# Assignment 2 In this assignment you are asked to: 1. Implement a neural network to classify images from the CIFAR10 dataset; 2. Fine-tune a pre-trained neural network to classify rock, paper, scissors hand gestures. Both requests are very similar to what we have seen during the labs. However, you are required to follow **exactly** the assignment's specifications. Once completed, please submit your solution on the iCorsi platform following the instructions below. ## Tasks ### T1. Follow our recipe Implement a multi-class classifier to identify the subject of the images from [CIFAR-10](https://www.cs.toronto.edu/%7Ekriz/cifar.html) data set. To simply the problem, we restrict the classes to 3: `airplane`, `automobile` and `bird`. 1. Download and load CIFAR-10 dataset using the following [function](https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/keras/datasets/cifar10/load_data), and consider only the first three classes. Check `src/utils.py`, there is already a function for this! 2. Preprocess the data: - Normalize each pixel of each channel so that the range is [0, 1]; - Create one-hot encoding of the labels. 3. Build a neural network with the following architecture: - Convolutional layer, with 8 filters of size 5 by 5, stride of 1 by 1, and ReLU activation; - Max pooling layer, with pooling size of 2 by 2; - Convolutional layer, with 16 filters of size 3 by 3, stride of 2 by 2, and ReLU activation; - Average pooling layer, with pooling size of 2 by 2; - Layer to convert the 2D feature maps to vectors (Flatten layer); - Dense layer with 8 neurons and tanh activation; - Dense output layer with softmax activation; 4. Train the model on the training set from point 1 for 500 epochs: - Use the RMSprop optimization algorithm, with a learning rate of 0.003 and a batch size of 128; - Use categorical cross-entropy as a loss function; - Implement early stopping, monitoring the validation accuracy of the model with a patience of 10 epochs and use 20% of the training data as validation set; - When early stopping kicks in, and the training procedure stops, restore the best model found during training. 5. Draw a plot with epochs on the x-axis and with two graphs: the train accuracy and the validation accuracy (remember to add a legend to distinguish the two graphs!). 6. Assess the performances of the network on the test set loaded in point 1, and provide an estimate of the classification accuracy that you expect on new and unseen images. 7. **Bonus** (Optional) Tune the learning rate and the number of neurons in the last dense hidden layer with a **grid search** to improve the performances (if feasible). - Consider the following options for the two hyper-parameters (4 models in total): + learning rate: [0.01, 0.0001] + number of neurons: [16, 64] - Keep all the other hyper-parameters as in point 3. - Perform a grid search on the chosen ranges based on hold-out cross-validation in the training set and identify the most promising hyper-parameter setup. - Compare the accuracy on the test set achieved by the most promising configuration with that of the model obtained in point 4. Are the accuracy levels statistically different? ### T2. Transfer learning In this task, we will fine-tune the last layer of a pretrained model in order to build a classifier for the rock, paper, scissors dataset that we acquired for the lab. The objective is to make use of the experience collected on a task to bootstrap the performances on a different task. We are going to use the VGG16 network, pretrained on Imagenet to compete in the ILSVRC-2014 competition. VGG16 is very expensive to train from scratch, but luckily the VGG team publicly released the trained weights of the network, so that people could use it for transfer learning. As we discussed during classes, this can be achieved by removing the last fully connected layers form the pretrained model and by using the output of the convolutional layers (with freezed weights) as input to a new fully connected network. This last part of the model is then trained from scratch on the task of interest. 1. Use `keras` to download a pretrained version of the `vgg16` network. You can start from this snippet of code: ```python from tensorflow.keras import applications # since VGG16 was trained on high-resolution images using a low resolution might not be a good idea img_h, img_w = 224, 224 # Build the VGG16 network and download pre-trained weights and remove the last dense layers. vgg16 = applications.VGG16(weights='imagenet', include_top=False, input_shape=(img_h, img_w, 3)) # Freezes the network weights vgg16.trainable = False # Now you can use vgg16 as you would use any other layer. # Example: net = Sequential() net.add(vgg16) net.add(Flatten()) net.add(Dense(...)) ... ``` 2. Download and preprocess the rock, paper, scissor dataset that we collected for the lab. - You find the functions to download and build the dataset in `src/utils.py`. - Vgg16 provides a function to prepropress the input (`applications.vgg16.preprocess_input`). You may decide to use it. - Use 224x224 as image dimension. 4. Add a hidden layer (use any number of units and the activation function that you want), then add an output layer suitable for the hand gesture classification problem. 6. Train with and without data augmentation and report the learning curves (train and validation accuracy) for both cases. - Turn on the GPU environment on Colab, otherwise training will be slow. - Train for 50 epochs or until convergence. - Comment if using data augmentation led to an improvement or not. ## Instructions ### Tools Your solution must be entirely coded in **Python 3** ([not Python 2](https://python3statement.org/)). We recommend to use Keras from TensorFlow2 that we seen in the labs, so that you can reuse the code in there as reference. All the required tasks can be completed using Keras. On the [documentation page](https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/keras/) there is a useful search field that allows you to smoothly find what you are looking for. You can develop your code in Colab, where you have access to a GPU, or you can install the libraries on your machine and develop locally. ### Submission In order to complete the assignment, you must submit a zip file named `as2_surname_name.zip` on the iCorsi platform containing: 1. A report in `.pdf` format containing the plots and comments of the two tasks. You can use the `.tex` source code provided in the repo (not mandatory). 2. The two best models you find for both the tasks (one per task). By default, the keras function to save the model outputs a folder with several files inside. If you prefer a more compact solution, just append `.h5` at the end of the name you use to save the model to end up with a single file. 3. A working example `run_task1.py` that loads the test set in CIFAR-10 dataset, preprocesses the data, loads the trained model from file and evaluate the accuracy. In case you completed the bonus point, turn in the model with the highest accuracy. 3. A working example `run_task2.py` that loads the test set of the rock, paper, scissors dataset, preprocesses the data, loads the trained model from file and evaluate the accuracy. 4. A folder `src` with all the source code you used to build, train, and evaluate your models. The zip file should eventually looks like as follows ``` as2_surname_name/ report_surname_name.pdf deliverable/ run_task1.py run_task2.py nn_task1/ # or any other file storing the model from task T1, e.g., nn_task1.h5 nn_task2/ # or any other file storing the model from task T2, e.g., nn_task2.h5 src/ file1.py file2.py ... ``` ### Evaluation criteria You will get a positive evaluation if: - your code runs out of the box (i.e., without needing to change your code to evaluate the assignment); - your code is properly commented; - the performance assessment is conducted appropriately; You will get a negative evaluation if: - we realize that you copied your solution; - your code requires us to edit things manually in order to work; - you did not follow our detailed instructions in tasks T1 and T2. Bonus parts are optional and are not required to achieve the maximum grade, however they can grant you extra points.