\newcommand{\figureVII}[2][0.32\textwidth]{ \begin{subfigure}{#1} \vspace{0.5cm} \begin{minipage}[c]{\textwidth}% \resizebox{\textwidth}{!}{\input{figures/figure_7/#2.pgf}} \end{minipage} \end{subfigure}} \begin{figure}[p] \figureVII[0.49\textwidth]{priority-2011} \figureVII[0.49\textwidth]{tier-all} \caption{Task event rates vs.\ task priority and task termination in 2011 and 2019 (all clusters aggregated) traces. For 2019 traces tier classes instead of raw priority values are shown: 2011's $[0,1]$ priority range corresponds to the ``Free'' tier, range $[2,8]$ corresponds to the ``Best effort batch'' tier, range $[9-10]$ corresponds to the ``Production'' tier and priority 11 corresponds to the ``Monitoring'' tier.}\label{fig:figureVII-a} \end{figure} \begin{figure}[p] \figureVII{tier-a} \figureVII{tier-b} \figureVII{tier-c} \figureVII{tier-d} \figureVII{tier-e} \figureVII{tier-f} \figureVII{tier-g} \figureVII{tier-h} \caption{Task event rates vs.\ task priority tier and final task termination for each cluster in the 2019 traces.}\label{fig:figureVII-a-csts} \end{figure} \begin{figure}[p] \figureVII[0.49\textwidth]{exectime-2011} \figureVII[0.49\textwidth]{exectime-all} \caption{Task event rates vs.\ event execution time and final task termination in 2011 and 2019 (all clusters aggregated) traces. Execution time classes are defined in minutes, with the exception of ``1d'' which means one day.}\label{fig:figureVII-b} \end{figure} \begin{figure}[p] \figureVII{exectime-a} \figureVII{exectime-b} \figureVII{exectime-c} \figureVII{exectime-d} \figureVII{exectime-e} \figureVII{exectime-f} \figureVII{exectime-g} \figureVII{exectime-h} \caption{Task event rates vs.\ event execution time and final task termination for each cluster in the 2019 traces. Refer to figure~\ref{fig:figureVII-b} for interpretation of the execution time classes.}\label{fig:figureVII-b-csts} \end{figure} \begin{figure}[p] \figureVII[0.49\textwidth]{nexec-2011} \figureVII[0.49\textwidth]{nexec-all} \caption{Task event rates vs.\ machine concurrency and final task termination in 2011 and 2019 (all clusters aggregated) traces. Machine concurrency is defined as the number of co-executed tasks on the machine where the analyzed task is executing.}\label{fig:figureVII-c} \end{figure} \begin{figure}[p] \figureVII{nexec-a} \figureVII{nexec-b} \figureVII{nexec-c} \figureVII{nexec-d} \figureVII{nexec-e} \figureVII{nexec-f} \figureVII{nexec-g} \figureVII{nexec-h} \caption{Task event rates vs.\ machine concurrency and final task termination in each 2019 cluster. Refer to figure~\ref{fig:figureVII-c} for the definition of ``machine concurrency''.}\label{fig:figureVII-c-csts} \end{figure}