/*! dustjs-linkedin - v2.7.5 * http://dustjs.com/ * Copyright (c) 2016 Aleksander Williams; Released under the MIT License */ (function (root, factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd && define.amd.dust === true) { define('dust.core', [], factory); } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { module.exports = factory(); } else { root.dust = factory(); } }(this, function() { var dust = { "version": "2.7.5" }, NONE = 'NONE', ERROR = 'ERROR', WARN = 'WARN', INFO = 'INFO', DEBUG = 'DEBUG', EMPTY_FUNC = function() {}; dust.config = { whitespace: false, amd: false, cjs: false, cache: true }; // Directive aliases to minify code dust._aliases = { "write": "w", "end": "e", "map": "m", "render": "r", "reference": "f", "section": "s", "exists": "x", "notexists": "nx", "block": "b", "partial": "p", "helper": "h" }; (function initLogging() { /*global process, console*/ var loggingLevels = { DEBUG: 0, INFO: 1, WARN: 2, ERROR: 3, NONE: 4 }, consoleLog, log; if (typeof console !== 'undefined' && console.log) { consoleLog = console.log; if(typeof consoleLog === 'function') { log = function() { consoleLog.apply(console, arguments); }; } else { log = function() { consoleLog(Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments).join(' ')); }; } } else { log = EMPTY_FUNC; } /** * Filters messages based on `dust.debugLevel`. * This default implementation will print to the console if it exists. * @param {String|Error} message the message to print/throw * @param {String} type the severity of the message(ERROR, WARN, INFO, or DEBUG) * @public */ dust.log = function(message, type) { type = type || INFO; if (loggingLevels[type] >= loggingLevels[dust.debugLevel]) { log('[DUST:' + type + ']', message); } }; dust.debugLevel = NONE; if(typeof process !== 'undefined' && process.env && /\bdust\b/.test(process.env.DEBUG)) { dust.debugLevel = DEBUG; } }()); dust.helpers = {}; dust.cache = {}; dust.register = function(name, tmpl) { if (!name) { return; } tmpl.templateName = name; if (dust.config.cache !== false) { dust.cache[name] = tmpl; } }; dust.render = function(nameOrTemplate, context, callback) { var chunk = new Stub(callback).head; try { load(nameOrTemplate, chunk, context).end(); } catch (err) { chunk.setError(err); } }; dust.stream = function(nameOrTemplate, context) { var stream = new Stream(), chunk = stream.head; dust.nextTick(function() { try { load(nameOrTemplate, chunk, context).end(); } catch (err) { chunk.setError(err); } }); return stream; }; /** * Extracts a template function (body_0) from whatever is passed. * @param nameOrTemplate {*} Could be: * - the name of a template to load from cache * - a CommonJS-compiled template (a function with a `template` property) * - a template function * @param loadFromCache {Boolean} if false, don't look in the cache * @return {Function} a template function, if found */ function getTemplate(nameOrTemplate, loadFromCache/*=true*/) { if(!nameOrTemplate) { return; } if(typeof nameOrTemplate === 'function' && nameOrTemplate.template) { // Sugar away CommonJS module templates return nameOrTemplate.template; } if(dust.isTemplateFn(nameOrTemplate)) { // Template functions passed directly return nameOrTemplate; } if(loadFromCache !== false) { // Try loading a template with this name from cache return dust.cache[nameOrTemplate]; } } function load(nameOrTemplate, chunk, context) { if(!nameOrTemplate) { return chunk.setError(new Error('No template or template name provided to render')); } var template = getTemplate(nameOrTemplate, dust.config.cache); if (template) { return template(chunk, Context.wrap(context, template.templateName)); } else { if (dust.onLoad) { return chunk.map(function(chunk) { // Alias just so it's easier to read that this would always be a name var name = nameOrTemplate; // Three possible scenarios for a successful callback: // - `require(nameOrTemplate)(dust); cb()` // - `src = readFile('src.dust'); cb(null, src)` // - `compiledTemplate = require(nameOrTemplate)(dust); cb(null, compiledTemplate)` function done(err, srcOrTemplate) { var template; if (err) { return chunk.setError(err); } // Prefer a template that is passed via callback over the cached version. template = getTemplate(srcOrTemplate, false) || getTemplate(name, dust.config.cache); if (!template) { // It's a template string, compile it and register under `name` if(dust.compile) { template = dust.loadSource(dust.compile(srcOrTemplate, name)); } else { return chunk.setError(new Error('Dust compiler not available')); } } template(chunk, Context.wrap(context, template.templateName)).end(); } if(dust.onLoad.length === 3) { dust.onLoad(name, context.options, done); } else { dust.onLoad(name, done); } }); } return chunk.setError(new Error('Template Not Found: ' + nameOrTemplate)); } } dust.loadSource = function(source) { /*jshint evil:true*/ return eval(source); }; if (Array.isArray) { dust.isArray = Array.isArray; } else { dust.isArray = function(arr) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(arr) === '[object Array]'; }; } dust.nextTick = (function() { return function(callback) { setTimeout(callback, 0); }; })(); /** * Dust has its own rules for what is "empty"-- which is not the same as falsy. * Empty arrays, null, and undefined are empty */ dust.isEmpty = function(value) { if (value === 0) { return false; } if (dust.isArray(value) && !value.length) { return true; } return !value; }; dust.isEmptyObject = function(obj) { var key; if (obj === null) { return false; } if (obj === undefined) { return false; } if (obj.length > 0) { return false; } for (key in obj) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) { return false; } } return true; }; dust.isTemplateFn = function(elem) { return typeof elem === 'function' && elem.__dustBody; }; /** * Decide somewhat-naively if something is a Thenable. * @param elem {*} object to inspect * @return {Boolean} is `elem` a Thenable? */ dust.isThenable = function(elem) { return elem && typeof elem === 'object' && typeof elem.then === 'function'; }; /** * Decide very naively if something is a Stream. * @param elem {*} object to inspect * @return {Boolean} is `elem` a Stream? */ dust.isStreamable = function(elem) { return elem && typeof elem.on === 'function' && typeof elem.pipe === 'function'; }; // apply the filter chain and return the output string dust.filter = function(string, auto, filters, context) { var i, len, name, filter; if (filters) { for (i = 0, len = filters.length; i < len; i++) { name = filters[i]; if (!name.length) { continue; } filter = dust.filters[name]; if (name === 's') { auto = null; } else if (typeof filter === 'function') { string = filter(string, context); } else { dust.log('Invalid filter `' + name + '`', WARN); } } } // by default always apply the h filter, unless asked to unescape with |s if (auto) { string = dust.filters[auto](string, context); } return string; }; dust.filters = { h: function(value) { return dust.escapeHtml(value); }, j: function(value) { return dust.escapeJs(value); }, u: encodeURI, uc: encodeURIComponent, js: function(value) { return dust.escapeJSON(value); }, jp: function(value) { if (!JSON) {dust.log('JSON is undefined; could not parse `' + value + '`', WARN); return value; } else { return JSON.parse(value); } } }; function Context(stack, global, options, blocks, templateName) { if(stack !== undefined && !(stack instanceof Stack)) { stack = new Stack(stack); } this.stack = stack; this.global = global; this.options = options; this.blocks = blocks; this.templateName = templateName; this._isContext = true; } dust.makeBase = dust.context = function(global, options) { return new Context(undefined, global, options); }; dust.isContext = function(obj) { return typeof obj === "object" && obj._isContext === true; }; /** * Factory function that creates a closure scope around a Thenable-callback. * Returns a function that can be passed to a Thenable that will resume a * Context lookup once the Thenable resolves with new data, adding that new * data to the lookup stack. */ function getWithResolvedData(ctx, cur, down) { return function(data) { return ctx.push(data)._get(cur, down); }; } Context.wrap = function(context, name) { if (dust.isContext(context)) { return context; } return new Context(context, {}, {}, null, name); }; /** * Public API for getting a value from the context. * @method get * @param {string|array} path The path to the value. Supported formats are: * 'key' * 'path.to.key' * '.path.to.key' * ['path', 'to', 'key'] * ['key'] * @param {boolean} [cur=false] Boolean which determines if the search should be limited to the * current context (true), or if get should search in parent contexts as well (false). * @public * @returns {string|object} */ Context.prototype.get = function(path, cur) { if (typeof path === 'string') { if (path[0] === '.') { cur = true; path = path.substr(1); } path = path.split('.'); } return this._get(cur, path); }; /** * Get a value from the context * @method _get * @param {boolean} cur Get only from the current context * @param {array} down An array of each step in the path * @private * @return {string | object} */ Context.prototype._get = function(cur, down) { var ctx = this.stack || {}, i = 1, value, first, len, ctxThis, fn; first = down[0]; len = down.length; if (cur && len === 0) { ctxThis = ctx; ctx = ctx.head; } else { if (!cur) { // Search up the stack for the first value while (ctx) { if (ctx.isObject) { ctxThis = ctx.head; value = ctx.head[first]; if (value !== undefined) { break; } } ctx = ctx.tail; } // Try looking in the global context if we haven't found anything yet if (value !== undefined) { ctx = value; } else { ctx = this.global && this.global[first]; } } else if (ctx) { // if scope is limited by a leading dot, don't search up the tree if(ctx.head) { ctx = ctx.head[first]; } else { // context's head is empty, value we are searching for is not defined ctx = undefined; } } while (ctx && i < len) { if (dust.isThenable(ctx)) { // Bail early by returning a Thenable for the remainder of the search tree return ctx.then(getWithResolvedData(this, cur, down.slice(i))); } ctxThis = ctx; ctx = ctx[down[i]]; i++; } } if (typeof ctx === 'function') { fn = function() { try { return ctx.apply(ctxThis, arguments); } catch (err) { dust.log(err, ERROR); throw err; } }; fn.__dustBody = !!ctx.__dustBody; return fn; } else { if (ctx === undefined) { dust.log('Cannot find reference `{' + down.join('.') + '}` in template `' + this.getTemplateName() + '`', INFO); } return ctx; } }; Context.prototype.getPath = function(cur, down) { return this._get(cur, down); }; Context.prototype.push = function(head, idx, len) { if(head === undefined) { dust.log("Not pushing an undefined variable onto the context", INFO); return this; } return this.rebase(new Stack(head, this.stack, idx, len)); }; Context.prototype.pop = function() { var head = this.current(); this.stack = this.stack && this.stack.tail; return head; }; Context.prototype.rebase = function(head) { return new Context(head, this.global, this.options, this.blocks, this.getTemplateName()); }; Context.prototype.clone = function() { var context = this.rebase(); context.stack = this.stack; return context; }; Context.prototype.current = function() { return this.stack && this.stack.head; }; Context.prototype.getBlock = function(key) { var blocks, len, fn; if (typeof key === 'function') { key = key(new Chunk(), this).data.join(''); } blocks = this.blocks; if (!blocks) { dust.log('No blocks for context `' + key + '` in template `' + this.getTemplateName() + '`', DEBUG); return false; } len = blocks.length; while (len--) { fn = blocks[len][key]; if (fn) { return fn; } } dust.log('Malformed template `' + this.getTemplateName() + '` was missing one or more blocks.'); return false; }; Context.prototype.shiftBlocks = function(locals) { var blocks = this.blocks, newBlocks; if (locals) { if (!blocks) { newBlocks = [locals]; } else { newBlocks = blocks.concat([locals]); } return new Context(this.stack, this.global, this.options, newBlocks, this.getTemplateName()); } return this; }; Context.prototype.resolve = function(body) { var chunk; if(typeof body !== 'function') { return body; } chunk = new Chunk().render(body, this); if(chunk instanceof Chunk) { return chunk.data.join(''); // ie7 perf } return chunk; }; Context.prototype.getTemplateName = function() { return this.templateName; }; function Stack(head, tail, idx, len) { this.tail = tail; this.isObject = head && typeof head === 'object'; this.head = head; this.index = idx; this.of = len; } function Stub(callback) { this.head = new Chunk(this); this.callback = callback; this.out = ''; } Stub.prototype.flush = function() { var chunk = this.head; while (chunk) { if (chunk.flushable) { this.out += chunk.data.join(''); //ie7 perf } else if (chunk.error) { this.callback(chunk.error); dust.log('Rendering failed with error `' + chunk.error + '`', ERROR); this.flush = EMPTY_FUNC; return; } else { return; } chunk = chunk.next; this.head = chunk; } this.callback(null, this.out); }; /** * Creates an interface sort of like a Streams2 ReadableStream. */ function Stream() { this.head = new Chunk(this); } Stream.prototype.flush = function() { var chunk = this.head; while(chunk) { if (chunk.flushable) { this.emit('data', chunk.data.join('')); //ie7 perf } else if (chunk.error) { this.emit('error', chunk.error); this.emit('end'); dust.log('Streaming failed with error `' + chunk.error + '`', ERROR); this.flush = EMPTY_FUNC; return; } else { return; } chunk = chunk.next; this.head = chunk; } this.emit('end'); }; /** * Executes listeners for `type` by passing data. Note that this is different from a * Node stream, which can pass an arbitrary number of arguments * @return `true` if event had listeners, `false` otherwise */ Stream.prototype.emit = function(type, data) { var events = this.events || {}, handlers = events[type] || [], i, l; if (!handlers.length) { dust.log('Stream broadcasting, but no listeners for `' + type + '`', DEBUG); return false; } handlers = handlers.slice(0); for (i = 0, l = handlers.length; i < l; i++) { handlers[i](data); } return true; }; Stream.prototype.on = function(type, callback) { var events = this.events = this.events || {}, handlers = events[type] = events[type] || []; if(typeof callback !== 'function') { dust.log('No callback function provided for `' + type + '` event listener', WARN); } else { handlers.push(callback); } return this; }; /** * Pipes to a WritableStream. Note that backpressure isn't implemented, * so we just write as fast as we can. * @param stream {WritableStream} * @return self */ Stream.prototype.pipe = function(stream) { if(typeof stream.write !== 'function' || typeof stream.end !== 'function') { dust.log('Incompatible stream passed to `pipe`', WARN); return this; } var destEnded = false; if(typeof stream.emit === 'function') { stream.emit('pipe', this); } if(typeof stream.on === 'function') { stream.on('error', function() { destEnded = true; }); } return this .on('data', function(data) { if(destEnded) { return; } try { stream.write(data, 'utf8'); } catch (err) { dust.log(err, ERROR); } }) .on('end', function() { if(destEnded) { return; } try { stream.end(); destEnded = true; } catch (err) { dust.log(err, ERROR); } }); }; function Chunk(root, next, taps) { this.root = root; this.next = next; this.data = []; //ie7 perf this.flushable = false; this.taps = taps; } Chunk.prototype.write = function(data) { var taps = this.taps; if (taps) { data = taps.go(data); } this.data.push(data); return this; }; Chunk.prototype.end = function(data) { if (data) { this.write(data); } this.flushable = true; this.root.flush(); return this; }; Chunk.prototype.map = function(callback) { var cursor = new Chunk(this.root, this.next, this.taps), branch = new Chunk(this.root, cursor, this.taps); this.next = branch; this.flushable = true; try { callback(branch); } catch(err) { dust.log(err, ERROR); branch.setError(err); } return cursor; }; Chunk.prototype.tap = function(tap) { var taps = this.taps; if (taps) { this.taps = taps.push(tap); } else { this.taps = new Tap(tap); } return this; }; Chunk.prototype.untap = function() { this.taps = this.taps.tail; return this; }; Chunk.prototype.render = function(body, context) { return body(this, context); }; Chunk.prototype.reference = function(elem, context, auto, filters) { if (typeof elem === 'function') { elem = elem.apply(context.current(), [this, context, null, {auto: auto, filters: filters}]); if (elem instanceof Chunk) { return elem; } else { return this.reference(elem, context, auto, filters); } } if (dust.isThenable(elem)) { return this.await(elem, context, null, auto, filters); } else if (dust.isStreamable(elem)) { return this.stream(elem, context, null, auto, filters); } else if (!dust.isEmpty(elem)) { return this.write(dust.filter(elem, auto, filters, context)); } else { return this; } }; Chunk.prototype.section = function(elem, context, bodies, params) { var body = bodies.block, skip = bodies['else'], chunk = this, i, len, head; if (typeof elem === 'function' && !dust.isTemplateFn(elem)) { try { elem = elem.apply(context.current(), [this, context, bodies, params]); } catch(err) { dust.log(err, ERROR); return this.setError(err); } // Functions that return chunks are assumed to have handled the chunk manually. // Make that chunk the current one and go to the next method in the chain. if (elem instanceof Chunk) { return elem; } } if (dust.isEmptyObject(bodies)) { // No bodies to render, and we've already invoked any function that was available in // hopes of returning a Chunk. return chunk; } if (!dust.isEmptyObject(params)) { context = context.push(params); } /* Dust's default behavior is to enumerate over the array elem, passing each object in the array to the block. When elem resolves to a value or object instead of an array, Dust sets the current context to the value and renders the block one time. */ if (dust.isArray(elem)) { if (body) { len = elem.length; if (len > 0) { head = context.stack && context.stack.head || {}; head.$len = len; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { head.$idx = i; chunk = body(chunk, context.push(elem[i], i, len)); } head.$idx = undefined; head.$len = undefined; return chunk; } else if (skip) { return skip(this, context); } } } else if (dust.isThenable(elem)) { return this.await(elem, context, bodies); } else if (dust.isStreamable(elem)) { return this.stream(elem, context, bodies); } else if (elem === true) { // true is truthy but does not change context if (body) { return body(this, context); } } else if (elem || elem === 0) { // everything that evaluates to true are truthy ( e.g. Non-empty strings and Empty objects are truthy. ) // zero is truthy // for anonymous functions that did not returns a chunk, truthiness is evaluated based on the return value if (body) { return body(this, context.push(elem)); } // nonexistent, scalar false value, scalar empty string, null, // undefined are all falsy } else if (skip) { return skip(this, context); } dust.log('Section without corresponding key in template `' + context.getTemplateName() + '`', DEBUG); return this; }; Chunk.prototype.exists = function(elem, context, bodies) { var body = bodies.block, skip = bodies['else']; if (!dust.isEmpty(elem)) { if (body) { return body(this, context); } dust.log('No block for exists check in template `' + context.getTemplateName() + '`', DEBUG); } else if (skip) { return skip(this, context); } return this; }; Chunk.prototype.notexists = function(elem, context, bodies) { var body = bodies.block, skip = bodies['else']; if (dust.isEmpty(elem)) { if (body) { return body(this, context); } dust.log('No block for not-exists check in template `' + context.getTemplateName() + '`', DEBUG); } else if (skip) { return skip(this, context); } return this; }; Chunk.prototype.block = function(elem, context, bodies) { var body = elem || bodies.block; if (body) { return body(this, context); } return this; }; Chunk.prototype.partial = function(elem, context, partialContext, params) { var head; if(params === undefined) { // Compatibility for < 2.7.0 where `partialContext` did not exist params = partialContext; partialContext = context; } if (!dust.isEmptyObject(params)) { partialContext = partialContext.clone(); head = partialContext.pop(); partialContext = partialContext.push(params) .push(head); } if (dust.isTemplateFn(elem)) { // The eventual result of evaluating `elem` is a partial name // Load the partial after getting its name and end the async chunk return this.capture(elem, context, function(name, chunk) { partialContext.templateName = name; load(name, chunk, partialContext).end(); }); } else { partialContext.templateName = elem; return load(elem, this, partialContext); } }; Chunk.prototype.helper = function(name, context, bodies, params, auto) { var chunk = this, filters = params.filters, ret; // Pre-2.7.1 compat: if auto is undefined, it's an old template. Automatically escape if (auto === undefined) { auto = 'h'; } // handle invalid helpers, similar to invalid filters if(dust.helpers[name]) { try { ret = dust.helpers[name](chunk, context, bodies, params); if (ret instanceof Chunk) { return ret; } if(typeof filters === 'string') { filters = filters.split('|'); } if (!dust.isEmptyObject(bodies)) { return chunk.section(ret, context, bodies, params); } // Helpers act slightly differently from functions in context in that they will act as // a reference if they are self-closing (due to grammar limitations) // In the Chunk.await function we check to make sure bodies is null before acting as a reference return chunk.reference(ret, context, auto, filters); } catch(err) { dust.log('Error in helper `' + name + '`: ' + err.message, ERROR); return chunk.setError(err); } } else { dust.log('Helper `' + name + '` does not exist', WARN); return chunk; } }; /** * Reserve a chunk to be evaluated once a thenable is resolved or rejected * @param thenable {Thenable} the target thenable to await * @param context {Context} context to use to render the deferred chunk * @param bodies {Object} must contain a "body", may contain an "error" * @param auto {String} automatically apply this filter if the Thenable is a reference * @param filters {Array} apply these filters if the Thenable is a reference * @return {Chunk} */ Chunk.prototype.await = function(thenable, context, bodies, auto, filters) { return this.map(function(chunk) { thenable.then(function(data) { if (bodies) { chunk = chunk.section(data, context, bodies); } else { // Actually a reference. Self-closing sections don't render chunk = chunk.reference(data, context, auto, filters); } chunk.end(); }, function(err) { var errorBody = bodies && bodies.error; if(errorBody) { chunk.render(errorBody, context.push(err)).end(); } else { dust.log('Unhandled promise rejection in `' + context.getTemplateName() + '`', INFO); chunk.end(); } }); }); }; /** * Reserve a chunk to be evaluated with the contents of a streamable. * Currently an error event will bomb out the stream. Once an error * is received, we push it to an {:error} block if one exists, and log otherwise, * then stop listening to the stream. * @param streamable {Streamable} the target streamable that will emit events * @param context {Context} context to use to render each thunk * @param bodies {Object} must contain a "body", may contain an "error" * @return {Chunk} */ Chunk.prototype.stream = function(stream, context, bodies, auto, filters) { var body = bodies && bodies.block, errorBody = bodies && bodies.error; return this.map(function(chunk) { var ended = false; stream .on('data', function data(thunk) { if(ended) { return; } if(body) { // Fork a new chunk out of the blockstream so that we can flush it independently chunk = chunk.map(function(chunk) { chunk.render(body, context.push(thunk)).end(); }); } else if(!bodies) { // When actually a reference, don't fork, just write into the master async chunk chunk = chunk.reference(thunk, context, auto, filters); } }) .on('error', function error(err) { if(ended) { return; } if(errorBody) { chunk.render(errorBody, context.push(err)); } else { dust.log('Unhandled stream error in `' + context.getTemplateName() + '`', INFO); } if(!ended) { ended = true; chunk.end(); } }) .on('end', function end() { if(!ended) { ended = true; chunk.end(); } }); }); }; Chunk.prototype.capture = function(body, context, callback) { return this.map(function(chunk) { var stub = new Stub(function(err, out) { if (err) { chunk.setError(err); } else { callback(out, chunk); } }); body(stub.head, context).end(); }); }; Chunk.prototype.setError = function(err) { this.error = err; this.root.flush(); return this; }; // Chunk aliases for(var f in Chunk.prototype) { if(dust._aliases[f]) { Chunk.prototype[dust._aliases[f]] = Chunk.prototype[f]; } } function Tap(head, tail) { this.head = head; this.tail = tail; } Tap.prototype.push = function(tap) { return new Tap(tap, this); }; Tap.prototype.go = function(value) { var tap = this; while(tap) { value = tap.head(value); tap = tap.tail; } return value; }; var HCHARS = /[&<>"']/, AMP = /&/g, LT = //g, QUOT = /\"/g, SQUOT = /\'/g; dust.escapeHtml = function(s) { if (typeof s === "string" || (s && typeof s.toString === "function")) { if (typeof s !== "string") { s = s.toString(); } if (!HCHARS.test(s)) { return s; } return s.replace(AMP,'&').replace(LT,'<').replace(GT,'>').replace(QUOT,'"').replace(SQUOT, '''); } return s; }; var BS = /\\/g, FS = /\//g, CR = /\r/g, LS = /\u2028/g, PS = /\u2029/g, NL = /\n/g, LF = /\f/g, SQ = /'/g, DQ = /"/g, TB = /\t/g; dust.escapeJs = function(s) { if (typeof s === 'string') { return s .replace(BS, '\\\\') .replace(FS, '\\/') .replace(DQ, '\\"') .replace(SQ, '\\\'') .replace(CR, '\\r') .replace(LS, '\\u2028') .replace(PS, '\\u2029') .replace(NL, '\\n') .replace(LF, '\\f') .replace(TB, '\\t'); } return s; }; dust.escapeJSON = function(o) { if (!JSON) { dust.log('JSON is undefined; could not escape `' + o + '`', WARN); return o; } else { return JSON.stringify(o) .replace(LS, '\\u2028') .replace(PS, '\\u2029') .replace(LT, '\\u003c'); } }; return dust; })); if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd && define.amd.dust === true) { define(["require", "dust.core"], function(require, dust) { dust.onLoad = function(name, cb) { require([name], function() { cb(); }); }; return dust; }); }