%% Homework 1 - Optimization Methods % Author: Claudio Maggioni % % Sources: % - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91RZYO1cv_o clear clc close all format short %% Exercise 3.1 % f(x1, x2) = x1^2 + u * x2^2; % 1/2 * [x1 x2] [2 0] [x1] + [0][x1] % [0 2u] [x2] + [0][x2] % A = [1 0; 0 u]; b = [0; 0] %% Exercise 3.2 xaxis = -10:1:10; yaxis = xaxis; Zn = zeros(size(xaxis, 2), size(yaxis, 2)); Zs = {Zn,Zn,Zn,Zn,Zn,Zn,Zn,Zn,Zn,Zn}; for u = 1:10 A = [1 0; 0 u]; for i = 1:size(xaxis, 2) for j = 1:size(yaxis, 2) vec = [xaxis(i); yaxis(j)]; Zs{u}(i, j) = vec' * A * vec; end end end for u = 1:10 subplot(2, 5, u); h = surf(xaxis, yaxis, Zs{u}); set(h,'LineStyle','none'); title(sprintf("u=%d", u)); end sgtitle("Surf plots"); % comment these lines on submission addpath /home/claudio/git/matlab2tikz/src matlab2tikz('showInfo', false, './surf.tex') figure yi = zeros(30, 25); ni = zeros(30, 25); its = zeros(30, 1); for u = 1:10 subplot(2, 5, u); contour(xaxis, yaxis, Zs{u}, 10); title(sprintf("u=%d", u)); %% Exercise 3.3 A = [2 0; 0 2*u]; b = [0; 0]; xs = [[0; 10] [10; 0] [10; 10]]; syms sx sy f = 1/2 * [sx sy] * A * [sx; sy]; g = gradient(f, [sx; sy]); hold on j = 1; for x0 = xs ri = u * 3 - 3 + j; x = x0; i = 1; xi = zeros(2, 25); xi(:, 1) = x0; yi(ri, 1) = subs(f, [sx sy], x0'); while true p = -1 * double(subs(g, [sx sy], x')); ni(ri, i) = log10(norm(p, 2)); if norm(p, 2) == 0 || ni(ri, i) <= -8 break end alpha = dot(b - A * x, p) / dot(A * p, p); x = x + alpha * p; i = i + 1; xi(:, i) = x; yi(ri, i) = subs(f, [sx sy], x'); end xi = xi(:, 1:i); plot(xi(1, :), xi(2, :), '-'); fprintf("u=%2d x0=[%2d,%2d] it=%2d x=[%d,%d]\n", u, ... x0(1), x0(2), i, x(1), x(2)); its(ri) = i; j = j + 1; end hold off end sgtitle("Contour plots and iteration steps"); % comment these lines on submission addpath /home/claudio/git/matlab2tikz/src matlab2tikz('showInfo', false, './contour.tex') figure for u = 1:10 subplot(2, 5, u); title(sprintf("u=%d", u)); hold on for j = 1:3 ri = u * 3 - 3 + j; vec = yi(ri, :); vec = vec(1:its(ri)); plot(1:its(ri), vec); end hold off end sgtitle("Iterations over values of objective function"); % comment these lines on submission addpath /home/claudio/git/matlab2tikz/src matlab2tikz('showInfo', false, './yseries.tex') figure for u = 1:10 subplot(2, 5, u); hold on for j = 1:3 ri = u * 3 - 3 + j; vec = ni(ri, :); vec = vec(1:its(ri)); plot(1:its(ri), vec); end hold off title(sprintf("u=%d", u)); end sgtitle("Iterations over log10 of gradient norms"); % comment these lines on submission addpath /home/claudio/git/matlab2tikz/src matlab2tikz('showInfo', false, './norms.tex')