github-classroom[bot] 1122cdd8b0
Initial commit
2023-10-09 11:37:31 +00:00

94 lines
4.4 KiB (Stored with Git LFS)

#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import sys
import tempfile
from subprocess import call, Popen, PIPE
CPU_CXX_COMPILER = ('%{host_cxx_compiler}')
CPU_C_COMPILER = ('%{host_c_compiler}')
CURRENT_DIR = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
def main():
remove_flags = ('-Wl,--no-undefined', '-Wno-unused-but-set-variable', '-Wignored-attributes')
# remove -fsanitize-coverage from string with g++
if 'g++' in CPU_CXX_COMPILER:
remove_flags += ('-fsanitize-coverage',)
compiler_flags = [flag for flag in sys.argv[1:] if not flag.startswith(remove_flags)]
output_file_index = compiler_flags.index('-o') + 1
output_file_name = compiler_flags[output_file_index]
if output_file_index == 1:
# we are linking
return call([CPU_CXX_COMPILER] + compiler_flags + ['-Wl,--no-undefined'])
# find what we compile
compiling_cpp = False
if '-c' in compiler_flags:
compiled_file_index = compiler_flags.index('-c') + 1
compiled_file_name = compiler_flags[compiled_file_index]
compiling_cpp = compiled_file_name.endswith(('.cc', '.c++', '.cpp', '.CPP', '.C', '.cxx'))
# add -D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0 to the command line if you have custom installation of GCC/Clang
compiler_flags = compiler_flags + ['-DEIGEN_USE_SYCL=1', '-DTENSORFLOW_USE_SYCL', '-DEIGEN_HAS_C99_MATH']
if not compiling_cpp:
# compile for C
return call([CPU_C_COMPILER] + compiler_flags)
# create a denylist of folders that will be skipped when compiling with ComputeCpp
skip_extensions = [".cu.cc"]
skip_folders = ["tensorflow/compiler", "tensorflow/docs_src", "third_party", "external", "hexagon"]
skip_folders = [(folder + '/') for folder in skip_folders]
# if compiling external project skip computecpp
if any(compiled_file_name.endswith(_ext) for _ext in skip_extensions) or any(_folder in output_file_name for _folder in skip_folders):
return call([CPU_CXX_COMPILER] + compiler_flags)
# this is an optimisation that will check if compiled file has to be compiled with ComputeCpp
flags_without_output = list(compiler_flags)
del flags_without_output[output_file_index] # remove output_file_name
del flags_without_output[output_file_index - 1] # remove '-o'
# create preprocessed of the file and store it for later use
pipe = Popen([CPU_CXX_COMPILER] + flags_without_output + ["-E"], stdout=PIPE)
preprocessed_file_str = pipe.communicate()[0]
if pipe.returncode != 0:
return pipe.returncode
# check if it has parallel_for in it
if not '.parallel_for' in preprocessed_file_str:
# call CXX compiler like usual
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".ii") as preprocessed_file: # Force '.ii' extension so that g++ does not preprocess the file again
compiler_flags[compiled_file_index] = preprocessed_file.name
return call([CPU_CXX_COMPILER] + compiler_flags)
del preprocessed_file_str # save some memory as this string can be quite big
filename, file_extension = os.path.splitext(output_file_name)
bc_out = filename + '.sycl'
# strip asan for the device
computecpp_device_compiler_flags = ['-sycl-compress-name', '-Wno-unused-variable', '-Wno-c++11-narrowing',
'-std=c++11', '-sycl', '-emit-llvm', '-no-serial-memop',
'-Xclang', '-cl-denorms-are-zero', '-Xclang', '-cl-fp32-correctly-rounded-divide-sqrt']
# disable flags enabling SIMD instructions
computecpp_device_compiler_flags += [flag for flag in compiler_flags if \
not any(x in flag.lower() for x in ('-fsanitize', '-fno-canonical-system-headers', '=native', '=core2', 'msse', 'vectorize', 'mavx', 'mmmx', 'm3dnow', 'fma'))]
x = call([COMPUTECPP_DRIVER] + computecpp_device_compiler_flags)
if x == 0:
# dont want that in case of compiling with computecpp first
host_compiler_flags = [flag for flag in compiler_flags if (not flag.startswith(('-MF', '-MD',)) and not '.d' in flag)]
host_compiler_flags[host_compiler_flags.index('-c')] = "--include"
host_compiler_flags = ['-xc++', '-Wno-unused-variable', '-I', COMPUTECPP_INCLUDE, '-c', bc_out] + host_compiler_flags
x = call([CPU_CXX_COMPILER] + host_compiler_flags)
return x
if __name__ == '__main__':