\newcommand{\figureV}[2][0.32\textwidth]{ \begin{subfigure}{#1} \vspace{0.5cm} \begin{minipage}[c]{\textwidth}% \resizebox{\textwidth}{!}{\input{figures/figure_5/figure-5-#2.pgf}} \end{minipage} \end{subfigure}} \begin{figure}[p] \figureV[0.49\textwidth]{2011} \figureV[0.49\textwidth]{all} \caption{Conditional probability of task success given a number of specific unsuccessful events observed, i.e., EVICT, FAIL and KILL for 2011 and 2019 (all clusters aggregated) traces. For 2011 data the probability was computed for a maximum event count of 30, while in 2019 it was computed for up to 50 events of a specific kind.}\label{fig:figureV} \end{figure} \begin{figure}[p] \figureV{a} \figureV{b} \figureV{c} \figureV{d} \figureV{e} \figureV{f} \figureV{g} \figureV{h} \caption{Conditional probability of task success given a number of specific unsuccessful events observed, i.e., EVICT, FAIL and KILL for each cluster in the 2019 traces.}\label{fig:figureV-csts} \end{figure}