#!/usr/bin/env python3 # coding: utf-8 import os import json import pandas as pd import findspark findspark.init() import pyspark import pyspark.sql import sys import gzip from pyspark import AccumulatorParam from pyspark.sql.functions import lit from pyspark.sql import Window from pyspark.sql.types import * from decimal import * CHECKDIR = "/home/claudio/google_2019/thesis_queries/figure_8/" if len(sys.argv) is not 4: print(sys.argv[0] + " {cluster} {tmpdir} {maxram}") sys.exit() cluster=sys.argv[1] if os.path.exists(CHECKDIR + cluster + "_figure8cd.json"): print("already computed") sys.exit() if os.path.exists(CHECKDIR + cluster + "_figure8cd_working"): print("already in execution") sys.exit() os.system("touch " + CHECKDIR + cluster + "_figure8cd_working") spark = pyspark.sql.SparkSession.builder \ .appName("task_slowdown") \ .config("spark.driver.maxResultSize", "128g") \ .config("spark.local.dir", sys.argv[2]) \ .config("spark.driver.memory", sys.argv[3]) \ .getOrCreate() sc = spark.sparkContext def tabid(x): return Decimal(x.collection_id) + Decimal(x.instance_index) / Decimal(2**64) # # READING INSTANCE EVENTS DATA # #dfepath = "/home/claudio/google_2019/instance_events/" + cluster + "/" + cluster + "_instance_events*.json.gz" dfepath = "/home/claudio/" + cluster + "/" + cluster + "_instance_events*.json.gz" #dfepath = "/home/claudio/google_2019/instance_events/" + cluster + "/" + cluster + "_test.json" df = spark.read.json(dfepath) # READING MACHINE EVENTS DATA, sort them and save them as broadcast variable print("Starting to read machine events...") dfm = pd.read_csv("/home/claudio/google_2019/machine_events/" + cluster + "_machine_events.csv", converters={ 'time': lambda x: -1 if x == '' else int(x), 'machine_id': lambda x: str(x), 'capacity.cpus': lambda x: -1 if x == '' else Decimal(x), 'capacity.memory': lambda x: -1 if x == '' else Decimal(x)}) print("Dropping remove events...") dfm = dfm[(dfm.type!=2)&(dfm.time!=-1)&(dfm["capacity.cpus"]!=-1)&(dfm["capacity.memory"]!=-1)] print("Dropping missing data events...") dfm = dfm[dfm.missing_data_reason.isnull()] print("Projecting on useful columns...") dfm = dfm[["time", "machine_id", "capacity.cpus", "capacity.memory"]] print("Sorting by time...") dfm = dfm.sort_values(by=["machine_id", "time"]) print("Converting to broadcast variable...") dfm = sc.broadcast([tuple(r) for r in dfm.to_numpy()]) print("Done with machine events.") df = df.rdd \ .filter(lambda x: x.time is not None and x.type is not None and x.machine_id is not None and x.instance_index is not None and x.collection_id is not None and x.resource_request is not None and x.resource_request.cpus is not None and x.resource_request.memory is not None) \ .map(lambda x: [tabid(x), int(x.time), int(x.type), Decimal(x.resource_request.cpus), Decimal(x.resource_request.memory), x.machine_id]) \ .toDF(["id", "time", "type", "rcpu", "rram", "mid"]) def get_machine_time_resources(machine_id, time): def aux(i, j): if i == j: return i if dfm.value[i][1] == machine_id else None elif i + 1 == j: if dfm.value[i][1] == machine_id: return i elif dfm.value[j][1] == machine_id: return j else: return None mid = (i + j) // 2 if dfm.value[mid][1] > machine_id: return aux(i, mid - 1) elif dfm.value[mid][1] < machine_id: return aux(mid + 1, j) elif dfm.value[mid][0] > time: return aux(i, mid) elif dfm.value[mid][0] < time: return aux(mid, j) else: return mid return aux(0, len(dfm.value)-1) def increment_reserv_bucket(bucket, taskid, value): if value < 0: idx = 0 else: idx = 40 if value >= 1 else (int(value * 40) + 1) if taskid not in bucket: bucket[taskid] = [0] * 41 bucket[taskid][idx] += 1 def bucket_sum_per_termination(bucket, last_term_by_id): result = {-1: None, 4: None, 5: None, 6: None, 7: None, 8: None} for tid, vs in bucket.items(): term = last_term_by_id[tid] if result[term] is None: result[term] = vs else: result[term] = [sum(x) for x in zip(result[term], vs)] return result def for_each_joined(x): machine_id = x[0] ts = x[1] ts = filter(lambda t: t.time is not None, ts); ts = sorted(ts, key=lambda x: x.time) last_req_by_id = {} # map taskid -> last known req [cpu, ram] (data removed when task terminates) cpu_reservs_by_id = {} ram_reservs_by_id = {} last_term_by_id = {} # map taskid -> last termination start = get_machine_time_resources(machine_id, 0) end = get_machine_time_resources(machine_id, 6_000_000_000_000) machine_logs = None if start is None or end is None else dfm.value[start:(end+1)] for i, t in enumerate(ts): if machine_logs is not None and len(machine_logs) > 1 and machine_logs[1][0] >= t.time: machine_logs.pop(0) if t.id not in last_term_by_id: last_term_by_id[t.id] = -1 if t.rcpu is not None and t.rram is not None: last_req_by_id[t.id] = (t.rcpu, t.rram) # 8b tot_req = [sum(x) for x in zip(*last_req_by_id.values())] if machine_logs is not None: reserv_cpu = tot_req[0] / machine_logs[0][2] reserv_ram = tot_req[1] / machine_logs[0][3] else: reserv_cpu = -1 reserv_ram = -1 increment_reserv_bucket(cpu_reservs_by_id, t.id, reserv_cpu) increment_reserv_bucket(ram_reservs_by_id, t.id, reserv_ram) if t.type >= 4 and t.type <= 8: last_term_by_id[t.id] = t.type resobj = {'rscpu': cpu_reservs_by_id, 'rsram': ram_reservs_by_id} for k, v in resobj.items(): resobj[k] = bucket_sum_per_termination(v, last_term_by_id) return resobj def fold_resobjs(ro1, ro2): if ro1 is None: return ro2 elif ro2 is None: return ro1 else: for k in ro1.keys(): for kk in ro1[k].keys(): if ro1[k][kk] is None: ro1[k][kk] = ro2[k][kk] elif ro2[k][kk] is None: continue else: ro1[k][kk] = [sum(x) for x in zip(ro1[k][kk], ro2[k][kk])] return ro1 import random result = df.rdd \ .groupBy(lambda x: x.mid) \ .partitionBy(1000, lambda x: random.randint(0, 1000-1)) \ .map(for_each_joined) \ .fold(None, fold_resobjs) d = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) with open(d + "/" + cluster + "_figure8cd.json", "w") as f: json.dump(result, f) os.system("rm " + CHECKDIR + cluster + "_figure8cd_working") # vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et tw=120: