package test; import util.PrimeCounter; import; import parallel.CallablePrimeCounter; import parallel.ThreadPoolPrimeCounter; import sequential.SequentialPrimeCounter; import parallel.ForkJoinPoolPrimeCounter; public class Tester { private static final int NUM_THREADS = 8; public static final int LOW = 2; public static final int HIGH = 11201609; private PrimeCounter strategy; private void setStrategy(PrimeCounter strategy) { this.strategy = strategy; } private int countPrimes(int[] array) { return new SequentialPrimeCounter().countPrimes(array); } private void testImplementation(int[] array, String name) throws Exception { long startTime = System.nanoTime(); int count = strategy.countPrimes(array); long endTime = System.nanoTime(); long result = countPrimes(array); if (count != result) { // Informing if the implementation failed System.err.printf("- ERROR: %s; Expected: %d; Found: %d\n", name, result, count); } else { // Showing the time taken by the implementation System.out.printf("- %s: %d prime numbers found, " + "elapsed time: %d ms\n" , name, count, ((endTime - startTime) / 1000000)); } } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { //Generating an integer array with numbers in the range from LOW to HIGH int[] numbers = IntStream.rangeClosed(LOW, HIGH).toArray(); Tester tester = new Tester(); // Testing different implementations: // Sequential implementation tester.setStrategy(new SequentialPrimeCounter()); tester.testImplementation(numbers,"Sequential version"); // Parallel - Callable implementation tester.setStrategy(new CallablePrimeCounter(NUM_THREADS)); tester.testImplementation(numbers, "Parallel - Callable version"); // TODO: Uncomment to test additional implementations /* // Parallel - ThreadPool implementation tester.setStrategy(new ThreadPoolPrimeCounter(NUM_THREADS)); tester.testImplementation(numbers, "Parallel - ThreadPool version"); // Parallel - ForkJoinPool implementation - Ex. 4 tester.setStrategy(new ForkJoinPoolPrimeCounter(NUM_THREADS)); tester.testImplementation(numbers, "Parallel - ForkJoinPool version"); // Parallel - Streams implementation - BONUS //tester.setStrategy(new StreamsPrimeCounter()); //tester.testImplementation(numbers, "Parallel - Streams version"); */ } }