package( default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"], ) licenses(["notice"]) # Apache 2.0 exports_files(["LICENSE"]) # Data for core MIME/Unix/Windows encodings: # ISO 8859-2..9, 15; Windows-125x; EUC-CN; GBK (Windows cp936); GB 18030; # Big5 (Windows cp950); SJIS (Windows cp932); EUC-JP; EUC-KR, KS C 5601; # Windows cp949. Data is pre-processed for little-endian platforms. To replicate # this pre-processing (if you want additional encodings, for example), do the # following: # # First, download, build, and install ICU. This installs tools such as makeconv. # Then, run the following from your icu4c/source directory: # $ cp [path to filters.json] . # $ ICU_DATA_FILTER_FILE=filters.json ./runConfigureICU Linux # $ make clean && make # $ cd data/out/tmp # $ genccode icudt64l.dat # $ echo 'U_CAPI const void * U_EXPORT2 uprv_getICUData_conversion() { return icudt64l_dat.bytes; }' >> icudt64l_dat.c # This creates icudt64l_dat.c, which you can move, rename, gzip, then split. filegroup( name = "conversion_files", srcs = glob(["icu_conversion_data.c.gz.*"]), ) # Data files are compressed and split to work around git performance degradation # around large files. genrule( name = "merge_conversion_data", srcs = [":conversion_files"], outs = ["conversion_data.c"], cmd = "cat $(locations :conversion_files) | gunzip > $@", ) cc_library( name = "conversion_data", srcs = [":conversion_data.c"], deps = ["@icu//:headers"], alwayslink = 1, )