import joblib import numpy as np from keras import models import scipy.stats # Import the accuracy of both models e_a = 0.7733333110809326 # without augmentation e_b = 0.8999999761581421 # with data augmentation # # of data points in both test sets L = 300 # Compute classification variance for both models s_a = e_a * (1 - e_a) s_b = e_b * (1 - e_b) # Compute Student's T-test T = (e_a - e_b) / np.sqrt((s_a / L) + (s_b / L)) print("T test:\t\t\t %1.06f" % T) print("P-value:\t\t %1.06f" % (scipy.stats.t.sf(abs(T), df=L) * 2)) print("No aug variance:\t %1.06f" % s_a) print("With aug variance:\t %1.06f" % s_b)