Class SimpleSourceExcerptProvider

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SimpleSourceExcerptProvider
extends Object
implements SourceExcerptProvider

A simple source excerpt provider for testing.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface
SourceExcerptProvider.ExcerptFormatter, SourceExcerptProvider.SourceExcerpt
Constructor Summary
SimpleSourceExcerptProvider(String source)
Method Summary
 String getSourceLine(String sourceName, int lineNumber)
          Get the line indicated by the line number.
 Region getSourceRegion(String sourceName, int lineNumber)
          Get a region around the indicated line number.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SimpleSourceExcerptProvider(String source)
Method Detail


public String getSourceLine(String sourceName,
                            int lineNumber)
Description copied from interface: SourceExcerptProvider
Get the line indicated by the line number. This call will return only the specific line.

Specified by:
getSourceLine in interface SourceExcerptProvider
lineNumber - the line number, 1 being the first line of the file
the line indicated, or null if it does not exist


public Region getSourceRegion(String sourceName,
                              int lineNumber)
Description copied from interface: SourceExcerptProvider
Get a region around the indicated line number. The exact definition of a region is implementation specific, but it must contain the line indicated by the line number. A region must not start or end by a carriage return.

Specified by:
getSourceRegion in interface SourceExcerptProvider
lineNumber - the line number, 1 being the first line of the file
the region around the line number indicated, or null if it does not exist