@inproceedings{google-marso-11, title = {Large-scale cluster management at {Google} with {Borg}}, author = {Abhishek Verma and Luis Pedrosa and Madhukar R. Korupolu and David Oppenheimer and Eric Tune and John Wilkes}, year = {2015}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys)}, address = {Bordeaux, France} } @inproceedings{google-marso-19, title = {Borg: the Next Generation}, author = {Muhammad Tirmazi and Adam Barker and Nan Deng and Md Ehtesam Haque and Zhijing Gene Qin and Steven Hand and Mor Harchol-Balter and John Wilkes}, year = {2020}, booktitle = {EuroSys'20}, address = {Heraklion, Crete} } @INPROCEEDINGS{dsn-paper, author={Rosà, Andrea and Chen, Lydia Y. and Binder, Walter}, booktitle={2015 45th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks}, title={Understanding the Dark Side of Big Data Clusters: An Analysis beyond Failures}, year={2015}, volume={}, number={}, pages={207-218}, doi={10.1109/DSN.2015.37}} @misc{google-drive-marso, title={Google cluster-usage traces v3.pdf}, url={https://drive.google.com/file/d/10r6cnJ5cJ89fPWCgj7j4LtLBqYN9RiI9/view}, journal={Google Drive}, publisher={Google}, author={Wilkes, John}, year={2020}, month={Aug}} @misc{google-proto-marso, title={Google 2019 Borg traces protobuffer specification}, url={https://github.com/google/cluster-data/blob/master/clusterdata_trace_format_v3.proto}, journal={GitHub}, publisher={Google}, author={Deng, Nan}, year={2020}, month={Aug}}