
156 lines
5.1 KiB

-- vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et tw=80:
module Interpreter where
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Control.Monad (liftM, ap)
import Debug.Trace
data Instruction = TapeLeft | TapeRight | Add | Sub | Out | In | LoopStart | LoopEnd
deriving (Eq, Show)
parseInstr :: Char -> Maybe Instruction
parseInstr '<' = Just TapeLeft
parseInstr '>' = Just TapeRight
parseInstr '+' = Just Add
parseInstr '-' = Just Sub
parseInstr '.' = Just Out
parseInstr ',' = Just In
parseInstr '[' = Just LoopStart
parseInstr ']' = Just LoopEnd
parseInstr _ = Nothing
newtype Byte = Byte Int deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
chr :: Byte -> Char
chr (Byte i) = toEnum i :: Char
updateCell :: Instruction -> Byte -> Byte
updateCell Add (Byte 255) = Byte 0
updateCell Sub (Byte 0) = Byte 255
updateCell Add (Byte i) = Byte (i + 1)
updateCell Sub (Byte i) = Byte (i - 1)
type Tape = [Byte]
type Program = [Instruction]
data State = State {
tape :: Tape,
dp :: Int,
output :: String,
program :: Program,
ip :: Int } deriving (Show)
data Execution a = Working a | Crash Error | Done String deriving (Show)
instance Monad Execution where
(Crash e) >>= _ = Crash e
(Done t) >>= _ = Done t
(Working d) >>= f = f d
instance Functor Execution where
fmap = liftM
instance Applicative Execution where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
toProgram :: String -> Program
toProgram s = catMaybes $ fmap parseInstr s
tapeHelp :: Tape -> Int -> (Byte -> Byte) -> Tape
tapeHelp (t:tt) 0 alter = alter t : tt
tapeHelp (t:tt) dp alter = t : (tapeHelp tt (dp-1) alter)
data Error = NegTape | LoopNoMatch deriving (Show)
errorDesc :: Error -> String
errorDesc NegTape = "ERROR: '<' not working. Cannot access negative tape positions."
errorDesc LoopNoMatch = "ERROR: '[' or ']' not working. Matching parenthesis not found."
incrIP :: State -> State
incrIP p = p { ip = ip p + 1 }
execUpdate :: Instruction -> State -> State
execUpdate i p = p { tape = newTape }
where newTape = tapeHelp (tape p) (dp p) (updateCell i)
execTapeLeft :: State -> Execution State
execTapeLeft p = case dp p of 0 -> Crash NegTape
n -> Working p { dp = n - 1 }
execTapeRight :: State -> State
execTapeRight p = p { tape = tape p ++ newTape, dp = dp p + 1 }
where newTape = case dp p == length (tape p) - 1 of True -> [Byte 0]
_ -> []
execIn :: State -> IO (Execution State)
execIn p = do chr <- getChar
tp <- pure $ fromEnum chr
return $ Working p { tape = tapeHelp (tape p) (dp p) (\_ -> Byte tp) }
execOut :: State -> State
execOut p = p { output = output p ++ [chr char]}
where char = tape p !! dp p
findMatching :: Program -> Instruction -> Int -> Maybe Int
findMatching prg toFind = fmHelper $ -1
where (oppos, limit, next) = case toFind of
LoopEnd -> (LoopStart, length prg, (+1))
LoopStart -> (LoopEnd, 0, (-1+))
fmHelper :: Int -> Int -> Maybe Int
fmHelper acc s
| s == limit = Nothing
| acc == 0 && c == toFind = Just s
| c == toFind = fmHelper (acc - 1) $ next s
| c == oppos = fmHelper (acc + 1) $ next s
| otherwise = fmHelper acc $ next s
where c = prg !! s
execLoop :: Instruction -> State -> Execution State
execLoop d w = case posOrF of Just n -> Working w { ip = n }
Nothing -> Crash LoopNoMatch
where isZero = (tape w !! dp w) == Byte 0
jump = case d of LoopStart -> isZero
LoopEnd -> not isZero
posOrF = case jump of True -> findMatching (program w) d (ip w)
_ -> Just $ ip w
execute :: State -> IO (Execution State)
execute w = runInstr w >>= andThen
where instrFor :: State -> State -> IO (Execution State)
instrFor w = case (program w !! ip w) of
TapeLeft -> fmap return $ execTapeLeft
TapeRight -> return . return . execTapeRight
Add -> return . return . (execUpdate Add)
Sub -> return . return . (execUpdate Sub)
In -> execIn
Out -> return . return . execOut
l -> fmap return $ execLoop l
andThen :: Execution State -> IO (Execution State)
andThen s = case s >>= checkDone of
Working s -> execute s
t -> return t
runInstr :: State -> IO (Execution State)
runInstr w = instrFor w $ w
checkDone :: State -> Execution State
checkDone ps
| (length . program) ps == newIP = Done $ output ps
| otherwise = Working $ ps { ip = newIP }
where newIP = ip ps + 1
initState :: Program -> State
initState p = State {
tape = [Byte 0],
dp = 0,
output = "",
program = p,
ip = 0}
run :: String -> IO (Execution State)
run "" = return $ Done ""
run s = execute . initState . catMaybes . fmap parseInstr $ s