licenses(["restricted"]) package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) # Point both runtimes to the same python binary to ensure we always # use the python binary specified by ./ script. load("@bazel_tools//tools/python:toolchain.bzl", "py_runtime_pair") py_runtime( name = "py2_runtime", interpreter_path = "%{PYTHON_BIN_PATH}", python_version = "PY2", ) py_runtime( name = "py3_runtime", interpreter_path = "%{PYTHON_BIN_PATH}", python_version = "PY3", ) py_runtime_pair( name = "py_runtime_pair", py2_runtime = ":py2_runtime", py3_runtime = ":py3_runtime", ) toolchain( name = "py_toolchain", toolchain = ":py_runtime_pair", toolchain_type = "@bazel_tools//tools/python:toolchain_type", target_compatible_with = [%{PLATFORM_CONSTRAINT}], exec_compatible_with = [%{PLATFORM_CONSTRAINT}], ) # To build Python C/C++ extension on Windows, we need to link to python import library pythonXY.lib # See cc_import( name = "python_lib", interface_library = select({ ":windows": ":python_import_lib", # A placeholder for Unix platforms which makes --no_build happy. "//conditions:default": "not-existing.lib", }), system_provided = 1, ) cc_library( name = "python_headers", hdrs = [":python_include"], deps = select({ ":windows": [":python_lib"], "//conditions:default": [], }), includes = ["python_include"], ) cc_library( name = "numpy_headers", hdrs = [":numpy_include"], includes = ["numpy_include"], ) config_setting( name = "windows", values = {"cpu": "x64_windows"}, visibility = ["//visibility:public"], ) %{PYTHON_INCLUDE_GENRULE} %{NUMPY_INCLUDE_GENRULE} %{PYTHON_IMPORT_LIB_GENRULE}