"""Skylark macros for MKL. if_mkl is a conditional to check if we are building with MKL. if_mkl_ml is a conditional to check if we are building with MKL-ML. if_mkl_ml_only is a conditional to check for MKL-ML-only (no MKL-DNN) mode. if_mkl_lnx_x64 is a conditional to check for MKL if_enable_mkl is a conditional to check if building with MKL and MKL is enabled. mkl_repository is a repository rule for creating MKL repository rule that can be pointed to either a local folder, or download it from the internet. mkl_repository depends on the following environment variables: * `TF_MKL_ROOT`: The root folder where a copy of libmkl is located. """ _TF_MKL_ROOT = "TF_MKL_ROOT" def if_mkl(if_true, if_false = []): """Shorthand for select()'ing on whether we're building with MKL. Args: if_true: expression to evaluate if building with MKL. if_false: expression to evaluate if building without MKL. Returns: a select evaluating to either if_true or if_false as appropriate. """ return select({ "@org_tensorflow//third_party/mkl:build_with_mkl": if_true, "//conditions:default": if_false, }) def if_mkl_ml(if_true, if_false = []): """Shorthand for select()'ing on whether we're building with MKL-ML. Args: if_true: expression to evaluate if building with MKL-ML. if_false: expression to evaluate if building without MKL-ML (i.e. without MKL at all, or with MKL-DNN only). Returns: a select evaluating to either if_true or if_false as appropriate. """ return select({ "@org_tensorflow//third_party/mkl_dnn:build_with_mkl_dnn_only": if_false, "@org_tensorflow//third_party/mkl:build_with_mkl": if_true, "//conditions:default": if_false, }) def if_mkl_ml_only(if_true, if_false = []): """Shorthand for select()'ing on whether we're building with MKL-ML only. Args: if_true: expression to evaluate if building with MKL-ML only. if_false: expression to evaluate if building without MKL, or with MKL-DNN. Returns: a select evaluating to either if_true or if_false as appropriate. """ return select({ "@org_tensorflow//third_party/mkl:build_with_mkl_ml_only": if_true, "//conditions:default": if_false, }) def if_mkl_lnx_x64(if_true, if_false = []): """Shorthand to select() if building with MKL and the target is Linux x86-64. Args: if_true: expression to evaluate if building with MKL is enabled and the target platform is Linux x86-64. if_false: expression to evaluate if building without MKL or for a different platform. Returns: a select evaluating to either if_true or if_false as appropriate. """ return select({ "@org_tensorflow//third_party/mkl:build_with_mkl_lnx_x64": if_true, "//conditions:default": if_false, }) def if_enable_mkl(if_true, if_false = []): """Shorthand to select() if we are building with MKL and MKL is enabled. This is only effective when built with MKL. Args: if_true: expression to evaluate if building with MKL and MKL is enabled if_false: expression to evaluate if building without MKL or MKL is not enabled. Returns: A select evaluating to either if_true or if_false as appropriate. """ return select({ "@org_tensorflow//third_party/mkl:enable_mkl": if_true, "//conditions:default": if_false, }) def mkl_deps(): """Shorthand for select() to pull in the correct set of MKL library deps. Can pull in MKL-ML, MKL-DNN, both, or neither depending on config settings. Returns: a select evaluating to a list of library dependencies, suitable for inclusion in the deps attribute of rules. """ return select({ "@org_tensorflow//third_party/mkl_dnn:build_with_mkl_dnn_only": ["@mkl_dnn"], "@org_tensorflow//third_party/mkl_dnn:build_with_mkl_dnn_v1_only": ["@mkl_dnn_v1//:mkl_dnn"], "@org_tensorflow//third_party/mkl_dnn:build_with_mkldnn_threadpool": ["@mkl_dnn_v1//:mkl_dnn"], "@org_tensorflow//third_party/mkl:build_with_mkl_ml_only": ["@org_tensorflow//third_party/mkl:intel_binary_blob"], "@org_tensorflow//third_party/mkl:build_with_mkl": [ "@org_tensorflow//third_party/mkl:intel_binary_blob", "@mkl_dnn", ], "//conditions:default": [], }) def _enable_local_mkl(repository_ctx): return _TF_MKL_ROOT in repository_ctx.os.environ def _mkl_autoconf_impl(repository_ctx): """Implementation of the local_mkl_autoconf repository rule.""" if _enable_local_mkl(repository_ctx): # Symlink lib and include local folders. mkl_root = repository_ctx.os.environ[_TF_MKL_ROOT] mkl_lib_path = "%s/lib" % mkl_root repository_ctx.symlink(mkl_lib_path, "lib") mkl_include_path = "%s/include" % mkl_root repository_ctx.symlink(mkl_include_path, "include") mkl_license_path = "%s/license.txt" % mkl_root repository_ctx.symlink(mkl_license_path, "license.txt") else: # setup remote mkl repository. repository_ctx.download_and_extract( repository_ctx.attr.urls, sha256 = repository_ctx.attr.sha256, stripPrefix = repository_ctx.attr.strip_prefix, ) # Also setup BUILD file. repository_ctx.symlink(repository_ctx.attr.build_file, "BUILD") mkl_repository = repository_rule( implementation = _mkl_autoconf_impl, environ = [ _TF_MKL_ROOT, ], attrs = { "build_file": attr.label(), "urls": attr.string_list(default = []), "sha256": attr.string(default = ""), "strip_prefix": attr.string(default = ""), }, )