object Hello{ def main(args: Array[String]) = { println("Hello, world") //the args and predicates println("Here are the args: ") args.foreach((arg: String) => { println(arg) }) //objects val big = new java.math.BigInteger("12345") //arrays and [] (not recomended way to init, too verbose) val lgrs = new Array[String](3) lgrs(0) = "Greetings, and" lgrs(1) = " welcome to" lgrs(2) = " another LGR thing!" for (i <- 0 to 2) print(lgrs(i)) println() // val means only no reassignation: the object CAN change lgrs.update(2, lgrs(2) + " Let's go thrifting!" + " [Branches.mp3 plays]") // "obj(args...) = something" == "obj.update(args..., something) for (i <- 0.to(2)) // operators do not exist: operators are just methods. print(lgrs.apply(i)) // "obj(args...)" == "obj.apply(args...)" println() // Recommended way to initialize arrays, == "Array.apply(args...)" (factory method) val techmoans = Array("That's it for the moment, ", "and as always ", "thanks for watching! ", "[muppet clip]") techmoans.foreach(techmoan => print(techmoan)) } }