You find yourself at the mouth of a cave and decide that in spite of common sense and any sense of self preservation that you're going to go exploring north into it. It's a little dark, but luckily there are some torches on the wall. >e Can't go that way. >N Error >n *stumble* need some light... >i Inventory: empty >take torch Item torch added to inventory. >i Inventory: torch >n A huge cavern surrounds you with a locked door to the north, a chest in the center, and a very dark corner... >read torch next to a small button it reads "push for big flame" >turn on torch You activate the torch. the torch has erupted into a menacing inferno You see a gnome in the dark corner... watching you with its super pointy hat... >turn on torch You activate the torch. the torch has erupted into a menacing inferno >n lock needs a key... not to mention you don't want to get too close to that side of the room... there's something in that corner... >attack gnome with torch Error >attack gnome with hand Error >attack gnome with face! Error >w Can't go that way. >read chest Error >attack chest with torch Error >open chest chest contains explosive. >Excellent! Error >open chest chest contains explosive. >take explosive Item explosive added to inventory. >open chest chest is empty >i Inventory: explosive, torch >attack gnome with explosive Error >read explosive turn on for boom :-). Warning! Keep away from gnomes! >turn on explosive You activate the explosive. you hear ticking... >put explosive in chest Item explosive added to chest. >attack gnome with explosive Error >take dynamite Error >take explosive Item explosive added to inventory. >attack gnome with explosive You assault the gnome with the explosive. A tiny squeek is uttered from the tiny and, although scary looking, quite innocent creature before it vanishes in a very loud explosion. Tragic, but you find he was sitting on a key! >take key Item key added to inventory. >drop key key dropped. >take key Item key added to inventory. >put key in lock Item key added to lock. The lock drops off and the door opens >n You found the exit! >open exit Game Over