can make one thread evaluate the new value for \emph{result} before another has finished writing to it, thus producing incorrect
By synchronising the access to \emph{result}, we effectively make the application sequential, since only one thread at a time can
change result. Therefore, \texttt{MultipleUpdatesPerThread} runs even worse than \texttt{SequentialSum} since it has to cope with
all the synchronization overhead.
\subsection{Question 2}
While more efficient, \texttt{SingleUpdatePerThread} is still wrong because the access to \emph{result} is still not synchronized.
Again, non-atomic evaluation of the statement \texttt{result += partialSum;} can make one thread evaluate the new value for \emph{result} before another has finished writing to it, thus producing incorrect
\subsection{Question 6}
\texttt{CollectingResults} is the only Thread-safe implementation because it is the only one not to use a static field to compute
the final result. If multiple threads use anyone of the other classes concurrently, \emph{result} will be shared between the
threads and all the results will be inconsistent. In order to solve this problem, either the entire \texttt{sum(...)} method must
The slowest implementations are \texttt{MultipleUpdatesPerThreadSynch} and \linebreak[4]\texttt{MultipleUpdatesPerThreadAtomic} since, as discussed before for \textit{Question 1}, their execution is basically sequential since all the computation required for the sum is synchronized, making them even worse than a sequential algorithm due to the synchronization overhead.
\texttt{SingleUpdatesPerThreadSynch}, \texttt{CollectingResults} and \texttt{SingleUpdatesPerThreadAtomic} are better, with the \textit{Atomic} version being marginally faster due to ISA-level optimization for the synchronization of \texttt{result}. They are faster than the previous couple since they actually make the computation of the sum parallel. This advantage holds only for a reasonable value for \texttt{NUM\_THREADS} (not too few, but not too close from below to the number of elements in the array).
\subsection{Question 8}
The sequential sum implementation always performs better than the \textit{MultipleUpdates*} implementations.
In addition, this implementation is better performing than the other three implementations when
\texttt{NUM\_THREADS} is close to or bigger than the array length, since each thread in the parallel algorithms will sum few elements making the computation less parallel (since the final sum of \texttt{partialResult}s is sequential).