 4]) = []; T(:) = T*Tscale; end function V = revert_data(V,T,islog) N = size(V,1); V = [V zeros(N,1) ones(N,1)]/T'; V(:,end) = []; % log to linear space if islog(1) V(:,1) = 10.^(V(:,1)); end if islog(2) V(:,2) = 10.^(V(:,2)); end if islog(3) V(:,3) = 10.^(V(:,3)); end end