Class PrintStreamErrorManager

  extended by
      extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
ErrorHandler, ErrorManager

public class PrintStreamErrorManager
extends BasicErrorManager

An error manager that prints errors and warnings to the print stream provided in addition to the functionality of the BasicErrorManager.

It collaborates with a SourceExcerptProvider via a MessageFormatter to display error messages with source context.

Constructor Summary
PrintStreamErrorManager(MessageFormatter formatter, PrintStream stream)
          Creates an error manager.
PrintStreamErrorManager(PrintStream stream)
          Creates an instance with a source-less error formatter.
Method Summary
 void println(CheckLevel level, JSError error)
          Print a message with a trailing new line.
 void printSummary()
          Print the summary of the compilation - number of errors and warnings.
 void setSummaryDetailLevel(int summaryDetailLevel)
Methods inherited from class
generateReport, getErrorCount, getErrors, getTypedPercent, getWarningCount, getWarnings, report, setTypedPercent
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PrintStreamErrorManager(MessageFormatter formatter,
                               PrintStream stream)
Creates an error manager.

formatter - the message formatter used to format the messages
stream - the stream on which the errors and warnings should be printed. This class does not close the stream


public PrintStreamErrorManager(PrintStream stream)
Creates an instance with a source-less error formatter.

Method Detail


public void println(CheckLevel level,
                    JSError error)
Description copied from class: BasicErrorManager
Print a message with a trailing new line. This method is called by the BasicErrorManager.generateReport() method when generating messages.

Specified by:
println in class BasicErrorManager


public void setSummaryDetailLevel(int summaryDetailLevel)


public void printSummary()
Description copied from class: BasicErrorManager
Print the summary of the compilation - number of errors and warnings.

Specified by:
printSummary in class BasicErrorManager