github-classroom[bot] 1122cdd8b0
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2023-10-09 11:37:31 +00:00

404 lines
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"""Repository rule for NCCL."""
load("@local_config_cuda//cuda:build_defs.bzl", "cuda_default_copts", "cuda_gpu_architectures")
load("@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:toolchain_utils.bzl", "find_cpp_toolchain")
def _gen_device_srcs_impl(ctx):
ops = ["sum", "prod", "min", "max"]
types = ["i8", "u8", "i32", "u32", "i64", "u64", "f16", "f32", "f64"]
hdr_tail = "****************************************/"
defines = "\n\n#define NCCL_OP %d\n#define NCCL_TYPE %d"
files = []
for NCCL_OP, op in enumerate(ops):
for NCCL_TYPE, dt in enumerate(types):
substitutions = {
hdr_tail: hdr_tail + defines % (NCCL_OP, NCCL_TYPE),
for src in ctx.files.srcs:
name = "%s_%s_%s" % (op, dt, src.basename)
file = ctx.actions.declare_file(name, sibling = src)
output = file,
template = src,
substitutions = substitutions,
return [DefaultInfo(files = depset(files))]
gen_device_srcs = rule(
implementation = _gen_device_srcs_impl,
attrs = {
"srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files = True),
"""Adds prefix to each file name in srcs and adds #define NCCL_OP."""
def _rdc_copts():
"""Returns copts for compiling relocatable device code."""
# The global functions can not have a lower register count than the
# device functions. This is enforced by setting a fixed register count.
# https://github.com/NVIDIA/nccl/blob/f93fe9bfd94884cec2ba711897222e0df5569a53/makefiles/common.mk#L48
maxrregcount = "-maxrregcount=96"
return cuda_default_copts() + select({
"@local_config_cuda//cuda:using_nvcc": [
"ptxas-options=" + maxrregcount,
"@local_config_cuda//cuda:using_clang": [
"//conditions:default": [],
def _lookup_file(filegroup, path):
"""Extracts file at (relative) path in filegroup."""
for file in filegroup.files:
if file.path.endswith(path):
return file
return None
def _pic_only(files):
"""Returns the PIC files if there are any in 'files', otherwise 'files'."""
pic_only = [f for f in files if f.basename.find(".pic.") >= 0]
return pic_only if pic_only else files
def _device_link_impl(ctx):
if not ctx.attr.gpu_archs:
fail("No GPU architecture specified. NCCL requires --config=cuda or similar.")
inputs = []
for dep in ctx.attr.deps:
inputs += dep.files.to_list()
inputs = _pic_only(inputs)
# Device-link to cubins for each architecture.
name = ctx.attr.name
register_h = None
cubins = []
images = []
for arch in ctx.attr.gpu_archs:
arch = arch.replace("compute_", "sm_") # PTX is JIT-linked at runtime.
cubin = ctx.actions.declare_file("%s_%s.cubin" % (name, arch))
register_h = ctx.actions.declare_file("%s_register_%s.h" % (name, arch))
outputs = [register_h, cubin],
inputs = inputs,
executable = ctx.file._nvlink,
arguments = ctx.attr.nvlink_args + [
"--arch=%s" % arch,
"--register-link-binaries=%s" % register_h.path,
"--output-file=%s" % cubin.path,
] + [file.path for file in inputs],
mnemonic = "nvlink",
images.append("--image=profile=%s,file=%s" % (arch, cubin.path))
# Generate fatbin header from all cubins.
tmp_fatbin = ctx.actions.declare_file("%s.fatbin" % name)
fatbin_h = ctx.actions.declare_file("%s_fatbin.h" % name)
bin2c = ctx.file._bin2c
arguments_list = [
"--create=%s" % tmp_fatbin.path,
"--embedded-fatbin=%s" % fatbin_h.path,
if %{use_bin2c_path}:
arguments_list.append("--bin2c-path=%s" % bin2c.dirname)
outputs = [tmp_fatbin, fatbin_h],
inputs = cubins,
executable = ctx.file._fatbinary,
arguments = arguments_list + images,
tools = [bin2c],
mnemonic = "fatbinary",
# Generate the source file #including the headers generated above.
output = ctx.outputs.out,
template = ctx.file._link_stub,
substitutions = {
"REGISTERLINKBINARYFILE": '"%s"' % register_h.short_path,
"FATBINFILE": '"%s"' % fatbin_h.short_path,
return [DefaultInfo(files = depset([register_h, fatbin_h]))]
_device_link = rule(
implementation = _device_link_impl,
attrs = {
"deps": attr.label_list(),
"out": attr.output(mandatory = True),
"gpu_archs": attr.string_list(),
"nvlink_args": attr.string_list(),
"_nvlink": attr.label(
default = Label("@local_config_cuda//cuda:cuda/bin/nvlink"),
allow_single_file = True,
executable = True,
cfg = "host",
"_fatbinary": attr.label(
default = Label("@local_config_cuda//cuda:cuda/bin/fatbinary"),
allow_single_file = True,
executable = True,
cfg = "host",
"_bin2c": attr.label(
default = Label("@local_config_cuda//cuda:cuda/bin/bin2c"),
allow_single_file = True,
executable = True,
cfg = "host",
"_link_stub": attr.label(
default = Label("@local_config_cuda//cuda:cuda/bin/crt/link.stub"),
allow_single_file = True,
"""Links device code and generates source code for kernel registration."""
def _prune_relocatable_code_impl(ctx):
"""Clears __nv_relfatbin section containing relocatable device code."""
empty_file = ctx.actions.declare_file(ctx.attr.name + "__nv_relfatbin")
ctx.actions.write(empty_file, "")
# Parse 'objcopy --version' and update section if it's at least v2.26.
# Otherwise, simply copy the file without changing it.
# TODO(csigg): version parsing is brittle, can we do better?
command = r"""
objcopy=$1 \
section=$2 \
input=$3 \
output=$4 \
args="" \
pattern='([0-9])\.([0-9]+)'; \
if [[ $($objcopy --version) =~ $pattern ]] && { \
[ ${BASH_REMATCH[1]} -gt 2 ] || \
[ ${BASH_REMATCH[2]} -ge 26 ]; }; then \
args="--update-section __nv_relfatbin=$section"; \
fi; \
$objcopy $args $input $output
cc_toolchain = find_cpp_toolchain(ctx)
outputs = []
for src in ctx.files.srcs:
out = ctx.actions.declare_file("pruned_" + src.basename, sibling = src)
inputs = [empty_file] + ctx.files.srcs, # + ctx.files._crosstool,
outputs = [out],
arguments = [
command = command,
return DefaultInfo(files = depset(outputs))
_prune_relocatable_code = rule(
implementation = _prune_relocatable_code_impl,
attrs = {
"srcs": attr.label_list(mandatory = True, allow_files = True),
"_cc_toolchain": attr.label(
default = "@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:current_cc_toolchain",
# "_crosstool": attr.label_list(
# cfg = "host",
# default = ["@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:crosstool"]
# ),
def _merge_archive_impl(ctx):
# Generate an mri script to the merge archives in srcs and pass it to 'ar'.
# See https://stackoverflow.com/a/23621751.
files = _pic_only(ctx.files.srcs)
mri_script = "create " + ctx.outputs.out.path
for f in files:
mri_script += r"\naddlib " + f.path
mri_script += r"\nsave\nend"
cc_toolchain = find_cpp_toolchain(ctx)
inputs = ctx.files.srcs, # + ctx.files._crosstool,
outputs = [ctx.outputs.out],
command = "echo -e \"%s\" | %s -M" % (mri_script, cc_toolchain.ar_executable),
_merge_archive = rule(
implementation = _merge_archive_impl,
attrs = {
"srcs": attr.label_list(mandatory = True, allow_files = True),
"_cc_toolchain": attr.label(
default = "@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:current_cc_toolchain",
# "_crosstool": attr.label_list(
# cfg = "host",
# default = ["@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:crosstool"]
# ),
outputs = {"out": "lib%{name}.a"},
"""Merges srcs into a single archive."""
def cuda_rdc_library(name, hdrs = None, copts = None, linkstatic = True, **kwargs):
r"""Produces a cuda_library using separate compilation and linking.
CUDA separate compilation and linking allows device function calls across
translation units. This is different from the normal whole program
compilation where each translation unit contains all device code. For more
background, see
During separate compilation, the different CUDA source files are compiled
to 'relocatable device code' (RDC) and embedded in the host object files.
When using nvcc, linking the device code for each supported GPU
architecture and generating kernel registration code for the CUDA runtime
is handled automatically. Clang supports generating relocatable device
code, but it can't link it. We therefore rely on tools provided by the CUDA
SDK to link the device code and generate the host code to register the
The nvlink tool extracts the RDC code from the object files and links it
into cubin files, one per GPU architecture. It also produces a header file
with a list of kernel names to register. The cubins are merged into a
binary blob using the fatbinary tool, and converted to a C header file with
the help of the bin2c tool. The registration header file, the fatbinary
header file, and the link.stub file (shipped with the CUDA SDK) are
compiled as ordinary host code.
Here is a diagram of the CUDA separate compilation trajectory:
x.cu.cc y.cu.cc
\ / cc_library (compile RDC and archive)
/ \ * nvlink
register.h xy.cubin
: | * fatbinary and bin2c
: xy.fatbin.h
: : * #include
dlink.cc * Expanded from crt/dlink.stub template
| cc_library (host compile and archive)
The steps marked with '*' are implemented in the _device_link rule.
The intermediate relocatable device code in xy.a is no longer needed at
this point and the corresponding section is replaced with an empty one using
objcopy. We do not remove the section completely because it is referenced by
relocations, and removing those as well breaks fatbin registration.
The object files in both xy.a and dlink.a reference symbols defined in the
other archive. The separate archives are a side effect of using two
cc_library targets to implement a single compilation trajectory. We could
fix this once bazel supports C++ sandwich. For now, we just merge the two
archives to avoid unresolved symbols:
| objcopy --update-section __nv_relfatbin=''
dlink.a xy_pruned.a
\ / merge archive
| cc_library (or alternatively, cc_import)
final target
Another complication is that cc_library produces (depending on the
configuration) both PIC and non-PIC archives, but the distinction
is hidden from Starlark until C++ sandwich becomes available. We work
around this by dropping the non-PIC files if PIC files are available.
name: Target name.
hdrs: Header files.
copts: Compiler options.
linkstatic: Must be true.
**kwargs: Any other arguments.
if not hdrs:
hdrs = []
if not copts:
copts = []
# Compile host and device code into library.
lib = name + "_lib"
name = lib,
hdrs = hdrs,
copts = _rdc_copts() + copts,
linkstatic = linkstatic,
# Generate source file containing linked device code.
dlink_hdrs = name + "_dlink_hdrs"
dlink_cc = name + "_dlink.cc"
name = dlink_hdrs,
deps = [lib],
out = dlink_cc,
gpu_archs = cuda_gpu_architectures(),
nvlink_args = select({
"@org_tensorflow//tensorflow:linux_x86_64": ["--cpu-arch=X86_64"],
"@org_tensorflow//tensorflow:linux_ppc64le": ["--cpu-arch=PPC64LE"],
"//conditions:default": [],
# Compile the source file into a library.
dlink = name + "_dlink"
name = dlink,
srcs = [dlink_cc],
textual_hdrs = [dlink_hdrs],
deps = [
defines = [
# Silence warning about including internal header.
# Macros that need to be defined starting with CUDA 10.
linkstatic = linkstatic,
# Remove intermediate relocatable device code.
pruned = name + "_pruned"
name = pruned,
srcs = [lib],
# Repackage the two libs into a single archive. This is required because
# both libs reference symbols defined in the other one. For details, see
# https://eli.thegreenplace.net/2013/07/09/library-order-in-static-linking
merged = name + "_merged"
name = merged,
srcs = [pruned, dlink],
# Create cc target from archive.
name = name,
srcs = [merged],
hdrs = hdrs,
linkstatic = linkstatic,