/* * Copyright 2010 The Closure Compiler Authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * @fileoverview Externs for the Google Maps V2 API. * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html * @externs */ google.maps = {}; /** * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GMap2.GMap2 * @constructor * @param {Node} container * @param {Object.=} opts */ function GMap2(container, opts) {} /** @typedef {GMap2} */ google.maps.Map2; /** @return {undefined} */ GMap2.prototype.enableDragging = function() {}; /** @return {undefined} */ GMap2.prototype.disableDragging = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {boolean} */ GMap2.prototype.draggingEnabled = function() {}; /** @return {undefined} */ GMap2.prototype.enableInfoWindow = function() {}; /** @return {undefined} */ GMap2.prototype.disableInfoWindow = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {boolean} */ GMap2.prototype.infoWindowEnabled = function() {}; /** @return {undefined} */ GMap2.prototype.enableDoubleClickZoom = function() {}; /** @return {undefined} */ GMap2.prototype.disableDoubleClickZoom = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {boolean} */ GMap2.prototype.doubleClickZoomEnabled = function() {}; /** @return {undefined} */ GMap2.prototype.enableContinuousZoom = function() {}; /** @return {undefined} */ GMap2.prototype.disableContinuousZoom = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {boolean} */ GMap2.prototype.continuousZoomEnabled = function() {}; /** @return {undefined} */ GMap2.prototype.enableGoogleBar = function() {}; /** @return {undefined} */ GMap2.prototype.disableGoogleBar = function() {}; /** @return {undefined} */ GMap2.prototype.enableScrollWheelZoom = function() {}; /** @return {undefined} */ GMap2.prototype.disableScrollWheelZoom = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {boolean} */ GMap2.prototype.scrollWheelZoomEnabled = function() {}; /** @return {undefined} */ GMap2.prototype.enablePinchToZoom = function() {}; /** @return {undefined} */ GMap2.prototype.disablePinchToZoom = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {boolean} */ GMap2.prototype.pinchToZoomEnabled = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {Object} */ GMap2.prototype.getDefaultUI = function() {}; /** @return {undefined} */ GMap2.prototype.setUIToDefault = function() {}; /** @param {GMapUIOptions} ui */ GMap2.prototype.setUI = function(ui) {}; /** * @param {GControl} control * @param {GControlPosition=} position */ GMap2.prototype.addControl = function(control, position) {}; /** @param {GControl} control */ GMap2.prototype.removeControl = function(control) {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {Node} */ GMap2.prototype.getContainer = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {Array.} */ GMap2.prototype.getMapTypes = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {GMapType} */ GMap2.prototype.getCurrentMapType = function() {}; /** @param {GMapType} type */ GMap2.prototype.setMapType = function(type) {}; /** @param {GMapType} type */ GMap2.prototype.addMapType = function(type) {}; /** @param {GMapType} type */ GMap2.prototype.removeMapType = function(type) {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {boolean} */ GMap2.prototype.isLoaded = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {GLatLng} */ GMap2.prototype.getCenter = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {GLatLngBounds} */ GMap2.prototype.getBounds = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @param {GLatLngBounds} bounds * @return {number} */ GMap2.prototype.getBoundsZoomLevel = function(bounds) {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {GSize} */ GMap2.prototype.getSize = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {number} */ GMap2.prototype.getZoom = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {GDraggableObject} */ GMap2.prototype.getDragObject = function() {}; /** @param {function(Object)} callback */ GMap2.prototype.getEarthInstance = function(callback) {}; /** * @param {GLatLng} center * @param {number=} zoom * @param {GMapType=} type */ GMap2.prototype.setCenter = function(center, zoom, type) {}; /** @param {GLatLng} center */ GMap2.prototype.panTo = function(center) {}; /** @param {GSize} distance */ GMap2.prototype.panBy = function(distance) {}; /** * @param {number} dx * @param {number} dy */ GMap2.prototype.panDirection = function(dx, dy) {}; /** @param {number} level */ GMap2.prototype.setZoom = function(level) {}; /** * @param {GLatLng=} latlng * @param {boolean=} doCenter * @param {boolean=} doContinuousZoom */ GMap2.prototype.zoomIn = function(latlng, doCenter, doContinuousZoom) {}; /** * @param {GLatLng=} latlng * @param {boolean=} doContinuousZoom */ GMap2.prototype.zoomOut = function(latlng, doContinuousZoom) {}; /** @return {undefined} */ GMap2.prototype.savePosition = function() {}; /** @return {undefined} */ GMap2.prototype.returnToSavedPosition = function() {}; /** @return {undefined} */ GMap2.prototype.checkResize = function() {}; /** @param {GOverlay} overlay */ GMap2.prototype.addOverlay = function(overlay) {}; /** @param {GOverlay} overlay */ GMap2.prototype.removeOverlay = function(overlay) {}; /** @return {undefined} */ GMap2.prototype.clearOverlays = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @param {GMapPane} pane * @return {Node} */ GMap2.prototype.getPane = function(pane) {}; /** * @param {GLatLng} latlng * @param {Node} node * @param {Object.=} opts */ GMap2.prototype.openInfoWindow = function(latlng, node, opts) {}; /** * @param {GLatLng} latlng * @param {string} html * @param {Object.=} opts */ GMap2.prototype.openInfoWindowHtml = function(latlng, html, opts) {}; /** * @param {GLatLng} latlng * @param {Array.} tabs * @param {Object.=} opts */ GMap2.prototype.openInfoWindowTabs = function(latlng, tabs, opts) {}; /** * @param {GLatLng} latlng * @param {Array.} tabs * @param {Object.=} opts */ GMap2.prototype.openInfoWindowTabsHtml = function(latlng, tabs, opts) {}; /** * @param {GLatLng} latlng * @param {Object.=} opts */ GMap2.prototype.showMapBlowup = function(latlng, opts) {}; /** * @param {Array.} tabs * @param {function()=} onupdate */ GMap2.prototype.updateInfoWindow = function(tabs, onupdate) {}; /** * @param {function(GInfoWindowTab)} modifier * @param {function()=} onupdate */ GMap2.prototype.updateCurrentTab = function(modifier, onupdate) {}; /** @return {undefined} */ GMap2.prototype.closeInfoWindow = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {GInfoWindow} */ GMap2.prototype.getInfoWindow = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @param {GPoint} pixel * @return {GLatLng} */ GMap2.prototype.fromContainerPixelToLatLng = function(pixel) {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @param {GLatLng} latlng * @return {GPoint} */ GMap2.prototype.fromLatLngToContainerPixel = function(latlng) {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @param {GLatLng} latlng * @return {GPoint} */ GMap2.prototype.fromLatLngToDivPixel = function(latlng) {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @param {GPoint} pixel * @return {GLatLng} */ GMap2.prototype.fromDivPixelToLatLng = function(pixel) {}; /** @param {number=} level */ GMap2.prototype.enableRotation = function(level) {}; /** @return {undefined} */ GMap2.prototype.disableRotation = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {boolean} */ GMap2.prototype.rotationEnabled = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {boolean} */ GMap2.prototype.isRotatable = function() {}; /** @param {number} heading */ GMap2.prototype.changeHeading = function(heading) {}; /** * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GBounds.GBounds * @constructor * @param {Array.} points */ function GBounds(points) {} /** @typedef {GBounds} */ google.maps.Bounds; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {string} */ GBounds.prototype.toString = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @param {GBounds} other * @return {boolean} */ GBounds.prototype.equals = function(other) {}; /** @return {GPoint} */ GBounds.prototype.mid = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {GPoint} */ GBounds.prototype.min = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {GPoint} */ GBounds.prototype.max = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @param {GBounds} other * @return {boolean} */ GBounds.prototype.containsBounds = function(other) {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @param {GPoint} point * @return {boolean} */ GBounds.prototype.containsPoint = function(point) {}; /** @param {GPoint} point */ GBounds.prototype.extend = function(point) {}; /** @type {number} */ GBounds.prototype.minX; /** @type {number} */ GBounds.prototype.minY; /** @type {number} */ GBounds.prototype.maxX; /** @type {number} */ GBounds.prototype.maxY; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {boolean} */ function GBrowserIsCompatible() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {boolean} */ google.maps.BrowserIsCompatible = function() {}; /** * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GDraggableObject.GDraggableObject * @constructor * @param {Node} src * @param {Object.=} opts */ function GDraggableObject(src, opts) {} /** @typedef {GDraggableObject} */ google.maps.DraggableObject; /** @param {string} cursor */ GDraggableObject.setDraggableCursor = function(cursor) {}; /** @param {string} cursor */ GDraggableObject.setDraggingCursor = function(cursor) {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {string} * @deprecated */ GDraggableObject.getDraggingCursor = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {string} * @deprecated */ GDraggableObject.getDraggableCursor = function() {}; /** @param {string} cursor */ GDraggableObject.prototype.setDraggableCursor = function(cursor) {}; /** @param {string} cursor */ GDraggableObject.prototype.setDraggingCursor = function(cursor) {}; /** @param {GPoint} point */ GDraggableObject.prototype.moveTo = function(point) {}; /** @param {GSize} size */ GDraggableObject.prototype.moveBy = function(size) {}; /** * @constructor * @private */ function GInfoWindow() {}; /** @param {number} index */ GInfoWindow.prototype.selectTab = function(index) {}; /** @return {undefined} */ GInfoWindow.prototype.hide = function() {}; /** @return {undefined} */ GInfoWindow.prototype.show = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {boolean} */ GInfoWindow.prototype.isHidden = function() {}; /** * @param {GLatLng} latlng * @param {Array.} tabs * @param {GSize} size * @param {GSize=} offset * @param {number=} selectedTab */ GInfoWindow.prototype.reset = function(latlng, tabs, size, offset, selectedTab) {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {GLatLng} */ GInfoWindow.prototype.getPoint = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {GSize} */ GInfoWindow.prototype.getPixelOffset = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {number} */ GInfoWindow.prototype.getSelectedTab = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {Array.} */ GInfoWindow.prototype.getTabs = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {Array.} */ GInfoWindow.prototype.getContentContainers = function() {}; /** @return {undefined} */ GInfoWindow.prototype.enableMaximize = function() {}; /** @return {undefined} */ GInfoWindow.prototype.disableMaximize = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects */ GInfoWindow.prototype.maximize = function() {}; /** @return {undefined} */ GInfoWindow.prototype.restore = function() {}; /** * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GInfoWindowTab.GInfoWindowTab * @constructor * @param {string} label * @param {Node|string} content */ function GInfoWindowTab(label, content) {} /** @typedef {GInfoWindowTab} */ google.maps.InfoWindowTab; /** * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GKeyboardHandler.GKeyboardHandler * @constructor * @param {GMap2} map */ function GKeyboardHandler(map) {} /** @typedef {GKeyboardHandler} */ google.maps.KeyboardHandler; var GLanguage = {}; google.maps.Language = {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {string} */ GLanguage.getLanguageCode = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {boolean} */ GLanguage.isRtl = function() {}; /** * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GLatLng.GLatLng * @constructor * @param {number} lat * @param {number} lng * @param {boolean=} unbounded */ function GLatLng(lat, lng, unbounded) {} /** @typedef {GLatLng} */ google.maps.LatLng; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {number} */ GLatLng.prototype.lat = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {number} */ GLatLng.prototype.lng = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {number} */ GLatLng.prototype.latRadians = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {number} */ GLatLng.prototype.lngRadians = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @param {GLatLng} other * @return {boolean} */ GLatLng.prototype.equals = function(other) {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @param {GLatLng} other * @param {number=} radius * @return {number} */ GLatLng.prototype.distanceFrom = function(other, radius) {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @param {number=} precision * @return {string} */ GLatLng.prototype.toUrlValue = function(precision) {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @param {string} latlng * @return {GLatLng} */ GLatLng.fromUrlValue = function(latlng) {}; /** @type {number} */ GLatLng.prototype.x; /** @type {number} */ GLatLng.prototype.y; /** * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GLatLngBounds.GLatLngBounds * @constructor * @param {GLatLng=} sw * @param {GLatLng=} ne */ function GLatLngBounds(sw, ne) {} /** @typedef {GLatLngBounds} */ google.maps.LatLngBounds; /** * @nosideeffects * @param {GLatLngBounds} other * @return {boolean} */ GLatLngBounds.prototype.equals = function(other) {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @param {GLatLng} latlng * @return {boolean} */ GLatLngBounds.prototype.containsLatLng = function(latlng) {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @param {GLatLngBounds} other * @return {boolean} */ GLatLngBounds.prototype.intersects = function(other) {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @param {GLatLngBounds} other * @return {boolean} */ GLatLngBounds.prototype.containsBounds = function(other) {}; /** @param {GLatLng} latlng */ GLatLngBounds.prototype.extend = function(latlng) {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {GLatLng} */ GLatLngBounds.prototype.getSouthWest = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {GLatLng} */ GLatLngBounds.prototype.getNorthEast = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {GLatLng} */ GLatLngBounds.prototype.toSpan = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {boolean} */ GLatLngBounds.prototype.isFullLat = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {boolean} */ GLatLngBounds.prototype.isFullLng = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {boolean} */ GLatLngBounds.prototype.isEmpty = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {GLatLng} */ GLatLngBounds.prototype.getCenter = function() {}; var GLog = {}; google.maps.Log = {}; /** * @param {string} message * @param {string=} color */ GLog.write = function(message, color) {}; /** @param {string} url */ GLog.writeUrl = function(url) {}; /** @param {string} html */ GLog.writeHtml = function(html) {}; /** * @constructor * @private */ function GMapPane() {}; /** @typedef {GMapPane} */ google.maps.MapPane; /** * @const * @type {GMapPane} */ var G_MAP_MAP_PANE; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.MapPane} */ google.maps.MAP_MAP_PANE; /** * @const * @type {GMapPane} */ var G_MAP_OVERLAY_LAYER_PANE; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.MapPane} */ google.maps.MAP_OVERLAY_LAYER_PANE; /** * @const * @type {GMapPane} */ var G_MAP_MARKER_SHADOW_PANE; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.MapPane} */ google.maps.MAP_MARKER_SHADOW_PANE; /** * @const * @type {GMapPane} */ var G_MAP_MARKER_PANE; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.MapPane} */ google.maps.MAP_MARKER_PANE; /** * @const * @type {GMapPane} */ var G_MAP_FLOAT_SHADOW_PANE; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.MapPane} */ google.maps.MAP_FLOAT_SHADOW_PANE; /** * @const * @type {GMapPane} */ var G_MAP_MARKER_MOUSE_TARGET_PANE; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.MapPane} */ google.maps.MAP_MARKER_MOUSE_TARGET_PANE; /** * @const * @type {GMapPane} */ var G_MAP_FLOAT_PANE; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.MapPane} */ google.maps.MAP_FLOAT_PANE; /** * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GPoint.GPoint * @constructor * @param {number} x * @param {number} y */ function GPoint(x, y) {} /** @typedef {GPoint} */ google.maps.Point; /** * @nosideeffects * @param {GPoint} other * @return {boolean} */ GPoint.prototype.equals = function(other) {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {string} */ GPoint.prototype.toString = function() {}; /** @type {number} */ GPoint.prototype.x; /** @type {number} */ GPoint.prototype.y; /** * @const * @type {GPoint} */ GPoint.ORIGIN; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.Point} */ google.maps.Point.ORIGIN; /** * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GSize.GSize * @constructor * @param {number} width * @param {number} height */ function GSize(width, height) {} /** @typedef {GSize} */ google.maps.Size; /** * @nosideeffects * @param {GSize} other * @return {boolean} */ GSize.prototype.equals = function(other) {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {string} */ GSize.prototype.toString = function() {}; /** @type {number} */ GSize.prototype.width; /** @type {number} */ GSize.prototype.height; /** * @const * @type {GSize} */ GSize.ZERO; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.Size} */ google.maps.Size.ZERO; /** @return {undefined} */ function GUnload() {}; /** @return {undefined} */ google.maps.Unload = function() {}; /** * @const * @type {string} */ var G_API_VERSION; /** * @const * @type {string} */ google.maps.API_VERSION; var GEvent = {}; google.maps.Event = {}; /** * @param {Object} source * @param {string} event * @param {function(*=)} handler * @return {GEventListener} */ GEvent.addListener = function(source, event, handler) {}; /** * @param {Node} source * @param {string} event * @param {function(*=)} handler * @return {GEventListener} */ GEvent.addDomListener = function(source, event, handler) {}; /** @param {GEventListener} handle */ GEvent.removeListener = function(handle) {}; /** * @param {Object|Node} source * @param {string} event */ GEvent.clearListeners = function(source, event) {}; /** @param {Object|Node} source */ GEvent.clearInstanceListeners = function(source) {}; /** @param {Node} source */ GEvent.clearNode = function(source) {}; /** * @param {Object} source * @param {string} event * @param {...[*]} var_args */ GEvent.trigger = function(source, event, var_args) {}; /** * @param {Object} source * @param {string} event * @param {Object} object * @param {function(*=)} method * @return {GEventListener} */ GEvent.bind = function(source, event, object, method) {}; /** * @param {Node} source * @param {string} event * @param {Object} object * @param {function(*=)} method * @return {GEventListener} */ GEvent.bindDom = function(source, event, object, method) {}; /** * @param {Object} object * @param {function(*=)} method * @return {function()} */ GEvent.callback = function(object, method) {}; /** * @param {Object} object * @param {function(...[*])} method * @param {...[*]} var_args * @return {function(...[*])} */ GEvent.callbackArgs = function(object, method, var_args) {}; /** * @constructor * @private */ function GEventListener() {}; /** * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GControl.GControl * @constructor * @param {boolean=} printable * @param {boolean=} selectable */ function GControl(printable, selectable) {} /** @typedef {GControl} */ google.maps.Control; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {boolean} */ GControl.prototype.printable = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {boolean} */ GControl.prototype.selectable = function() {}; /** * @param {GMap2} map * @return {Node} */ GControl.prototype.initialize = function(map) {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {GControlPosition} */ GControl.prototype.getDefaultPosition = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {boolean} */ GControl.prototype.allowSetVisibility = function() {}; /** * @constructor * @private */ function GControlAnchor() {}; /** @typedef {GControlAnchor} */ google.maps.ControlAnchor; /** * @const * @type {GControlAnchor} */ var G_ANCHOR_TOP_RIGHT; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.ControlAnchor} */ google.maps.ANCHOR_TOP_RIGHT; /** * @const * @type {GControlAnchor} */ var G_ANCHOR_TOP_LEFT; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.ControlAnchor} */ google.maps.ANCHOR_TOP_LEFT; /** * @const * @type {GControlAnchor} */ var G_ANCHOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.ControlAnchor} */ google.maps.ANCHOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT; /** * @const * @type {GControlAnchor} */ var G_ANCHOR_BOTTOM_LEFT; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.ControlAnchor} */ google.maps.ANCHOR_BOTTOM_LEFT; /** * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GControlImpl.GSmallMapControl * @constructor * @extends {GControl} */ function GSmallMapControl() {} /** @typedef {GSmallMapControl} */ google.maps.SmallMapControl; /** * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GControlImpl.GLargeMapControl * @constructor * @extends {GControl} */ function GLargeMapControl() {} /** @typedef {GLargeMapControl} */ google.maps.LargeMapControl; /** * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GControlImpl.GSmallZoomControl * @constructor * @extends {GControl} */ function GSmallZoomControl() {} /** @typedef {GSmallZoomControl} */ google.maps.SmallZoomControl; /** * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GControlImpl.GLargeMapControl3D * @constructor * @extends {GControl} */ function GLargeMapControl3D() {} /** @typedef {GLargeMapControl3D} */ google.maps.LargeMapControl3D; /** * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GControlImpl.GSmallZoomControl3D * @constructor * @extends {GControl} */ function GSmallZoomControl3D() {} /** @typedef {GSmallZoomControl3D} */ google.maps.SmallZoomControl3D; /** * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GControlImpl.GScaleControl * @constructor * @extends {GControl} */ function GScaleControl() {} /** @typedef {GScaleControl} */ google.maps.ScaleControl; /** * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GControlImpl.GOverviewMapControl * @constructor * @extends {GControl} */ function GOverviewMapControl() {} /** @typedef {GOverviewMapControl} */ google.maps.OverviewMapControl; /** * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GControlPosition.GControlPosition * @constructor * @param {GControlAnchor} anchor * @param {GSize} offset */ function GControlPosition(anchor, offset) {} /** @typedef {GControlPosition} */ google.maps.ControlPosition; /** * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GHierarchicalMapTypeControl.GHierarchicalMapTypeControl * @constructor * @extends {GControl} */ function GHierarchicalMapTypeControl() {} /** @typedef {GHierarchicalMapTypeControl} */ google.maps.HierarchicalMapTypeControl; /** * @param {GMapType} parentType * @param {GMapType} childType * @param {string=} childText * @param {boolean=} isDefault */ GHierarchicalMapTypeControl.prototype.addRelationship = function(parentType, childType, childText, isDefault) {}; /** @param {GMapType} mapType */ GHierarchicalMapTypeControl.prototype.removeRelationship = function(mapType) {}; /** @return {undefined} */ GHierarchicalMapTypeControl.prototype.clearRelationships = function() {}; /** * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GMapType.GMapType * @constructor * @param {Array.} layers * @param {GProjection} projection * @param {string} name * @param {Object.=} opts */ function GMapType(layers, projection, name, opts) {} /** @typedef {GMapType} */ google.maps.MapType; /** * @nosideeffects * @param {GLatLng} center * @param {GLatLng} span * @param {GSize} viewSize * @return {number} */ GMapType.prototype.getSpanZoomLevel = function(center, span, viewSize) {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @param {GLatLngBounds} bounds * @param {GSize} viewSize */ GMapType.prototype.getBoundsZoomLevel = function(bounds, viewSize) {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @param {boolean=} short_name * @return {string} */ GMapType.prototype.getName = function(short_name) {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {GProjection} */ GMapType.prototype.getProjection = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {number} */ GMapType.prototype.getTileSize = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {Array.} */ GMapType.prototype.getTileLayers = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {number} */ GMapType.prototype.getMinimumResolution = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {number} */ GMapType.prototype.getMaximumResolution = function() {}; /** * @param {GLatLng} latlng * @param {function(Object.)} callback * @param {number=} opt_targetZoom */ GMapType.prototype.getMaxZoomAtLatLng = function(latlng, callback, opt_targetZoom) {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {string} */ GMapType.prototype.getTextColor = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {string} */ GMapType.prototype.getLinkColor = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {string} */ GMapType.prototype.getErrorMessage = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @param {GLatLngBounds} bounds * @param {number} zoom * @return {Array.} */ GMapType.prototype.getCopyrights = function(bounds, zoom) {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {string} * @deprecated */ GMapType.prototype.getUrlArg = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {string} */ GMapType.prototype.getAlt = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {number} */ GMapType.prototype.getHeading = function() {}; /** * @const * @type {GMapType} */ var G_NORMAL_MAP; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.MapType} */ google.maps.NORMAL_MAP; /** * @const * @type {GMapType} */ var G_SATELLITE_MAP; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.MapType} */ google.maps.SATELLITE_MAP; /** * @const * @type {GMapType} */ var G_AERIAL_MAP; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.MapType} */ google.maps.AERIAL_MAP; /** * @const * @type {GMapType} */ var G_HYBRID_MAP; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.MapType} */ google.maps.HYBRID_MAP; /** * @const * @type {GMapType} */ var G_AERIAL_HYBRID_MAP; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.MapType} */ google.maps.AERIAL_HYBRID_MAP; /** * @const * @type {GMapType} */ var G_PHYSICAL_MAP; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.MapType} */ google.maps.PHYSICAL_MAP; /** * @const * @type {GMapType} */ var G_MAPMAKER_NORMAL_MAP; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.MapType} */ google.maps.MAPMAKER_NORMAL_MAP; /** * @const * @type {GMapType} */ var G_MAPMAKER_HYBRID_MAP; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.MapType} */ google.maps.MAPMAKER_HYBRID_MAP; /** * @const * @type {GMapType} */ var G_MOON_ELEVATION_MAP; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.MapType} */ google.maps.MOON_ELEVATION_MAP; /** * @const * @type {GMapType} */ var G_MOON_VISIBLE_MAP; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.MapType} */ google.maps.MOON_VISIBLE_MAP; /** * @const * @type {GMapType} */ var G_MARS_ELEVATION_MAP; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.MapType} */ google.maps.MARS_ELEVATION_MAP; /** * @const * @type {GMapType} */ var G_MARS_VISIBLE_MAP; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.MapType} */ google.maps.MARS_VISIBLE_MAP; /** * @const * @type {GMapType} */ var G_MARS_INFRARED_MAP; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.MapType} */ google.maps.MARS_INFRARED_MAP; /** * @const * @type {GMapType} */ var G_SKY_VISIBLE_MAP; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.MapType} */ google.maps.SKY_VISIBLE_MAP; /** * @const * @type {GMapType} */ var G_SATELLITE_3D_MAP; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.MapType} */ google.maps.SATELLITE_3D_MAP; /** * @const * @type {GMapType} */ var G_DEFAULT_MAP_TYPES; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.MapType} */ google.maps.DEFAULT_MAP_TYPES; /** * @const * @type {GMapType} */ var G_MAPMAKER_MAP_TYPES; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.MapType} */ google.maps.MAPMAKER_MAP_TYPES; /** * @const * @type {GMapType} */ var G_MOON_MAP_TYPES; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.MapType} */ google.maps.MOON_MAP_TYPES; /** * @const * @type {GMapType} */ var G_MARS_MAP_TYPES; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.MapType} */ google.maps.MARS_MAP_TYPES; /** * @const * @type {GMapType} */ var G_SKY_MAP_TYPES; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.MapType} */ google.maps.SKY_MAP_TYPES; /** * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GMapTypeControl.GMapTypeControl * @constructor * @extends {GControl} * @param {boolean=} useShortNames */ function GMapTypeControl(useShortNames) {} /** @typedef {GMapTypeControl} */ google.maps.MapTypeControl; /** * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GMapUIOptions.GMapUIOptions * @constructor * @param {GSize=} opt_size */ function GMapUIOptions(opt_size) {} /** @typedef {GMapUIOptions} */ google.maps.MapUIOptions; /** * This type is not in the API reference. We use it purely to * help specify GMapUIOptions. * @constructor * @private */ GMapUIOptions.MapTypes_ = function() {}; /** @type {boolean} */ GMapUIOptions.MapTypes_.prototype.normal; /** @type {boolean} */ GMapUIOptions.MapTypes_.prototype.satellite; /** @type {boolean} */ GMapUIOptions.MapTypes_.prototype.hybrid; /** @type {boolean} */ GMapUIOptions.MapTypes_.prototype.physical; /** * This type is not in the API reference. We use it purely to * help specify GMapUIOptions. * @constructor * @private */ GMapUIOptions.Zoom_ = function() {}; /** @type {boolean} */ GMapUIOptions.Zoom_.prototype.scrollwheel; /** @type {boolean} */ GMapUIOptions.Zoom_.prototype.doubleclick; /** * This type is not in the API reference. We use it purely to * help specify GMapUIOptions. * @constructor * @private */ GMapUIOptions.Controls_ = function() {}; /** @type {boolean} */ GMapUIOptions.Controls_.prototype.largemapcontrol3d; /** @type {boolean} */ GMapUIOptions.Controls_.prototype.smallzoomcontrol3d; /** @type {boolean} */ GMapUIOptions.Controls_.prototype.maptypecontrol; /** @type {boolean} */ GMapUIOptions.Controls_.prototype.menumaptypecontrol; /** @type {boolean} */ GMapUIOptions.Controls_.prototype.scalecontrol; /** @type {GMapUIOptions.MapTypes_} */ GMapUIOptions.prototype.maptypes; /** @type {GMapUIOptions.Zoom_} */ GMapUIOptions.prototype.zoom; /** @type {GMapUIOptions.Controls_} */ GMapUIOptions.prototype.controls; /** @type {boolean} */ GMapUIOptions.prototype.keyboard; /** * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GMenuMapTypeControl.GMenuMapTypeControl * @constructor * @extends {GControl} * @param {boolean=} useShortNames */ function GMenuMapTypeControl(useShortNames) {} /** @typedef {GMenuMapTypeControl} */ google.maps.MenuMapTypeControl; /** * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GNavLabelControl.GNavLabelControl * @constructor * @extends {GControl} */ function GNavLabelControl() {} /** @typedef {GNavLabelControl} */ google.maps.NavLabelControl; /** @param {number} level */ GNavLabelControl.prototype.setMinAddressLinkLevel = function(level) {}; /** * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GCopyright.GCopyright * @constructor * @param {number} id * @param {GLatLngBounds} bounds * @param {number} minZoom * @param {string} text */ function GCopyright(id, bounds, minZoom, text) {} /** @typedef {GCopyright} */ google.maps.Copyright; /** @type {number} */ GCopyright.prototype.id; /** @type {number} */ GCopyright.prototype.minZoom; /** @type {GLatLngBounds} */ GCopyright.prototype.bounds; /** @type {string} */ GCopyright.prototype.text; /** * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GCopyrightCollection.GCopyrightCollection * @constructor * @param {string=} prefix */ function GCopyrightCollection(prefix) {} /** @typedef {GCopyrightCollection} */ google.maps.CopyrightCollection; /** @param {GCopyright} copyright */ GCopyrightCollection.prototype.addCopyright = function(copyright) {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @param {GLatLngBounds} bounds * @param {number} zoom * @return {Array.} */ GCopyrightCollection.prototype.getCopyrights = function(bounds, zoom) {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @param {GLatLngBounds} bounds * @param {number} zoom * @return {string} */ GCopyrightCollection.prototype.getCopyrightNotice = function(bounds, zoom) {}; /** * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GGroundOverlay.GGroundOverlay * @constructor * @extends {GOverlay} * @param {string} imageUrl * @param {GLatLngBounds} bounds */ function GGroundOverlay(imageUrl, bounds) {} /** @typedef {GGroundOverlay} */ google.maps.GroundOverlay; /** @return {undefined} */ GGroundOverlay.prototype.hide = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {boolean} */ GGroundOverlay.prototype.isHidden = function() {}; /** @return {undefined} */ GGroundOverlay.prototype.show = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {boolean} */ GGroundOverlay.prototype.supportsHide = function() {}; /** * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GIcon.GIcon * @constructor * @param {GIcon=} copy * @param {string=} image */ function GIcon(copy, image) {} /** @typedef {GIcon} */ google.maps.Icon; /** @type {string} */ GIcon.prototype.image; /** @type {string} */ GIcon.prototype.shadow; /** @type {GSize} */ GIcon.prototype.iconSize; /** @type {GSize} */ GIcon.prototype.shadowSize; /** @type {GPoint} */ GIcon.prototype.iconAnchor; /** @type {GPoint} */ GIcon.prototype.infoWindowAnchor; /** @type {string} */ GIcon.prototype.printImage; /** @type {string} */ GIcon.prototype.mozPrintImage; /** @type {string} */ GIcon.prototype.printShadow; /** @type {string} */ GIcon.prototype.transparent; /** @type {Array.} */ GIcon.prototype.imageMap; /** @type {number} */ GIcon.prototype.maxHeight; /** @type {string} */ GIcon.prototype.dragCrossImage; /** @type {GSize} */ GIcon.prototype.dragCrossSize; /** @type {GPoint} */ GIcon.prototype.dragCrossAnchor; /** * @const * @type {GIcon} */ var G_DEFAULT_ICON; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.Icon} */ google.maps.DEFAULT_ICON; /** * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GLayer.GLayer * @constructor * @param {string} layerId */ function GLayer(layerId) {} /** @typedef {GLayer} */ google.maps.Layer; /** @return {undefined} */ GLayer.prototype.hide = function() {}; /** @return {undefined} */ GLayer.prototype.show = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @param {string} layerId */ GLayer.isHidden = function(layerId) {}; /** * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GMarker.GMarker * @constructor * @extends {GOverlay} * @param {GLatLng} latlng * @param {Object.=} opts */ function GMarker(latlng, opts) {} /** @typedef {GMarker} */ google.maps.Marker; /** * @param {Node} content * @param {Object.=} opts */ GMarker.prototype.openInfoWindow = function(content, opts) {}; /** * @param {string} content * @param {Object.=} opts */ GMarker.prototype.openInfoWindowHtml = function(content, opts) {}; /** * @param {Array.} tabs * @param {Object.=} opts */ GMarker.prototype.openInfoWindowTabs = function(tabs, opts) {}; /** * @param {Array.} tabs * @param {Object.=} opts */ GMarker.prototype.openInfoWindowTabsHtml = function(tabs, opts) {}; /** * @param {Node} content * @param {Object.=} opts */ GMarker.prototype.bindInfoWindow = function(content, opts) {}; /** * @param {string} content * @param {Object.=} opts */ GMarker.prototype.bindInfoWindowHtml = function(content, opts) {}; /** * @param {Array.} tabs * @param {Object.=} opts */ GMarker.prototype.bindInfoWindowTabs = function(tabs, opts) {}; /** * @param {Array.} tabs * @param {Object.=} opts */ GMarker.prototype.bindInfoWindowTabsHtml = function(tabs, opts) {}; /** @return {undefined} */ GMarker.prototype.closeInfoWindow = function() {}; /** @param {Object.=} opts */ GMarker.prototype.showMapBlowup = function(opts) {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {GIcon} */ GMarker.prototype.getIcon = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {string} */ GMarker.prototype.getTitle = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {GLatLng} */ GMarker.prototype.getLatLng = function() {}; /** @param {GLatLng} latlng */ GMarker.prototype.setLatLng = function(latlng) {}; /** @return {undefined} */ GMarker.prototype.enableDragging = function() {}; /** @return {undefined} */ GMarker.prototype.disableDragging = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {boolean} */ GMarker.prototype.draggable = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {boolean} */ GMarker.prototype.draggingEnabled = function() {}; /** @param {string} url */ GMarker.prototype.setImage = function(url) {}; /** @return {undefined} */ GMarker.prototype.hide = function() {}; /** @return {undefined} */ GMarker.prototype.show = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {boolean} */ GMarker.prototype.isHidden = function() {}; /** * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GMercatorProjection.GMercatorProjection * @constructor * @implements {GProjection} * @param {number} zoomlevels */ function GMercatorProjection(zoomlevels) {} /** @typedef {GMercatorProjection} */ google.maps.MercatorProjection; /** * @nosideeffects * @param {GLatLng} latlng * @param {number} zoom * @return {GPoint} */ GMercatorProjection.prototype.fromLatLngToPixel = function(latlng, zoom) {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @param {GPoint} pixel * @param {number} zoom * @param {boolean=} unbounded * @return {GLatLng} */ GMercatorProjection.prototype.fromPixelToLatLng = function(pixel, zoom, unbounded) {}; /** * @param {GPoint} tile * @param {number} zoom * @param {number} tilesize * @return {boolean} */ GMercatorProjection.prototype.tileCheckRange = function(tile, zoom, tilesize) {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @param {number} zoom */ GMercatorProjection.prototype.getWrapWidth = function(zoom) {}; /** * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GObliqueMercator.GObliqueMercator * @constructor * @param {number} zoomlevels * @param {number} heading */ function GObliqueMercator(zoomlevels, heading) {} /** @typedef {GObliqueMercator} */ google.maps.ObliqueMercator; /** * @nosideeffects * @param {GLatLng} latlng * @param {number} zoom * @return {GPoint} */ GObliqueMercator.prototype.fromLatLngToPixel = function(latlng, zoom) {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @param {GPoint} pixel * @param {number} zoom * @param {boolean=} unbounded * @return {GLatLng} */ GObliqueMercator.prototype.fromPixelToLatLng = function(pixel, zoom, unbounded) {}; /** * @param {GPoint} tile * @param {number} zoom * @param {number} tilesize * @return {boolean} */ GObliqueMercator.prototype.tileCheckRange = function(tile, zoom, tilesize) {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @param {number} zoom */ GObliqueMercator.prototype.getWrapWidth = function(zoom) {}; /** * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GOverlay.GOverlay * @constructor */ function GOverlay() {} /** @typedef {GOverlay} */ google.maps.Overlay; /** * @nosideeffects * @param {number} latitude * @return {number} */ GOverlay.getZIndex = function(latitude) {}; /** @param {GMap2} map */ GOverlay.prototype.initialize = function(map) {}; /** @return {undefined} */ GOverlay.prototype.remove = function() {}; /** @return {GOverlay} */ GOverlay.prototype.copy = function() {}; /** @param {boolean} force */ GOverlay.prototype.redraw = function(force) {}; /** @param {function(string)} callback */ GOverlay.prototype.getKml = function(callback) {}; /** * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GPolygon.GPolygon * @constructor * @extends {GOverlay} * @param {Array.} latlngs * @param {string=} strokeColor * @param {number=} strokeWeight * @param {number=} strokeOpacity * @param {number=} fillColor * @param {number=} fillOpacity * @param {Object.=} opts */ function GPolygon(latlngs, strokeColor, strokeWeight, strokeOpacity, fillColor, fillOpacity, opts) {} /** @typedef {GPolygon} */ google.maps.Polygon; /** @param {number} index */ GPolygon.prototype.deleteVertex = function(index) {}; /** @return {undefined} */ GPolygon.prototype.disableEditing = function() {}; /** @param {Object.=} opts */ GPolygon.prototype.enableDrawing = function(opts) {}; /** @param {Object.=} opts */ GPolygon.prototype.enableEditing = function(opts) {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {number} */ GPolygon.prototype.getVertexCount = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @param {number} index * @return {GLatLng} */ GPolygon.prototype.getVertex = function(index) {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {number} */ GPolygon.prototype.getArea = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {GLatLngBounds} */ GPolygon.prototype.getBounds = function() {}; /** @return {undefined} */ GPolygon.prototype.hide = function() {}; /** * @param {number} index * @param {GLatLng} latlng */ GPolygon.prototype.insertVertex = function(index, latlng) {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {boolean} */ GPolygon.prototype.isHidden = function() {}; /** @return {undefined} */ GPolygon.prototype.show = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {boolean} */ GPolygon.prototype.supportsHide = function() {}; /** @param {Object.} style */ GPolygon.prototype.setFillStyle = function(style) {}; /** @param {Object.} style */ GPolygon.prototype.setStrokeStyle = function(style) {}; /** * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GPolyline.GPolyline * @constructor * @extends {GOverlay} * @param {Array.} latlngs * @param {string=} color * @param {number=} weight * @param {number=} opacity * @param {Object.=} opts */ function GPolyline(latlngs, color, weight, opacity, opts) {} /** @typedef {GPolyline} */ google.maps.Polyline; /** @param {number} index */ GPolyline.prototype.deleteVertex = function(index) {}; /** @return {undefined} */ GPolyline.prototype.disableEditing = function() {}; /** @param {Object.=} opts */ GPolyline.prototype.enableDrawing = function(opts) {}; /** @param {Object.=} opts */ GPolyline.prototype.enableEditing = function(opts) {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {number} */ GPolyline.prototype.getVertexCount = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @param {number} index * @return {GLatLng} */ GPolyline.prototype.getVertex = function(index) {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {number} */ GPolyline.prototype.getLength = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {GLatLngBounds} */ GPolyline.prototype.getBounds = function() {}; /** @return {undefined} */ GPolyline.prototype.hide = function() {}; /** * @param {number} index * @param {GLatLng} latlng */ GPolyline.prototype.insertVertex = function(index, latlng) {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {boolean} */ GPolyline.prototype.isHidden = function() {}; /** @return {undefined} */ GPolyline.prototype.show = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {boolean} */ GPolyline.prototype.supportsHide = function() {}; /** @param {Object.} style */ GPolyline.prototype.setStrokeStyle = function(style) {}; /** * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GProjection * @interface */ function GProjection() {}; /** @typedef {GProjection} */ google.maps.Projection; /** * @nosideeffects * @param {GLatLng} latlng * @param {number} zoom * @return {GPoint} */ GProjection.prototype.fromLatLngToPixel = function(latlng, zoom) {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @param {GPoint} pixel * @param {number} zoom * @param {boolean=} unbounded * @return {GLatLng} */ GProjection.prototype.fromPixelToLatLng = function(pixel, zoom, unbounded) {}; /** * @param {GPoint} tile * @param {number} zoom * @param {number} tilesize * @return {boolean} */ GProjection.prototype.tileCheckRange = function(tile, zoom, tilesize) {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @param {number} zoom * @return {number} */ GProjection.prototype.getWrapWidth = function(zoom) {}; /** * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GScreenOverlay.GScreenOverlay * @constructor * @extends {GOverlay} * @param {string} imageUrl * @param {GScreenPoint} screenXY * @param {GScreenPoint} overlayXY * @param {GScreenSize} size */ function GScreenOverlay(imageUrl, screenXY, overlayXY, size) {} /** @typedef {GScreenOverlay} */ google.maps.ScreenOverlay; /** @return {undefined} */ GScreenOverlay.prototype.hide = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {boolean} */ GScreenOverlay.prototype.isHidden = function() {}; /** @return {undefined} */ GScreenOverlay.prototype.show = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {boolean} */ GScreenOverlay.prototype.supportsHide = function() {}; /** * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GScreenPoint.GScreenPoint * @constructor * @param {number} x * @param {number} y * @param {string=} xunits * @param {string=} yunits */ function GScreenPoint(x, y, xunits, yunits) {} /** @typedef {GScreenPoint} */ google.maps.ScreenPoint; /** @type {number} */ GScreenPoint.prototype.x; /** @type {number} */ GScreenPoint.prototype.y; /** @type {string} */ GScreenPoint.prototype.xunits; /** @type {string} */ GScreenPoint.prototype.yunits; /** * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GScreenSize.GScreenSize * @constructor * @param {number} width * @param {number} height * @param {string=} xunits * @param {string=} yunits */ function GScreenSize(width, height, xunits, yunits) {} /** @typedef {GScreenSize} */ google.maps.ScreenSize; /** @type {number} */ GScreenSize.prototype.width; /** @type {number} */ GScreenSize.prototype.height; /** @type {string} */ GScreenSize.prototype.xunits; /** @type {string} */ GScreenSize.prototype.yunits; /** * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GTileLayer.GTileLayer * @constructor * @param {GCopyrightCollection} copyrights * @param {number} minResolution * @param {number} maxResolution * @param {Object.=} options */ function GTileLayer(copyrights, minResolution, maxResolution, options) {} /** @typedef {GTileLayer} */ google.maps.TileLayer; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {number} */ GTileLayer.prototype.minResolution = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {number} */ GTileLayer.prototype.maxResolution = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @param {GPoint} tile * @param {number} zoom * @return {string} */ GTileLayer.prototype.getTileUrl = function(tile, zoom) {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {boolean} */ GTileLayer.prototype.isPng = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {number} */ GTileLayer.prototype.getOpacity = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @param {GLatLngBounds} bounds * @param {number} zoom * @return {string} */ GTileLayer.prototype.getCopyright = function(bounds, zoom) {}; /** * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GTileLayerOverlay.GTileLayerOverlay * @constructor * @extends {GOverlay} * @param {GTileLayer} tileLayer * @param {Object.=} opts */ function GTileLayerOverlay(tileLayer, opts) {} /** @typedef {GTileLayerOverlay} */ google.maps.TileLayerOverlay; /** @return {undefined} */ GTileLayerOverlay.prototype.hide = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {boolean} */ GTileLayerOverlay.prototype.isHidden = function() {}; /** @return {undefined} */ GTileLayerOverlay.prototype.show = function() {}; /** @return {undefined} */ GTileLayerOverlay.prototype.refresh = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {boolean} */ GTileLayerOverlay.prototype.supportsHide = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {GTileLayer} */ GTileLayerOverlay.prototype.getTileLayer = function() {}; /** * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GAdsManager.GAdsManager * @constructor * @param {GMap2} map * @param {string} publisherId * @param {Object.=} adsManagerOptions */ function GAdsManager(map, publisherId, adsManagerOptions) {} /** @typedef {GAdsManager} */ google.maps.AdsManager; /** @return {undefined} */ GAdsManager.prototype.enable = function() {}; /** @return {undefined} */ GAdsManager.prototype.disable = function() {}; /** * @constructor * @private */ function GAdsManagerStyle() {}; /** @typedef {GAdsManagerStyle} */ google.maps.AdsManagerStyle; /** * @const * @type {GAdsManagerStyle} */ var G_ADSMANAGER_STYLE_ADUNIT; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.AdsManagerStyle} */ google.maps.ADSMANAGER_STYLE_ADUNIT; /** * @const * @type {GAdsManagerStyle} */ var G_ADSMANAGER_STYLE_ICON; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.AdsManagerStyle} */ google.maps.ADSMANAGER_STYLE_ICON; /** * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GClientGeocoder.GClientGeocoder * @constructor * @param {GGeocodeCache=} cache */ function GClientGeocoder(cache) {} /** @typedef {GClientGeocoder} */ google.maps.ClientGeocoder; /** * @param {string} address * @param {function(GLatLng)} callback */ GClientGeocoder.prototype.getLatLng = function(address, callback) {}; /** * @param {string|GLatLng} query * @param {function((string|GLatLng))} callback */ GClientGeocoder.prototype.getLocations = function(query, callback) {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {GGeocodeCache} */ GClientGeocoder.prototype.getCache = function() {}; /** @param {GGeocodeCache} cache */ GClientGeocoder.prototype.setCache = function(cache) {}; /** @param {GLatLngBounds} bounds */ GClientGeocoder.prototype.setViewport = function(bounds) {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {GLatLngBounds} */ GClientGeocoder.prototype.getViewport = function() {}; /** @param {string} countryCode */ GClientGeocoder.prototype.setBaseCountryCode = function(countryCode) {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {string} */ GClientGeocoder.prototype.getBaseCountryCode = function() {}; /** @return {undefined} */ GClientGeocoder.prototype.reset = function() {}; /** * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GDirections.GDirections * @constructor * @param {GMap2=} map * @param {Node=} panel */ function GDirections(map, panel) {} /** @typedef {GDirections} */ google.maps.Directions; /** * @param {string} query * @param {Object.=} queryOpts */ GDirections.prototype.load = function(query, queryOpts) {}; /** * @param {Array} waypoints * @param {Object.=} queryOpts */ GDirections.prototype.loadFromWaypoints = function(waypoints, queryOpts) {}; /** @return {undefined} */ GDirections.prototype.clear = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {Object} */ GDirections.prototype.getStatus = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {GLatLngBounds} */ GDirections.prototype.getBounds = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {number} */ GDirections.prototype.getNumRoutes = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @param {number} i * @return {GRoute} */ GDirections.prototype.getRoute = function(i) {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {number} */ GDirections.prototype.getNumGeocodes = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @param {number} i * @return {Object} */ GDirections.prototype.getGeocode = function(i) {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {string} */ GDirections.prototype.getCopyrightsHtml = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {string} */ GDirections.prototype.getSummaryHtml = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {Object} */ GDirections.prototype.getDistance = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {Object} */ GDirections.prototype.getDuration = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {GPolyline} */ GDirections.prototype.getPolyline = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @param {number} i * @return {GMarker} */ GDirections.prototype.getMarker = function(i) {}; /** * @param {string} url * @param {function(string,number)} onload * @param {string=} postBody * @param {string=} postContentType */ function GDownloadUrl(url, onload, postBody, postContentType) {}; /** * @param {string} url * @param {function(string,number)} onload * @param {string=} postBody * @param {string=} postContentType */ google.maps.DownloadUrl = function(url, onload, postBody, postContentType) {}; /** * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GFactualGeocodeCache.GFactualGeocodeCache * @constructor */ function GFactualGeocodeCache() {} /** @typedef {GFactualGeocodeCache} */ google.maps.FactualGeocodeCache; /** * @nosideeffects * @param {Object} reply * @return {boolean} */ GFactualGeocodeCache.prototype.isCachable = function(reply) {}; /** * @constructor * @private */ function GGeoStatusCode() {}; /** @typedef {GGeoStatusCode} */ google.maps.GeoStatusCode; /** * @const * @type {GGeoStatusCode} */ var G_GEO_SUCCESS; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.GeoStatusCode} */ google.maps.GEO_SUCCESS; /** * @const * @type {GGeoStatusCode} */ var G_GEO_BAD_REQUEST; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.GeoStatusCode} */ google.maps.GEO_BAD_REQUEST; /** * @const * @type {GGeoStatusCode} */ var G_GEO_SERVER_ERROR; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.GeoStatusCode} */ google.maps.GEO_SERVER_ERROR; /** * @const * @type {GGeoStatusCode} */ var G_GEO_MISSING_QUERY; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.GeoStatusCode} */ google.maps.GEO_MISSINQUERY; /** * @const * @type {GGeoStatusCode} */ var G_GEO_MISSING_ADDRESS; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.GeoStatusCode} */ google.maps.GEO_MISSINADDRESS; /** * @const * @type {GGeoStatusCode} */ var G_GEO_UNKNOWN_ADDRESS; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.GeoStatusCode} */ google.maps.GEO_UNKNOWN_ADDRESS; /** * @const * @type {GGeoStatusCode} */ var G_GEO_UNAVAILABLE_ADDRESS; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.GeoStatusCode} */ google.maps.GEO_UNAVAILABLE_ADDRESS; /** * @const * @type {GGeoStatusCode} */ var G_GEO_UNKNOWN_DIRECTIONS; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.GeoStatusCode} */ google.maps.GEO_UNKNOWN_DIRECTIONS; /** * @const * @type {GGeoStatusCode} */ var G_GEO_BAD_KEY; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.GeoStatusCode} */ google.maps.GEO_BAD_KEY; /** * @const * @type {GGeoStatusCode} */ var G_GEO_TOO_MANY_QUERIES; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.GeoStatusCode} */ google.maps.GEO_TOO_MANY_QUERIES; /** * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GGeoXml.GGeoXml * @constructor * @extends {GOverlay} * @param {string} urlOfXml */ function GGeoXml(urlOfXml) {} /** @typedef {GGeoXml} */ google.maps.GeoXml; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {GTileLayerOverlay} * @deprecated */ GGeoXml.prototype.getTileLayerOverlay = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {GLatLng} */ GGeoXml.prototype.getDefaultCenter = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {GLatLng} */ GGeoXml.prototype.getDefaultSpan = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {GLatLngBounds} */ GGeoXml.prototype.getDefaultBounds = function() {}; /** @param {GMap2} map */ GGeoXml.prototype.gotoDefaultViewport = function(map) {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {boolean} */ GGeoXml.prototype.hasLoaded = function() {}; /** @return {undefined} */ GGeoXml.prototype.hide = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {boolean} */ GGeoXml.prototype.isHidden = function() {}; /** * @return {boolean} * @deprecated */ GGeoXml.prototype.loadedCorrectly = function() {}; /** @return {undefined} */ GGeoXml.prototype.show = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {boolean} */ GGeoXml.prototype.supportsHide = function() {}; /** * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GGeocodeCache.GGeocodeCache * @constructor */ function GGeocodeCache() {} /** @typedef {GGeocodeCache} */ google.maps.GeocodeCache; /** * @nosideeffects * @param {string} address * @return {Object} */ GGeocodeCache.prototype.get = function(address) {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @param {Object} reply * @return {boolean} */ GGeocodeCache.prototype.isCachable = function(reply) {}; /** * @param {string} address * @param {Object} reply */ GGeocodeCache.prototype.put = function(address, reply) {}; /** @return {undefined} */ GGeocodeCache.prototype.reset = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @param {string} address * @return {string} */ GGeocodeCache.prototype.toCanonical = function(address) {}; /** * @constructor * @private */ function GGoogleBar() {}; /** * @constructor * @private */ function GGoogleBarLinkTarget() {}; /** @typedef {GGoogleBarLinkTarget} */ google.maps.GoogleBarLinkTarget; /** * @const * @type {GGoogleBarLinkTarget} */ var G_GOOGLEBAR_LINK_TARGET_BLANK; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.GoogleBarLinkTarget} */ google.maps.GOOGLEBAR_LINK_TARGET_BLANK; /** * @const * @type {GGoogleBarLinkTarget} */ var G_GOOGLEBAR_LINK_TARGET_PARENT; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.GoogleBarLinkTarget} */ google.maps.GOOGLEBAR_LINK_TARGET_PARENT; /** * @const * @type {GGoogleBarLinkTarget} */ var G_GOOGLEBAR_LINK_TARGET_SELF; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.GoogleBarLinkTarget} */ google.maps.GOOGLEBAR_LINK_TARGET_SELF; /** * @const * @type {GGoogleBarLinkTarget} */ var G_GOOGLEBAR_LINK_TARGET_TOP; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.GoogleBarLinkTarget} */ google.maps.GOOGLEBAR_LINK_TARGET_TOP; /** * @constructor * @private */ function GGoogleBarListingTypes() {}; /** @typedef {GGoogleBarListingTypes} */ google.maps.GoogleBarListingTypes; /** * @const * @type {GGoogleBarListingTypes} */ var G_GOOGLEBAR_TYPE_BLENDED_RESULTS; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.GoogleBarListingTypes} */ google.maps.GOOGLEBAR_TYPE_BLENDED_RESULTS; /** * @const * @type {GGoogleBarListingTypes} */ var G_GOOGLEBAR_TYPE_KMLONLY_RESULTS; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.GoogleBarListingTypes} */ google.maps.GOOGLEBAR_TYPE_KMLONLY_RESULTS; /** * @const * @type {GGoogleBarListingTypes} */ var G_GOOGLEBAR_TYPE_LOCALONLY_RESULTS; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.GoogleBarListingTypes} */ google.maps.GOOGLEBAR_TYPE_LOCALONLY_RESULTS; /** * @constructor * @private */ function GGoogleBarResultList() {}; /** @typedef {GGoogleBarResultList} */ google.maps.GoogleBarResultList; /** * @const * @type {GGoogleBarResultList} */ var G_GOOGLEBAR_RESULT_LIST_INLINE; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.GoogleBarResultList} */ google.maps.GOOGLEBAR_RESULT_LIST_INLINE; /** * @const * @type {GGoogleBarResultList} */ var G_GOOGLEBAR_RESULT_LIST_SUPPRESS; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.GoogleBarResultList} */ google.maps.GOOGLEBAR_RESULT_LIST_SUPPRESS; /** * @constructor * @private */ function GRoute() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {number} */ GRoute.prototype.getNumSteps = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @param {number} i * @return {GStep} */ GRoute.prototype.getStep = function(i) {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {Object} */ GRoute.prototype.getStartGeocode = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {Object} */ GRoute.prototype.getEndGeocode = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {GLatLng} */ GRoute.prototype.getEndLatLng = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {string} */ GRoute.prototype.getSummaryHtml = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {Object} */ GRoute.prototype.getDistance = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {Object} */ GRoute.prototype.getDuration = function() {}; /** * @constructor * @private */ function GStep() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {GLatLng} */ GStep.prototype.getLatLng = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {number} */ GStep.prototype.getPolylineIndex = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {string} */ GStep.prototype.getDescriptionHtml = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {Object} */ GStep.prototype.getDistance = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {Object} */ GStep.prototype.getDuration = function() {}; /** * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GStreetviewClient.GStreetviewClient * @constructor */ function GStreetviewClient() {} /** @typedef {GStreetviewClient} */ google.maps.StreetviewClient; /** * @param {GLatLng} latlng * @param {function(GLatLng)} callback */ GStreetviewClient.prototype.getNearestPanoramaLatLng = function(latlng, callback) {}; /** * @param {GLatLng} latlng * @param {function(GStreetviewData)} callback */ GStreetviewClient.prototype.getNearestPanorama = function(latlng, callback) {}; /** * @param {string} panoId * @param {function(GStreetviewData)} callback */ GStreetviewClient.prototype.getPanoramaById = function(panoId, callback) {}; /** * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GStreetviewClient.ReturnValues * @enum */ GStreetviewClient.ReturnValues = { SUCCESS: 200, SERVER_ERROR: 500, NO_NEARBY_PANO: 600 }; /** * @constructor * @private */ function GStreetviewData() {}; /** @type {Object.} */ GStreetviewData.prototype.location; /** @type {string} */ GStreetviewData.prototype.copyright; /** @type {Array.} */ GStreetviewData.prototype.links; /** @type {GStreetviewClient.ReturnValues} */ GStreetviewData.prototype.code; /** * @constructor * @private */ function GStreetviewLink() {}; /** @type {number} */ GStreetviewLink.prototype.yaw; /** @type {string} */ GStreetviewLink.prototype.description; /** @type {string} */ GStreetviewLink.prototype.panoId; /** * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GStreetviewOverlay.GStreetviewOverlay * @constructor * @extends {GOverlay} */ function GStreetviewOverlay() {} /** @typedef {GStreetviewOverlay} */ google.maps.StreetviewOverlay; /** * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GStreetviewPanorama.GStreetviewPanorama * @constructor * @param {Node} container * @param {Object.=} opts */ function GStreetviewPanorama(container, opts) {} /** @typedef {GStreetviewPanorama} */ google.maps.StreetviewPanorama; /** @return {undefined} */ GStreetviewPanorama.prototype.remove = function() {}; /** @param {Node} container */ GStreetviewPanorama.prototype.setContainer = function(container) {}; /** @return {undefined} */ GStreetviewPanorama.prototype.checkResize = function() {}; /** @return {undefined} */ GStreetviewPanorama.prototype.hide = function() {}; /** @return {undefined} */ GStreetviewPanorama.prototype.show = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {boolean} */ GStreetviewPanorama.prototype.isHidden = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {GLatLng} */ GStreetviewPanorama.prototype.getLatLng = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {string} */ GStreetviewPanorama.prototype.getPanoId = function() {}; /** * @nosideeffects * @return {Object.} */ GStreetviewPanorama.prototype.getPOV = function() {}; /** @param {Object.} pov */ GStreetviewPanorama.prototype.setPOV = function(pov) {}; /** * @param {Object.} pov * @param {boolean=} opt_longRoute */ GStreetviewPanorama.prototype.panTo = function(pov, opt_longRoute) {}; /** * @param {GLatLng} latlng * @param {Object.=} opt_pov */ GStreetviewPanorama.prototype.setLocationAndPOV = function(latlng, opt_pov) {}; /** @param {Object.} photoSpec */ GStreetviewPanorama.prototype.setUserPhoto = function(photoSpec) {}; /** @param {number} yaw */ GStreetviewPanorama.prototype.followLink = function(yaw) {}; /** * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GStreetviewPanorama.ErrorValues * @enum */ GStreetviewPanorama.ErrorValues = { NO_NEARBY_PANO: 600, NO_PHOTO: 601, FLASH_UNAVAILABLE: 603 }; /** * @see http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/v2/reference.html#GTrafficOverlay.GTrafficOverlay * @constructor * @extends {GOverlay} * @param {Object.=} opts */ function GTrafficOverlay(opts) {} /** @typedef {GTrafficOverlay} */ google.maps.TrafficOverlay; /** @return {undefined} */ GTrafficOverlay.prototype.hide = function() {}; /** @return {undefined} */ GTrafficOverlay.prototype.show = function() {}; /** * @constructor * @private */ function GTravelModes() {}; /** @typedef {GTravelModes} */ google.maps.TravelModes; /** * @const * @type {GTravelModes} */ var G_TRAVEL_MODE_WALKING; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.TravelModes} */ google.maps.TRAVEL_MODE_WALKING; /** * @const * @type {GTravelModes} */ var G_TRAVEL_MODE_DRIVING; /** * @const * @type {google.maps.TravelModes} */ google.maps.TRAVEL_MODE_DRIVING; var GXml = {}; google.maps.Xml = {}; /** * @param {string} xmltext * @return {Node} */ GXml.parse = function(xmltext) {}; /** * @param {Node} xmlnode * @return {string} */ GXml.value = function(xmlnode) {}; var GXmlHttp = {}; google.maps.XmlHttp = {}; /** @return {XMLHttpRequest} */ GXmlHttp.create = function() {}; /** * @constructor * @private */ function GXslt() {}; /** * @param {Node} xsltnode * @return {GXslt} */ GXslt.create = function(xsltnode) {}; /** * @param {Node} xmlnode * @param {Node} htmlnode * @return {boolean} */ GXslt.transformToHtml = function(xmlnode, htmlnode) {};