# How to generate dblp csvs ```shell curl -o dblp.xml.gz https://dblp.org/xml/dblp.xml.gz gunzip dblp.xml.gz # download the DTD specification of the DBLP XML format curl -o dblp.dtd https://dblp.org/xml/dblp.dtd git clone https://github.com/ThomHurks/dblp-to-csv dblp-to-csv/XMLToCSV.py --annotate dblp.xml dblp.dtd dblp_csv.csv \ --relations journal:article_journal author:article_author for t in article; do tr ';' '\n' csv-import/${t}.csv; done cp dblp_csv_{author|journal}_* dblp_csv_{author|journal}.csv csv-import ``` # Archive The csv-import files are compressed. To decompress them run: ```shell tar -xzvf csv-import.tar.gz ```