#!/usr/bin/env python import os import sys import tempfile from subprocess import call CPU_CXX_COMPILER = ('%{host_cxx_compiler}') CPU_C_COMPILER = ('%{host_c_compiler}') CURRENT_DIR = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) TRISYCL_INCLUDE_DIR = CURRENT_DIR + '/../sycl/include' def main(): compiler_flags = [] remove_flags = ('-Wl,--no-undefined', '-Wno-unused-but-set-variable', '-Wignored-attributes', '-fno-exceptions') # remove -fsamotoze-coverage from string with g++ if 'g++' in CPU_CXX_COMPILER: remove_flags += ('-fsanitize-coverage',) compiler_flags += ['-fopenmp'] else: compiler_flags += ['-fopenmp=libomp'] compiler_flags += [ flag for flag in sys.argv[1:] if not flag.startswith(remove_flags) ] output_file_index = compiler_flags.index('-o') + 1 output_file_name = compiler_flags[output_file_index] if (output_file_index == 1): # we are linking return call([CPU_CXX_COMPILER] + compiler_flags + ['-Wl,--no-undefined']) # find what we compile compiling_cpp = 0 if ('-c' in compiler_flags): compiled_file_index = compiler_flags.index('-c') + 1 compiled_file_name = compiler_flags[compiled_file_index] if (compiled_file_name.endswith(('.cc', '.c++', '.cpp', '.CPP', '.C', '.cxx'))): compiling_cpp = 1 debug_flags = [ '-DTRISYCL_DEBUG', '-DBOOST_LOG_DYN_LINK', '-DTRISYCL_TRACE_KERNEL', '-lpthread', '-lboost_log', '-g', '-rdynamic' ] opt_flags = ['-DNDEBUG', '-DBOOST_DISABLE_ASSERTS', '-O3'] compiler_flags = compiler_flags + [ '-DEIGEN_USE_SYCL=1', '-DEIGEN_HAS_C99_MATH', '-DEIGEN_MAX_ALIGN_BYTES=16', '-DTENSORFLOW_USE_SYCL' ] + opt_flags if (compiling_cpp == 1): # create a denylist of folders that will be skipped when compiling # with triSYCL skip_extensions = ['.cu.cc'] skip_folders = [ 'tensorflow/compiler', 'tensorflow/docs_src', 'tensorflow/tensorboard', 'third_party', 'external', 'hexagon' ] skip_folders = [(folder + '/') for folder in skip_folders] # if compiling external project skip triSYCL if any( compiled_file_name.endswith(_ext) for _ext in skip_extensions) or any( _folder in output_file_name for _folder in skip_folders): return call([CPU_CXX_COMPILER] + compiler_flags) host_compiler_flags = [ '-xc++', '-Wno-unused-variable', '-I', TRISYCL_INCLUDE_DIR ] + compiler_flags x = call([CPU_CXX_COMPILER] + host_compiler_flags) return x else: # compile for C return call([CPU_C_COMPILER] + compiler_flags) if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())