# Description: # LIBXSMM: Library for small matrix-matrix multiplications targeting Intel Architecture (x86). licenses(["notice"]) # BSD 3-clause exports_files(["LICENSE.md"]) # Arguments to ./scripts/libxsmm_interface.py, see that file for detailed description. # precision: SP & DP # prefetch: 1 (auto) libxsmm_interface_arguments = "0 1" # Arguments to ./scripts/libxsmm_config.py, see that file for detailed description. # rely on default arguments libxsmm_config_arguments = "" # Arguments to ./scripts/libxsmm_dispatch.py, see that file for detailed description. # (dummy argument) libxsmm_dispatch_arguments = "0" genrule( name = "libxsmm_headers", srcs = [ "src/template/libxsmm.h", "src/template/libxsmm_config.h", ], outs = [ "include/libxsmm.h", "include/libxsmm_config.h", "include/libxsmm_dispatch.h", ], cmd = "$(location :libxsmm_interface) $(location src/template/libxsmm.h) " + libxsmm_interface_arguments + " > $(location include/libxsmm.h);" + "$(location :libxsmm_config) $(location src/template/libxsmm_config.h) " + libxsmm_config_arguments + " > $(location include/libxsmm_config.h);" + "$(location :libxsmm_dispatch) " + libxsmm_dispatch_arguments + " > $(location include/libxsmm_dispatch.h)", tools = [ ":libxsmm_config", ":libxsmm_dispatch", ":libxsmm_interface", ], visibility = [ "//tensorflow/core/kernels:__pkg__", "//third_party/eigen3:__pkg__", ], ) cc_library( name = "xsmm_avx", srcs = glob( [ # general source files (translation units) "src/generator_*.c", "src/libxsmm_*.c", ], exclude = [ # exclude generators (with main functions) "src/libxsmm_generator_*.c", ], ), hdrs = glob( [ # general header files "include/libxsmm_*.h", # trigger rebuild if template changed "src/template/*.c", ], exclude = [ # exclude existing/generated headers "include/libxsmm.h", "include/libxsmm_config.h", "include/libxsmm_dispatch.h", ], ) + [ # source files included internally "src/libxsmm_hash.c", # generated header files "include/libxsmm.h", "include/libxsmm_config.h", "include/libxsmm_dispatch.h", ], #copts = [ # "-mavx", # JIT does not work without avx anyway, and this silences some CRC32 warnings. # "-Wno-vla", # Libxsmm convolutions heavily use VLA. #], defines = [ "LIBXSMM_BUILD", "LIBXSMM_CTOR", "__BLAS=0", ], includes = [ "include", "src", "src/template", ], visibility = ["//visibility:public"], ) py_library( name = "libxsmm_scripts", srcs = glob(["scripts/*.py"]), data = ["version.txt"], ) py_binary( name = "libxsmm_interface", srcs = ["scripts/libxsmm_interface.py"], deps = [":libxsmm_scripts"], ) py_binary( name = "libxsmm_config", srcs = ["scripts/libxsmm_config.py"], deps = [":libxsmm_scripts"], ) py_binary( name = "libxsmm_dispatch", srcs = ["scripts/libxsmm_dispatch.py"], deps = [":libxsmm_scripts"], )