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Claudio Maggioni (maggicl) 7940a68150 Written run function 2020-10-27 19:55:21 +01:00
1 changed files with 58 additions and 39 deletions

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@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
module Interpreter where
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Control.Monad (liftM, ap)
data Instruction = TapeLeft | TapeRight | Add | Sub | Out | In | LoopStart | LoopEnd
deriving (Eq, Show)
@ -32,12 +33,26 @@ decr (Byte i) = Byte (i - 1)
type Tape = [Byte]
type Program = [Instruction]
data ProgState = ProgState {
data State = State {
tape :: Tape,
dp :: Int,
output :: String,
program :: Program,
ip :: Int }
ip :: Int } deriving (Show)
data Execution a = Working a | Crash Error | Done String deriving (Show)
instance Monad Execution where
(Crash e) >>= _ = Crash e
(Done t) >>= _ = Done t
(Working d) >>= f = f d
instance Functor Execution where
fmap = liftM
instance Applicative Execution where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
toProgram :: String -> [Instruction]
toProgram s = catMaybes $ fmap parseInstr s
@ -46,33 +61,33 @@ tapeHelp :: Tape -> Int -> (Byte -> Byte) -> Tape
tapeHelp (t:tt) 0 alter = alter t : tt
tapeHelp (t:tt) dp alter = t : (tapeHelp tt dp alter)
data Error = NegTape | LoopNoMatch
data Error = NegTape | LoopNoMatch deriving (Show)
errorDesc :: Error -> String
errorDesc NegTape = "ERROR: '<' not working. Cannot access negative tape positions."
errorDesc LoopNoMatch = "ERROR: '[' or ']' not working. Matching parenthesis not found."
incrIP :: ProgState -> ProgState
incrIP :: State -> State
incrIP p = p { ip = ip p + 1 }
execAdd :: ProgState -> Either Error ProgState
execAdd p = Right p { tape = newTape }
execAdd :: State -> Execution State
execAdd p = Working p { tape = newTape }
where newTape = tapeHelp (tape p) (dp p) incr
execSub :: ProgState -> Either Error ProgState
execSub p = Right p { tape = newTape }
execSub :: State -> Execution State
execSub p = Working p { tape = newTape }
where newTape = tapeHelp (tape p) (dp p) decr
execTapeLeft :: ProgState -> Either Error ProgState
execTapeLeft p = case dp p of 0 -> Left NegTape
n -> Right p { dp = n - 1 }
execTapeLeft :: State -> Execution State
execTapeLeft p = case dp p of 0 -> Crash NegTape
n -> Working p { dp = n - 1 }
execTapeRight :: ProgState -> Either Error ProgState
execTapeRight p = Right p { tape = if endOfType then tape p ++ [Byte 0] else tape p }
execTapeRight :: State -> Execution State
execTapeRight p = Working p { tape = if endOfType then tape p ++ [Byte 0] else tape p }
where endOfType = dp p == length (tape p) - 1
execOut :: ProgState -> Either Error ProgState
execOut p = Right p { output = output p ++ [chr char]}
execOut :: State -> Execution State
execOut p = Working p { output = output p ++ [chr char]}
where char = (tape p) !! dp p
data WalkingDirection = Forward | Backward
@ -91,35 +106,39 @@ findMatching prg start wd = case wd of
| otherwise = fmHelper (upd s) acc b ob upd limit
where c = prg !! start
execLoop :: WalkingDirection -> ProgState -> Either Error ProgState
execLoop :: WalkingDirection -> State -> Execution State
execLoop d w = case posOrF of
Just n -> Right w { ip = n }
Nothing -> Left LoopNoMatch
Just n -> Working w { ip = n }
Nothing -> Crash LoopNoMatch
where jump = (tape w !! dp w) == Byte 0
posOrF = if jump then findMatching (program w) (ip w) d else Just $ ip w
executeInstruction :: Instruction -> ProgState -> Either Error ProgState
executeInstruction w = (fmap incrIP) . case (program w !! ip w) of
execute :: State -> Execution State
execute w = runInstr w >>= checkDone >>= execute
where instrFor w = case (program w !! ip w) of
TapeLeft -> execTapeLeft
TapeRight -> execTapeRight
Add -> execAdd
Sub -> execSub
Out -> execOut
LoopStart -> execLoop Forward
LoopEnd -> execLoop Backward $ w
LoopEnd -> execLoop Backward
newtype Executor a = Ee Either String a
instance Executor Monad where
`<<=` :: Executor a -> (a -> Executor a) -> Executor A
(Ee a) <<= k = case a of
Left c -> Ee (Left c)
Right b -> k
return :: a -> Executor a
return a = Ee (Left a)
fail :: String -> Executor a
fail c = Ee (Right c)
runInstr :: State -> Execution State
runInstr w = instrFor w $ w
checkDone :: State -> Execution State
checkDone ps
| length (program ps) == ip ps = Done $ output ps
| otherwise = Working $ incrIP ps
initState :: Program -> State
initState p = State {
tape = [Byte 0],
dp = 0,
output = "",
program = p,
ip = 0}
run :: String -> Execution State
run = execute . initState . catMaybes . fmap parseInstr