var looper; var images = ["bavota.png", "nystrom.png", "langhhhhhhhhheeeeinrichhhhhh.png"]; var quotes = [ "ummmm...", "you know...", "funky quiz", "funky feedback", "funky gates", "close your laptops", "hands on", "frugal maps", "null is the devil", "haskell is better", "for some definitions of fun", "accumulators > loops", "bogosort > bubblesort", "logisim", "mic-1", "maxima", "proof by contradiction", "proof by induction", "exactly what we need to show", "but we need to prove it", "what did we do last week?", "someone else?", "Bin, is the hands-on online?", "Guys please", "check-expect or die", "Trees!", "without loss of generality", "1 > 0", "what is a for loop?", "donald trump", "zero one one one zero zero zero one zero one", "Now we'll show proof that 1 > 0", "[TELL ME]", "Supercomplilation" ]; document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", setup); function setup() { changeImages(); window.setInterval(changeImages, 15 * (360 / 5)); changeQuotes(250, 10); document.getElementById("img1").removeAttribute("style"); document.getElementById("img2").removeAttribute("style"); document.getElementById("img3").removeAttribute("style"); } var imageOffset = 0; function changeImages() { for (var i = 1; i < 4; i++) document.getElementById("img" + i).src = images[(i+imageOffset) % 3]; imageOffset++; } var quote = 0; function changeQuotes(time, offset) { quote += 1 + Math.floor(Math.random() * (quotes.length - 2)); quote = quote % quotes.length; document.getElementById("quote").innerHTML = quotes[quote]; window.setTimeout(function() { changeQuotes(time, offset); }, offset + time * Math.sqrt(quotes[quote].length)); }