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Claudio Maggioni ec1c8b1dcd Inital commin
2018-12-10 20:36:10 +01:00

47 lines
1.1 KiB

" An example for a vimrc file.
" Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar <>
" Last change: 2017 Sep 20
" To use it, copy it to
" for Unix and OS/2: ~/.vimrc
" for Amiga: s:.vimrc
" for MS-DOS and Win32: $VIM\_vimrc
" for OpenVMS: sys$login:.vimrc
" set relative line numbers
set number relativenumber
" set highlighting and continous search
set hlsearch incsearch
" clear search with F2
nnoremap <F2> noh
" show n-column limiter when textwidth is set
set colorcolumn=+1
if has("vms")
set nobackup " do not keep a backup file, use versions instead
set backup " keep a backup file (restore to previous version)
if has('persistent_undo')
set undofile " keep an undo file (undo changes after closing)
" Only do this part when compiled with support for autocommands.
if has("autocmd")
" Put these in an autocmd group, so that we can delete them easily.
augroup vimrcEx
" For all text files set 'textwidth' to 78 characters.
autocmd FileType text setlocal textwidth=78
augroup END
set autoindent " always set autoindenting on
endif " has("autocmd")