promising bonus

This commit is contained in:
Claudio Maggioni 2024-12-22 21:03:07 +01:00
parent 601826c403
commit e89a95f88e
5 changed files with 64 additions and 76 deletions

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@ -38,14 +38,7 @@ object GenerativeFluentAssertionsDSL:
import quotes.reflect.*
property match
case '{ (${ typeProvider }: HavePropertyTypeProvider[subjectType])
.applyDynamic($propertyNameExpr: String)(satisfying)
.$asInstanceOf$[SatisfyingNotEquals[T]] } => '{
.applyDynamic($propertyNameExpr)(satisfying.notEquals[T]($obj, $ord))
case '{ (${ typeProvider }: ContainsPropertyTypeProvider[subjectType])
case '{ (${ typeProvider }: HavePropertyTypeProvider[subjectType, elemType])
.applyDynamic($propertyNameExpr: String)(satisfying)
.$asInstanceOf$[SatisfyingNotEquals[T]] } => '{
@ -127,18 +120,19 @@ object GenerativeFluentAssertionsDSL:
// The quoted pattern also extracts: the type of the assertion subject,
// and the type of the property (actually... not exactly that. Why?)
case '{
(${ typeProvider }: HavePropertyTypeProvider[subjectType])
(${ typeProvider }: HavePropertyTypeProvider[subjectType, elemType])
.applyDynamic($propertyNameExpr: String)($valueExpr: Condition[valueType])
} =>
val subjectExpr = '{ $typeProvider.subject }
val negatedExpr = '{ $typeProvider.negated }
generateShouldHaveAssertion[subjectType, valueType](
// val subjectExpr = '{ $typeProvider.subject }
// val negatedExpr = '{ $typeProvider.negated }
// generateShouldHaveAssertion[subjectType, valueType](
// subjectExpr,
// propertyNameExpr,
// valueExpr,
// negatedExpr
// )
case '{
(${ typeProvider }: BePropertyTypeProvider[subjectType])
@ -151,14 +145,7 @@ object GenerativeFluentAssertionsDSL:
} =>
'{} // placeholder
case '{
(${ typeProvider }: ContainsPropertyTypeProvider[subjectType])
.applyDynamic($propertyNameExpr: String)($valueExpr: Condition[valueType])
} =>
'{} // placeholder
case a =>
"Invalid expression, must be a 'should be' or 'should have' assertion. ",
@ -224,22 +211,7 @@ object GenerativeFluentAssertionsDSL:
val candidateMethod = optionalCandidateSymbol.get
* This version is slightly different than the one presented during
* the lecture. In this case we also generate a proper message for
* the assertion violation, so we need to declare and reuse a local
* variable, otherwise the same expression with the type provider needs
* to be duplicated and inserted multiple times. So we take the subjectExpr,
* which contains the type provider and selects the subject, and we
* save it to a local val 'subject'. Then we use the low-level AST
* API to retrieve the result:
* first we take '(subject), which is the expression corresponding
* to the subject variable, and we take the low-level term version;
* then, we construct the Select AST which corresponds to the method
* invocation;
* finally, we convert all to an expression back again, which can be
* spliced in the quote.
val assertion = '{
val subject = $subjectExpr
val negated = $negatedExpr
@ -248,7 +220,7 @@ object GenerativeFluentAssertionsDSL:
condition.test(value) == !negated,
s"${subject}.${$propertyNameExpr} " + condition.failedMessage(negated) + " but " + value
s"$subject.${$propertyNameExpr} " + condition.failedMessage(negated) + " but " + value
}, subjectExpr.asTerm.pos)

View file

@ -38,21 +38,35 @@ class BePropertyTypeProvider[T](val subject: T) extends Selectable:
def applyDynamic(fieldName: String)(foo: Any*): AssertionProperty = ???
end BePropertyTypeProvider
class HavePropertyTypeProvider[T](val subject: T, val negated: Boolean) extends Selectable:
sealed trait PropertyChecker[T, E]:
val failedMessage: String
def check(t: T, condition: Condition[E]): Boolean
case class SingleChecker[T]() extends PropertyChecker[T, T]:
override def check(t: T, condition: Condition[T]): Boolean = condition.test(t)
override val failedMessage: String = "is not"
case class NegatedChecker[T]() extends PropertyChecker[T, T]:
override def check(t: T, condition: Condition[T]): Boolean = !condition.test(t)
override val failedMessage: String = "is"
case class AllChecker[E]() extends PropertyChecker[Iterable[E], E]:
override def check(t: Iterable[E], condition: Condition[E]): Boolean = t.forall(e => condition.test(e))
override val failedMessage: String = "has elements not satisfying"
case class SomeChecker[E]() extends PropertyChecker[Iterable[E], E]:
override def check(t: Iterable[E], condition: Condition[E]): Boolean = t.exists(e => condition.test(e))
override val failedMessage: String = "has no elements satisfying"
case class NoChecker[E]() extends PropertyChecker[Iterable[E], E]:
override def check(t: Iterable[E], condition: Condition[E]): Boolean = t.forall(e => !condition.test(e))
override val failedMessage: String = "has elements satisfying"
class HavePropertyTypeProvider[T, E](val subject: T, val checker: PropertyChecker[T, E]) extends Selectable:
def applyDynamic[U](fieldName: String)(arg: satisfying.type): SatisfyingNotEquals[U] = ???
def applyDynamic(fieldName: String)(arg: Any): AssertionProperty = ???
end HavePropertyTypeProvider
sealed trait ContainsAssertionKind
case object All extends ContainsAssertionKind
case object None extends ContainsAssertionKind
case object Some extends ContainsAssertionKind
class ContainsPropertyTypeProvider[T](val subject: Iterable[T], val kind: ContainsAssertionKind) extends Selectable:
def applyDynamic[U](fieldName: String)(arg: satisfying.type): SatisfyingNotEquals[U] = ???
def applyDynamic(fieldName: String)(arg: Any): AssertionProperty = ???
end ContainsPropertyTypeProvider
/** A trait for each type of assertion (be or have).
sealed trait AssertionDSLVerb
@ -60,10 +74,9 @@ case object be extends AssertionDSLVerb with Dynamic:
def selectDynamic(fieldName: String): AssertionProperty = ???
case object be_ extends AssertionDSLVerb
sealed trait HaveVerb(val negated: Boolean):
inline def `unary_!`: HaveVerb = HaveNegation(this)
case class HaveNegation(haveVerb: HaveVerb) extends HaveVerb(!haveVerb.negated)
case object have extends HaveVerb(false)
case object have extends AssertionDSLVerb:
inline def `unary_!`: have.type = ???
case object contain extends AssertionDSLVerb
case object `with` extends AssertionDSLVerb
@ -72,15 +85,15 @@ case class ContainsVerb[T](subject: Iterable[T])
extension [T](inline containsVerb: ContainsVerb[T])
transparent inline def allElements(inline verb: `with`.type) = ${
ShouldContainTypeProvider.generateShouldContainTypeProvider('containsVerb, 'All)
ShouldContainTypeProvider.generateShouldContainTypeProvider('containsVerb, '{ AllChecker[T]() })
transparent inline def someElements(inline verb: `with`.type) = ${
ShouldContainTypeProvider.generateShouldContainTypeProvider('containsVerb, 'Some)
ShouldContainTypeProvider.generateShouldContainTypeProvider('containsVerb, '{ SomeChecker[T]() })
transparent inline def noElements(inline verb: `with`.type) = ${
ShouldContainTypeProvider.generateShouldContainTypeProvider('containsVerb, 'None)
ShouldContainTypeProvider.generateShouldContainTypeProvider('containsVerb, '{ NoChecker[T]() })
/** Implicit class to add 'should' assertions to a generic type T.
@ -116,8 +129,8 @@ extension [T](inline subject: T)
* @return
* a type provider for properties of type T.
transparent inline def should(inline verb: HaveVerb) = ${
ShouldHaveTypeProvider.generateShouldHaveTypeProvider[T]('subject, '{verb.negated})
transparent inline def should(inline verb: have.type) = ${
ShouldHaveTypeProvider.generateShouldHaveTypeProvider[T]('subject, 'verb)
// We define here the 'should contain' extension method. It is not possible to

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@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ case class Box(label: String, weight: Mass, price: Money)
List() should have size satisfying >= 0
List(3) should have size satisfying !== 0
List(50, 2, 3) should have head satisfying < 100
box should !(!have) weight satisfying <=
box should !have weight satisfying <=
// we wrap the strings in StringOps instances in order to resolve the scala method "size". This would otherwise
// not happen automatically as the string types would resolve to "java.lang.String" thus not allowing the type

View file

@ -7,13 +7,10 @@ object ShouldContainTypeProvider:
/** The type provider for the should have assertion, which generates a refined
* structural type for type T.
def generateShouldContainTypeProvider[T](containsExpr: Expr[ContainsVerb[T]], kind: Expr[ContainsAssertionKind])
def generateShouldContainTypeProvider[T](containsExpr: Expr[ContainsVerb[T]], checker: Expr[PropertyChecker[Iterable[T], T]])
(using Type[T], Quotes): Expr[Any] =
import quotes.reflect.*
println("containsExpr: " +
println("kind: " +
val subject: Expr[Iterable[T]] = containsExpr match
case '{ ContainsVerb.apply[T]($s: Iterable[T]) } => s
@ -77,11 +74,8 @@ object ShouldContainTypeProvider:
println("fields: " + fields)
println("arityZeroMethods: " + arityZeroMethods)
val refinedType = refineTypeBySymbols(
TypeRepr.of[HavePropertyTypeProvider[Iterable[T], T]],
fields ++ arityZeroMethods
@ -93,8 +87,6 @@ object ShouldContainTypeProvider:
// exact type is unknown until compilation time.
refinedType.asType match
case '[tpe] => // tpe is the exact refined type
val a = '{ ContainsPropertyTypeProvider[T]($subject, $kind).asInstanceOf[tpe] }
'{ HavePropertyTypeProvider[Iterable[T], T]($subject, $checker).asInstanceOf[tpe] }
end ShouldContainTypeProvider

View file

@ -4,14 +4,23 @@ import scala.quoted.*
object ShouldHaveTypeProvider:
/** The type provider for the should have assertion, which generates a refined
* structural type for type T.
def generateShouldHaveTypeProvider[T](subject: Expr[T], negated: Expr[Boolean])(using Type[T])(using
def generateShouldHaveTypeProvider[T](subject: Expr[T], verb: Expr[have.type])(using Type[T])(using
): Expr[Any] =
import quotes.reflect.*
def isNegated(verb: Expr[have.type]): Boolean =
verb match
case '{ ($inner: have.type).`unary_!` } => !isNegated(inner)
case '{ have: have.type } => false
val negated = isNegated(verb)
// hack to get the equivalent of `TypeRepr.of[Function1[?, ?]]` (i.e. an arity-1 function type constructor).
// Getting it as is returns an applied type with useless bounds (Nothing to Any), and the returned TypeRepr,
// if re-applied to some `I` input type and `O` output type would be incompatible with `TypeRepr.of[I => O]` for
@ -73,10 +82,12 @@ object ShouldHaveTypeProvider:
val refinedType = refineTypeBySymbols(
TypeRepr.of[HavePropertyTypeProvider[T, T]],
fields ++ arityZeroMethods
val checker = if (negated) '{ NegatedChecker[T]() } else '{ SingleChecker[T]() }
// This is the way to extract a (reflection) type to a
// type that can be used in some quoted code.
// it's the equivalent of .asExpr for expressions,
@ -84,6 +95,6 @@ object ShouldHaveTypeProvider:
// exact type is unknown until compilation time.
refinedType.asType match
case '[tpe] => // tpe is the exact refined type
'{ HavePropertyTypeProvider[T]($subject, $negated).asInstanceOf[tpe] }
'{ HavePropertyTypeProvider[T, T]($subject, $checker).asInstanceOf[tpe] }
end ShouldHaveTypeProvider