"""Functions common across configure rules.""" BAZEL_SH = "BAZEL_SH" PYTHON_BIN_PATH = "PYTHON_BIN_PATH" PYTHON_LIB_PATH = "PYTHON_LIB_PATH" TF_PYTHON_CONFIG_REPO = "TF_PYTHON_CONFIG_REPO" def auto_config_fail(msg): """Output failure message when auto configuration fails.""" red = "\033[0;31m" no_color = "\033[0m" fail("%sConfiguration Error:%s %s\n" % (red, no_color, msg)) def which(repository_ctx, program_name): """Returns the full path to a program on the execution platform. Args: repository_ctx: the repository_ctx program_name: name of the program on the PATH Returns: The full path to a program on the execution platform. """ if is_windows(repository_ctx): if not program_name.endswith(".exe"): program_name = program_name + ".exe" result = execute(repository_ctx, ["C:\\Windows\\System32\\where.exe", program_name]) else: result = execute(repository_ctx, ["which", program_name]) return result.stdout.rstrip() def get_python_bin(repository_ctx): """Gets the python bin path. Args: repository_ctx: the repository_ctx Returns: The python bin path. """ python_bin = get_host_environ(repository_ctx, PYTHON_BIN_PATH) if python_bin != None: return python_bin python_bin_path = which(repository_ctx, "python") if python_bin_path == None: auto_config_fail("Cannot find python in PATH, please make sure " + "python is installed and add its directory in PATH, or --define " + "%s='/something/else'.\nPATH=%s" % ( PYTHON_BIN_PATH, get_environ("PATH", ""), )) return python_bin_path def get_bash_bin(repository_ctx): """Gets the bash bin path. Args: repository_ctx: the repository_ctx Returns: The bash bin path. """ bash_bin = get_host_environ(repository_ctx, BAZEL_SH) if bash_bin != None: return bash_bin bash_bin_path = which(repository_ctx, "bash") if bash_bin_path == None: auto_config_fail("Cannot find bash in PATH, please make sure " + "bash is installed and add its directory in PATH, or --define " + "%s='/path/to/bash'.\nPATH=%s" % ( BAZEL_SH, get_environ("PATH", ""), )) return bash_bin_path def read_dir(repository_ctx, src_dir): """Returns a sorted list with all files in a directory. Finds all files inside a directory, traversing subfolders and following symlinks. Args: repository_ctx: the repository_ctx src_dir: the directory to traverse Returns: A sorted list with all files in a directory. """ if is_windows(repository_ctx): src_dir = src_dir.replace("/", "\\") find_result = execute( repository_ctx, ["C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe", "/c", "dir", src_dir, "/b", "/s", "/a-d"], empty_stdout_fine = True, ) # src_files will be used in genrule.outs where the paths must # use forward slashes. result = find_result.stdout.replace("\\", "/") else: find_result = execute( repository_ctx, ["find", src_dir, "-follow", "-type", "f"], empty_stdout_fine = True, ) result = find_result.stdout return sorted(result.splitlines()) def get_environ(repository_ctx, name, default_value = None): """Returns the value of an environment variable on the execution platform. Args: repository_ctx: the repository_ctx name: the name of environment variable default_value: the value to return if not set Returns: The value of the environment variable 'name' on the execution platform or 'default_value' if it's not set. """ if is_windows(repository_ctx): result = execute( repository_ctx, ["C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe", "/c", "echo", "%" + name + "%"], empty_stdout_fine = True, ) else: cmd = "echo -n \"$%s\"" % name result = execute( repository_ctx, [get_bash_bin(repository_ctx), "-c", cmd], empty_stdout_fine = True, ) if len(result.stdout) == 0: return default_value return result.stdout def get_host_environ(repository_ctx, name, default_value = None): """Returns the value of an environment variable on the host platform. The host platform is the machine that Bazel runs on. Args: repository_ctx: the repository_ctx name: the name of environment variable Returns: The value of the environment variable 'name' on the host platform. """ if name in repository_ctx.os.environ: return repository_ctx.os.environ.get(name).strip() if hasattr(repository_ctx.attr, "environ") and name in repository_ctx.attr.environ: return repository_ctx.attr.environ.get(name).strip() return default_value def is_windows(repository_ctx): """Returns true if the execution platform is Windows. Args: repository_ctx: the repository_ctx Returns: If the execution platform is Windows. """ os_name = "" if hasattr(repository_ctx.attr, "exec_properties") and "OSFamily" in repository_ctx.attr.exec_properties: os_name = repository_ctx.attr.exec_properties["OSFamily"] else: os_name = repository_ctx.os.name return os_name.lower().find("windows") != -1 def get_cpu_value(repository_ctx): """Returns the name of the host operating system. Args: repository_ctx: The repository context. Returns: A string containing the name of the host operating system. """ if is_windows(repository_ctx): return "Windows" result = raw_exec(repository_ctx, ["uname", "-s"]) return result.stdout.strip() def execute( repository_ctx, cmdline, error_msg = None, error_details = None, empty_stdout_fine = False): """Executes an arbitrary shell command. Args: repository_ctx: the repository_ctx object cmdline: list of strings, the command to execute error_msg: string, a summary of the error if the command fails error_details: string, details about the error or steps to fix it empty_stdout_fine: bool, if True, an empty stdout result is fine, otherwise it's an error Returns: The result of repository_ctx.execute(cmdline) """ result = raw_exec(repository_ctx, cmdline) if result.stderr or not (empty_stdout_fine or result.stdout): fail( "\n".join([ error_msg.strip() if error_msg else "Repository command failed", result.stderr.strip(), error_details if error_details else "", ]), ) return result def raw_exec(repository_ctx, cmdline): """Executes a command via repository_ctx.execute() and returns the result. This method is useful for debugging purposes. For example, to print all commands executed as well as their return code. Args: repository_ctx: the repository_ctx cmdline: the list of args Returns: The 'exec_result' of repository_ctx.execute(). """ return repository_ctx.execute(cmdline) def files_exist(repository_ctx, paths, bash_bin = None): """Checks which files in paths exists. Args: repository_ctx: the repository_ctx paths: a list of paths bash_bin: path to the bash interpreter Returns: Returns a list of Bool. True means that the path at the same position in the paths list exists. """ if bash_bin == None: bash_bin = get_bash_bin(repository_ctx) cmd_tpl = "[ -e \"%s\" ] && echo True || echo False" cmds = [cmd_tpl % path for path in paths] cmd = " ; ".join(cmds) stdout = execute(repository_ctx, [bash_bin, "-c", cmd]).stdout.strip() return [val == "True" for val in stdout.splitlines()] def realpath(repository_ctx, path, bash_bin = None): """Returns the result of "realpath path". Args: repository_ctx: the repository_ctx path: a path on the file system bash_bin: path to the bash interpreter Returns: Returns the result of "realpath path" """ if bash_bin == None: bash_bin = get_bash_bin(repository_ctx) return execute(repository_ctx, [bash_bin, "-c", "realpath \"%s\"" % path]).stdout.strip() def err_out(result): """Returns stderr if set, else stdout. This function is a workaround for a bug in RBE where stderr is returned as stdout. Instead of using result.stderr use err_out(result) instead. Args: result: the exec_result. Returns: The stderr if set, else stdout """ if len(result.stderr) == 0: return result.stdout return result.stderr def config_repo_label(config_repo, target): """Construct a label from config_repo and target. This function exists to ease the migration from preconfig to remote config. In preconfig the TF_*_CONFIG_REPO environ variables are set to packages in the main repo while in remote config they will point to remote repositories. Args: config_repo: a remote repository or package. target: a target Returns: A label constructed from config_repo and target. """ if config_repo.startswith("@") and not config_repo.find("//") > 0: # remote config is being used. return Label(config_repo + "//" + target) elif target.startswith(":"): return Label(config_repo + target) else: return Label(config_repo + "/" + target)